I Am a Minnow

in #story6 years ago (edited)

One moment ago I was a redfish/plankton. Now I have become a minnow. YES!!!

This is the moment I have been waiting for and excited about in the last few days.

Yesterday I took my last swim in the redfish/plankton kiddie pool of Steemit ocean and thought about my 108 days Steemit journey. When I first signed up, I didn't know anyone except two friends who were also starting with zero.

In the first 54 days, I had earned an awesome 3 Steem while trying to figure out how this thing works. I wonder how many new redfish/plankton would have given up without seeing any immediate results. I am just so glad that I didn't give up even though it was not working for me in the beginning.

As I started to meet new people and engage with them in conversation, I found some very nice people who are willing to share their knowledge and help new people like me. They have helped me to be persistent in my effort.

Two people, in particular, I would like to give thanks to

Thank you @wwf for including me in the Stewards of Terra Mater
Thank you @fulltimegeek for including me in the Stewards of Gondor

Both of you have encouraged me and motivated me to do my best and to give it all by setting perfect examples yourselves. I am forever grateful!

For all my other dear friends, today I am going to swim in a minnow pool, a larger body of water. I am very excited. I am looking forward to knowing you better and to learning more from you. If you are not a minnow yet, I am so looking forward to seeing you become one. I wish you the best and greater success on your Steemit journey.

Together we can make it happen!


WWOWW Congratulations.my best friend @cheneats .. I'm very happy with my heart for you... This encourages me so much to catch up with you....

Thank you, my best friend, @yagoub! Thank you for sharing this special moment with me. I am sure you will join me very soon. Keep posting and commenting!

Oh man!!! Bye bye, we'll miss you. We all hope to be like you when we grow up..

Haha ... you made me laugh so hard. Thank you!!! I hope to see you become a minnow very soon. Keep steemit on!

@cheneats I made a post on the kingdom of the steemitians. I want to continue it but I need criticism first. So please if you have the time you can check the post and give some constructive criticism. Thanks

I read it, my friend. You are very good at storytelling. I am impressed. You can definitely use English better than I can. Thank you so much for sharing.

Thank you very much.

You're very welcome!

Bravo my friend and brother. I am so proud that you accomplished such a wonderful goal. In real life, plankton cannot swim against a current, so they are completely at the whim of the ocean. But now that your avatar has morphed into a minnow, you are now able to get around on your own.

Well done. Time to start practicing your whale breach! lol

Haha ... next goal is the dolphin for sure. Let me see how long it will take before even thinking about the whale, which is on your radar now. :)

Thank you again, my friend and brother, for always being there for me. I really appreciate it.

By the way, I like that meme very much. We are here to forge the relationships that connect us all!

@harvardhomestead helped me with that meme. Feel free to use it as a member of Stewards of Terra Mater!

Keep in mind that dolphins breach too and do all kinds of really cool acrobatics! Whales are big and bulky. Dolphins are sleek and cool!

How is actually scale/ranking going?

  • you start as plankton? Is this the same as red fish?
  • is next minnow? At 500 STEEM? (this 500 STEEM is important goal for me, since at that time you get reward distribution/up vote slider
  • 5,000 Dolphin - I know this one
    So, do you (or anyone) happen to have complete ranking at hand to share?

Ranking of what? All the plankton, minnows, dolphins, orcas and whales? If that is what you are asking, then visit @arcange as he posts stats every day. Here is yesterdays statistics. If you scroll down about 3/4 down his post, you will see the numbers for the different levels.


If you are asking about the Stewards of Terra Mater, than I have a post which keeps track of each members progress.


A plankton is the same as a red fish and that is where everyone starts, unless you buy steem and power up immediately. Yes, minnow is about 500 steem / 1 million vests. Dolphin is just under 5000 steem / 10 million vests. Orca is 100 million vests and Whale is 1 billion vests.

Yes, minnow is about 500 steem / 1 million vests. Dolphin is just under 5000 steem / 10 million vests. Orca is 100 million vests and Whale is 1 billion vests.

Yes, this is what i was asking for, thank you very much!
(Ouch! I'm not even minnow yet, I thought I was, have some work ahead of me to do ;-) )

It is a common misconception as there are many projects on steemit that are there to help people become minnows! :) That means when you start, you are not yet a minnow. Steem ahead!

If you upvote from busy.org. there is a slider there that you can use now. Also, if you post from there, and use busy as one of your tags, busy will upvote your post.

Thanks, will check busy.org. Generally I would like to avoid using my Steemit posting private key on other sites.

You can also use slider here: https://steemworld.org/
It's a site with statistics about your account:

If you scroll down to 'Tools' there is 'Manual Vote' sub menu, where you can copy/paste your posting key and set the percentage vote. But you can only use it for main posts, not for up voting comments.

500 Is just my round number and first more important goal. Plus you finally became Minnow ;-)

I've seen the slider on steemworld, but when I've slid it down, it hasn't changed my upvote. Maybe I just know how to use it. 😕

Congratulations!!! So happy for you. I hope your day is spectacular.

Thank you so much, my dear friend. It is a raining day here but my heart is warm because of so many blessings from people like you. Have a wonderful day!

Thank you. You as well!

Congratulations matey :) i'm on day 35 and loving it :) Couldn't agree more with what @wwf and @fulltimegeek have done by setting a good example and being spiritual role models for all fellow steemians - very humbling and i'm so happy for you :)

Thank you so much, matey ;) I feel that you have been around longer than 35 days. You see - time is relative and slows down on this platform :) You are doing great. I hope to see you join me soon. Steemit on!

Well Mr. Cheneats, congratulations are in order for sure. Let's see how can we best celebrate this wonderful occasion. hmmmm...

Wow ... Strawberry Chocolate Cake ... Balloons ... Fireworks! What a celebration. Thank you so much. <3

I know but I figured it is the least I can do...as I see you kindly upvote my blogs..BTW I slaved all day with that cake

Haha ... thank you. It's always a joy to read your posts. :) By the way, the cake tastes so divine that I can eat it all day long for breakfast, lunch, and dinner ;)

oh my...soon you will be like a panda if you eat cake all day, instead of all your wonderful fruit and vegetable that you grow.

I have Platonic love with your cake so I will look virtually like a panda. ;)

ok...my turn to laugh. :))) hee I have never heard that..Platonic love for cake. I am pretty sure Plantonic love can be just as powerful as Romantic Love ..so be careful...each slice has many calories. Kung Fu Panda

Haha ... what a Kung Fu Panda! Thank you for sharing. :)

Now I have many questions for the wise old Minnow. Considering I am still a little ol red fish flopping around, and the tide is out and I am flopping around in the sand and even smashing into the rocks now and again. What on earth is a Vest, (other than something you wear on top of your shirt). ? I know you need 1 Million of those little critters. So question number 2 how did you get them. What actually makes up a vest.? And I believe you need 500 of something else. would that be steem power. How did you get there. I hope Minnows dont forget about the little red fish. Whales eat us up you know. :))))

Marian, a vest is short for 'investment' and when you power up steem into steem power, it is converted into vests. Right now the rate is about 488 vests per 1 steem. So it takes almost 500 steem to get 1 million vests (investments) into the system. It is the amount of vests (steem power) that you have that determines the value of your votes, the influence you have in the system and whether you are a red-fish, minnow or dolphin. Does that answer both of your questions?

By the way, your book share is friggen hilarious! bwahahaha Thank you for sharing that.

Thank you so much. I know that Cheneats appreciates my silly sense of humour as well. Yes that answers that well ...thank you again.

Haha ... you are absolutely right. We need to work together to reach higher. By the way, only our own (not delegated) steem power (not steem, not steem dollar) counts for us to become a minnow - 489 steem power. I am so much hoping to see you join me soon!

What does that mean as well to be a Minnow, what does that offer you or what does it entail and what is your responsibility in being a minnow.

It's only a number related to your own earned steem power. The differences I see with higher steem power are more people willing to vote on your posts, commenting on your posts, and follow you. All these help you grow faster on this platform. That is the reason why it's an investment to have higher steem power!

Well the first comment was a joke actually. Am glad you made it this far. And you courage too. Most people would have dropped after that much struggle without much success. And now see, the community would have missed all the valuable contribution you've brought into the community. Ride on man, swim higher. Congratulations.

Thank you for your very kind words! "Ride on man, swim higher." And I shall see swim as a minnow soon!

Wow. Congratulations to you my dear sister @cheneats you deserve more than that really
I did it in a short time that reflects your effort and wonderful work
I wish you with all my heart more success and brilliance

Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I wish you the best to become a minnow soon.

Thanks dear @cheneats
I thank you for the support you give me. I do not forget what you did to me with great support. What is your thanks?

You're very welcome. It is my pleasure. <3

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