The Magic Gateway, part 8

in #story7 years ago (edited)


I sat for the entire night with my consciousness connected to the land, the Once and Future King at my side while overhead a red and white dragon circled the Tor. Just as the first rays of the sunrise broke across the sky Arthur stood and with the ancient blade Excalibur, he knighted me accepting me as his knight, to serve the people of the land. As the light grew I felt him fade as he departed back into the mists. I brought myself back into my body and lifted my hands from the ground of the Tor and static electricity crackled between my palms and the ground.
I looked down through the open archway of the old church tower and saw people arriving at the top of the Tor and nervously heading towards me, I recognised Cigarette Man at the head of them. I stood up and walked towards them, stopping short of the tower and watched as some walked through the archway while others swarmed around the tower to get closer to me. The crowd was a mixture of old and young people but all had the same look of wonder on their faces. Finally, Cigarette Man stepped forward with an older woman and man with a long grey beard.
“Er, excuse me Mr Magicman but all these people saw it and they tried to come up during the night but we told ‘em nobody could come up till daybreak.” Cigarette Man said nervously.
“Thank you, and these people would be?” I asked.
“They’re from the local Druids, Wiccans, Red Coven and others who follow similar paths and they all saw the ghost dragons circling the Tor all night.” Cigarette Man said.
“Did you see the dragons too?” I asked.
“Well yes, but me and Billy dropped some acid on our way down after seeing you last night so just thought we were tripping till everyone started turning up. To be honest I’m still tripping my tits off as your shadow on the ground, well it’s not you but the shadow of a guy in armour, like a knight.”
“How did you summon the ghost dragons?” Asked the man with the long beard.
“I didn’t, it was the dragons of the Red and White Springs and they came to pay respects to the one who came to see me last night.”
The crowd began to mutter and some asked who I was.
“The dragon of the Red Spring sleeps, it has for centuries.” Said a voice in the crowd and this was greeted with more people beginning to speak.
I held up a hand and the crowd quickly fell into silence.
“I understand you are all followers of a different path and follow a belief system based around nature. For you all to have seen the dragons shows you have an ability to see into the mists that separate this world from that of the old ways, well that or tripping your tits off.” I said and watched as Cigarette Man went redd as the others gave a nervous laugh.
“The Red dragon was asleep when I walked up the Tor but he awoke for my visitor and the two dragon spirits flew around the Tor all night in celebration of his spirit presence. We are at the start of something, we who hold to nature as sacred, we need to unite and give it protection.”
“A bold plan but look at us,” Said the bearded man, “Less than thirty people from all of Glastonbury saw the dragons and two of those were tripping.”
“I know, that’s why the next move will be something that everyone can see and will be reported across the world.” I declared.
“And what do you plan to do?” A voice asked from the crowd.
“We are going to heal the sick at the sacred springs.” I announced.

To be continued.

(This story I am making up and writing as I go along, each part is being written the night before I post it as I sit with a few glasses of whisky. As yet I have as much idea where it is going as the readers of it.)

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:


Wow, what a nice idea mate!
I'll be reading all your postst about this story.
Unfurtanetly I'm still at work but with a glass of wine I can see me read trough all your chapters of this story!
I'm not the whisky-guy..xD
Cheers and get drunkreative ;)

Thanks, I always find a couple of glasses helps the ideas to flow.

Haha, that is true but there is a sweetspot. After that i just write complete junkshit:-)
It is funny how I came to your blog.
In a comment you were mentioned as a good content creator and then i searched the magic-tag as usual and voila. There you are again.
I'm glad there are more who contribute good content to the magic tag.
Drunkreative should be a new tag don't you think? :-)

Thanks, I'll have to start searching the magic tag and upvoting some posts there.

That would be awesome. The magic community needs a little bit more love:-)
Thanks for your upvote by the way. I'll upvote your comments too if my steempower rises up again.
I can't adjust my votingpower yet or I am too stupid to do it:)

I think you get the vote slidder at about 500 steem power, makes it easier to vote more often.

Ah thanks. That is nice to know. So I'm almost halfway there:)
I really hijacked your post, sorry about that. I'll comment again when i Read your story!

No problem.

Nice post.. Thankyou for sharing @alienbutt

The best stories are those which you have no idea of where they're headed ;)

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