The Fountain Of A Thousand Stories - Part II [ENG-ITA Freewrite]

in #story-300words6 years ago

Dragon's egg in the kitchen by @f3nix

Dear friends, thank you so much for your feedback on the first part of this story. I wrote a sequel mainly for three reasons:

  1. There's a very interesting idea in @swissclive 's last article about Steem as a vanity asset. This tingled my creativity and I wanted to enjoy myself in exploiting this concept (which has a deep socio-economical base) from a fiction perspective.
  2. This is also a freewrite (prompt: pen). You can find more info about the amazing @improv & @mariannewest 's project right here. We freewriters are growing everyday more and building something unique!
  3. The super-cute @brisby 's daughter ! I promised her a sequel and this is the most special reason between all.

English Version

300 words

The Garden abounded in fruit and the water gushed out around Wonnim from flashy fountains. The young man wandered in those colors and perfumes, among water games that seemed to mock him. Although his mind was empty, his stomach was full and his throat quenched.

One day Wonnim watered by chance from a humble tub: it was the mystical Fountain of the Thousand Stories.

Dark. Where was he? A reassuring darkness was enveloping him. The last thing he remembered was the Garden gate. Looking at his wrinkled hands, the hands of an old man, he felt like crying, and instead he fell asleep. Before sleep, Wonnim thought about that darkness, pulsating of life, as a mother's womb.

When he was born, little Elahw's cry seemed like a pleasant laugh. On earth, there was no child more talented than him in storytelling.

Growing up, it was clear that Elahw would become the greatest novelist of all time.
He became fond of Steemit. The whole world followed him and the Earth's breath followed the rhythm of his stories.

Elahw felt himself like the world's emperor. His pen was the hand of destiny and now he no longer had to write such interesting things to be flattered by his many followers.

One day, returning from an important gala, he met a beggar. He felt to remember him from another life. Without knowing why, he thought of a maze. We do not know what the old man told him, but the day after Elahw's articles stopped flowing from Steemit. His many followers had a sob of surprise and bewilderment: he disappeared from the face of the earth.

Along the streets of Stheemia, an elderly beggar appeared on the side of the road. Soon he would have revealed a secret to an ambitious young man.

Versione Italiana

300 parole

Il Giardino abbondava di frutti e l'acqua zampillava festosa attorno a Wonnim dalle appariscenti fontane. Il giovane vagava, immerso in quei colori e profumi, fra giochi acquatici che sembravano deriderlo. Nonostante la sua mente fosse vuota, il suo stomaco era sazio e la gola dissetata.

Passarono decenni, quando un giorno Wonnim si abbeverò per caso da un'umile tinozza: era la mistica Fontana delle Mille Storie.

Buio. Dove si trovava? L'ultima cosa che ricordava era il cancello dei Giardini. Guardando le sue mani rugose, le mani di un vecchio, gli venne da piangere e, invece, si addormentò rannicchiato. Attorno a lui, un'oscurità rassicurante lo avvolgeva. Prima di dormire, Wonnim pensò che quell'oscurità pulsante di vita assomigliava tanto al ventre di una madre.

Appena partorito, il piccolo Elahw si distinse subito per un pianto che sembrava una fragorosa risata. Sulla terra non c'era bimbo più precoce quanto a capacità oratorie.

Crescendo, fu subito chiara la vocazione di Elahw: sarebbe stato il più grande romanziere di tutti i tempi.
Conobbe Steemit e si appassionò. Steemit crebbe e lui ne diventò la bandiera. Tutto il mondo ormai lo seguiva. Il respiro della terra seguiva il ritmo delle sue storie.

Elahw si sentiva l'imperatore del mondo. La sua penna era la mano del destino e ormai non doveva più scrivere cose così interessanti per essere adulato dai tanti ammiratori.

Un giorno, di ritorno da una serata importante, incontrò un mendicante. Gli sembrava di averlo visto quasi in un'altra vita. Senza sapere perchè, pensò ad un labirinto. Non sappiamo cosa gli disse quel vecchio, ma il giorno dopo gli articoli di Elahw smisero di scorrere su Steemit: sembrava scomparso dalla faccia della terra.

Lungo le vie di Stheemia, un anziano mendicante era comparso sul ciglio della strada. Presto avrebbe rivelato un segreto ad un giovane ambizioso.


ohi ohi..... seguo la storia con curiosità

Mi sono apassionato al format fiaba/300 parole; ne avessi di più sarebbe un viaggio dentro il nostro inconscio. E' un piacere ospitarti qui nel mio blog :-)

And now, we have to wait for the next baby with a cry that sounds like laughter! Love it!!

Thanks Marianne! I tried to figure out that cry but then I renounced so glad you enjoyed it ☺️

Great! I love the cliffhanger… ;-)

Thank you @wido :-) The story is circular in my intention.. I meant to finish it where it all started but I'm already understanding that a third episode will do.. welcome to steemit!

Grazie per il dono questo secondo storie! My littlest one asked if it meant that he time traveled. I told her it was more transformation (and explained a bit about "Stheemia") and she said that it was pretty cool but you could have said it easier. 😁 (Sorry @f3nix!)

I loved it, especially where Elahw decided that he didn't need to create worthy stories anymore. Both beautiful and cheeky....

Today I'm performing as a Marianne marionette. Frolicking stringless as I bring today's prompt to you.

Hahaha don't say sorry. . In fact it's a bit tricky for a kid maybe :-) It's a great joy to know that She enjoyed and at least this time she didn't say that Elahw is stupid 😜 well the part you liked is a bit of a critic to the vanity dynamics that you can find in steemit..but also in life.

Ha! That's why I liked it and why I called you cheeky! (I hate when I don't check what I've last copied - you totally caught me peeking!) 😁

Yes i did but i didn't tell you couse im a gentelman 😛 I wore a Marianne mask and you are her marionette hahah.. something tells me that we will have a lot of fun in this prompts introductions!

May as well enjoy our time as we attend to our zoo! 😄

The circle of life? Elahw went in search of the fountain, didn't he?

He actually took the place of the old man..or he was from the beginning in a never ending ouroboros 😉

Ottimo seguito del primo racconto breve! Se possibile hai intricato ancora di più la trama.. cosa pressochè impossibile in sole 300 parole! Ma ci sei riuscito. Complimenti.

Si non so neanche io come ho l'idea era quella. Sicuramente la trama é un po' schiacciata ma pazienza! Grazie del commento, molto apprezzato :-)

Strange story.... but I’m afraid I didn’t fully understand the story. Perhaps something was lost in the translation from Italian? I read it 3 times , but still could not connect the beggar and the secret to the fact that he dissapeared from Steemit. On the other hand there was was an interesting and real-life line:

  • he no longer had to write such interesting things to be flattered by his many followers.

How true this has become for a small number. They have discovered the bots auto-vote everything, so they write quickly taking no care in order to milk rewards.

Thank you @swissclive , comments like yours are priceless because of their being meaningful. They help me analyze my work. Yes you nailed a narrative flaw. I saw people explaining you, with comments longer than the story itself, and honestly I find it a bit pathetic. Since I respect your time, I won't remake the story here. The fact is that there is one - and valid imho - but I simply stretched the 2nd part too much for the 300 words. The sentence you liked was inspired exactely by your article about vanity as a driver/engine of Steem. We could amplify your concept and extend it to human interactions in this liquid contemporary society.

I appreciate your reply very much! Upvoted.

Thank you! 😀

This reminds me some rusty memories of high school philosophy classes: the Nietzsche eternal recurrence.
I know this story is just a test of what you're about to write, but it's great in its own! :D

Thank you Marco! Many things flew within the box of this story.. which would like to be something more than just a tale (maybe with a couple of hundred words more..). Very much appreciated.

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Do what you will, this world's a fiction and is made up of contradiction.

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