What Is A ~Maker?~ Are *You* One?

in #story6 years ago (edited)

"Humans do two things that make us unique from all other animals; we use tools and we tell stories. And when you make something, you’re doing both at once."
- Adam Savage -

You may be a maker and not realize it yet.

Making things is a natural human activity. But some of us have a stronger than average drive to design and make things. That drive may push us beyond just cooking dinner or making a bed.


Making in progress... ~ Image courtesy of m0851

I was reminded of something recently.

My friend @matthewdavid mentioned the enjoyment he gets from fixing things:

"I like doing computer repair, fixing broken things and making them work again."- Ref.

His comment reminded me that I probably got started making things by fixing my mom's toasters and cameras. I found disassembling mechanical and electrical devices fascinating. It was like solving a puzzle. I had to figure out how the device was supposed to work.

Once I understood the design, I could usually discover what was preventing it from working properly. Nine times out of ten, that turned out to be dirt that had "gummed up the works."


I'd fix Mom's toasters ~ Image courtesy of PublicDomainPictures

I love making things.

I think that love is probably part of how Jesus/God wired my brain. There is something about working with my hands that I find both enjoyable while I'm working and deeply satisfying when I see the results.

Do you love to make things? Are you happiest when you're painting, or molding a pot, or building some shelves? Do you design buildings on the back of napkins? Were you the kid with the biggest set of Legos? Do you still build houses in Minecraft?

Maybe you sketch dress designs in the margins of your notebook, or construct elaborate sand castles at the beach.

Maybe you are a maker.


Maybe you make custom candles ~ Image courtesy of Tony Zhu

Makers come in all varieties.

You may make pies. You might tie-die clothing. Perhaps you build furniture, or maybe robots, or sketch scenes from distant galaxies.

Souping up engines might be your thing. Maybe you restore old cars, or breathe new life into antique clocks. Maybe it's candle making, or weaving that you love. If you have a maker's drive, eventually you'll find just the right outlet. If you're really creative, perhaps you'll invent your own new and unique creative art, or consumer product niche.

Here's some ways I make things:

  • I write computer software and firmware
  • I design electronic hardware circuits
  • I lay out circuit board patterns
  • I design custom cases for products
  • I use 3D modeling software to design a broad variety of things
  • I employ 3D printing to make cases, products, and tools
  • I invent novel devices in multiple fields
  • I design games and fabrication processes
  • I design and create complex theater props
  • I carve hardwood into functional sculptures

I'm sure that I'll add to this list as other forgotten projects come to mind, because there are so many things that I make or have made. I love to share my creative thought processes and design ideas. I hope "the maker in you" will find some inspiration and encouragement when I do.

But what about you?

What do you design and make? What keeps you awake at night, when the muse strikes without warning?

I want to learn about the things you make. I want to know why they are special and unique to you.

Will you share some with me?

Say "hello" in a comment below, and let me know what drives you to make things. Share your links and photos. Let's spur one another on to greater things.



Hand operated loom. ~ Image courtesy of MBatty

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

An interesting post, @creatr - I'm not good with my hands - well, I used to be good with a hockey stick, and fighting - not proud of that. But I am good at making things out of words. The satisfaction is akin to what Faulkner said in his Nobel Prize speech - it's the joy of creating from the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. In a way, I'm like God in a small sense, but like Him, I'm also good at making people cry :)

"...the joy of creating from the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before."

That is indeed a great joy, whether made with words or with hands. When we do these things, we are indeed reflecting the creative nature of our Creator.

And we cling to the promise that, one day before too long, He Himself shall wipe all those tears away... :D

Because we are made in God's image, we have a natural gene to be some type of maker or have creating abilities. Often times this is exhibited out of necessity. Thanks my friend and a Happy Thanksgiving @creatr

Thanks, Troy.

Happy thanksgiving to you too! :)

The main thing I really like to use my hands for is writing stories. Never been mechanically inclined. I tried building model airplanes a few times like my dad and brother; found it tedious and boring.

I'd rather be lost in abstract thinking of possibilities than getting down to the nitty gritty of hands on stuff. That's just from a purely entertainment standpoint, stuff that needs to get needs to get done.
But I will say, once I do stuff around the house or build something, it is a nice feeling of accomplishment, just not my preference.

The article gave me a lot of food for thought @creatr :)

Hi, @cizzo!

Thanks a lot for stopping in and sharing your outlook on making. Indeed, writing stories is a form of making, and perhaps one of the highest. Telling stories was one of Jesus' most significant tools when teaching.

I too enjoy abstract thinking, but I've found that when I am working with my hands, my mind can really rest in a unique and almost magical place... ;)

Cheers, my friend! :D

When My Wife , goes to Gym on a Wednesday , her Miniature Dog, Zen , tells me a long complaining Story, just he does not speak english?

LOL! :)

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