The Blatant TRAIL of Key People! Proof these Voter Machines are not run by companies that are "Non-Partisan!" Clear evidence their politics take front and center stage at Dominion Voter Systems and OSET Institute!

in #stopthesteal4 years ago (edited)

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Now this is on their page. I documented their other statements from yesterday.

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Notice how they Even Have a Donation Page. Unbelievable!

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This is who mainstream media is propping up as Your Election Experts!

You don't suppose Dominion Voting Systems, whom they continue to defend donated to them do you?

Notice the Founders and what they are connected to. . .

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Notice their wording and phrasing which lines up with the DNC's messaging they have been putting out since prior to the 2020 election.

but with intentions of global availability. The Institute’s flagship effort – known as the TrustTheVote Project – is designing and building a next-generation technology framework called “ElectOS” to serve as a draft standard for critical democracy infrastructure. All software is publicly available to any jurisdiction to adopt, adapt, and deploy—most likely through a commercial systems integrator.

Did you notice at First, people were told Not to go out, but hey IF they were voting, do it by mail (it's okay to go to the post office in That situation) or get to the polls to cast your vote for Joe was their messaging.

Oh how they change with the tide. Also take note that the groups they support like BLM were headed up with people who want to defund the police and have made hateful statements.

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Hear the title of this segment from Hamilton's Corner, a Christian Radio Show host and the title of the following segment is BLM is practicing a form of witchcraft

  • You will hear Patrisse Cullors say she is a trained marxist.
    Karl Marx stated, "whatever you are doing, blame the other side!"

What Abe Hamilton describes as a "copy and paste of the Bolshevick Revolution from Russia"

Cullors, 36, was the protégé of Eric Mann, former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, and spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology that shaped her worldview, Breitbart News reported.

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was instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917–1923. It took place through an armed insurrection in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg) on 25 October (Old Style, O.S.; 7 November, New Style or N.S.) 1917. It was the precipitating event of the Russian Civil War.

The October Revolution followed and capitalized on the February Revolution earlier in the year. The February Revolution had overthrown the Tsarist autocracy, resulting in a provisional government. The provisional government had taken power after being proclaimed by Grand Duke Michael, Tsar Nicholas II's younger brother, who declined to take power after the Tsar stepped down.

According to Hamilton's Corner, Marxist will utilize whatever division they can during times of unrest to cause chaos.
In Russia, they didn't have skin color to foment wars and division between the people in their population.

Sadly, people during times of chaos will cede freedoms they otherwise would Never relinquish.
They basically will use old wounds, harsh history that wasn't your's but that of former generations in an attempt to cause the people to turn on each other.

In 1968, Mann was a coordinator for Students for a Democratic Society, from which a more radical wing –- the Weather Underground — was splintered the following year.

It was led by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who called for “direct action” over civil disobedience, seeking the overthrow of the US government. In 1969, the FBI classified the group as a domestic terror organization.

Mann was eventually charged with assault and battery, disturbing the peace, damaging property, defacing a building and disturbing a public assembly, for which he spent 18 months behind bars.

Their leader Cullers stated, "I'm calling for Spirituality to be deeply radical! We're not just having a social justice movement, this is a spiritual movement!"

Abe Hamilton asks what she meant by that, and he is Very Glad you asked!

Hear Patrisse Cullors admit to Dr. Malina Abdulah that maybe she's saying too much!
Find this at 4:17 in the video.

Melina Abdullah
Melina Abdullah is an American academic and civic leader. She is chair of the department of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles, and a co-founder of the Los Angeles chapter of Black Lives Matter.


Hamilton goes on to talk about how much deeper it goes than just the attempts to manipulate people through Marxism.
Deep Spiritual Channeling in their Quest for Domination

Hear her state at 4:53, "Maybe I'm sharing too much, but we've become intimate with the spirits we call on regularly. Like each of them seems to have a different presence and personality. You know, I laugh a lot with Wakisha, you know and I didn't meet her in her body, right, I met her through this work.

YIKES! What is going on there? You should watch the clip because Hamilton is Hilarious when he addresses this!

Next hear Dr. Abdulah and Patrisse Cullors talk about summoning the spirits.
Using the power of the spirits of the dead, in order to give them the ability to do what the so called justice war.

You're going to find that they are describing their adherence to the Yoruba religion of Ifa.

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Leviticus 20:6
King James Version
6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

Proof of whom they worship.

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Deuteronomy 18:9-14
King James Version
9 When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

13 Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.

14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.

Dear God, please help us in the battle with people who invite these spirits, riot and destroy property! Thank you to all who pray this with me!

Summoning at 6:37 in the footage
Clip number 4 6:50 Just a hashtag. . .oh Really?

Patrisse Cullors states,
"It's a Very Important practice and hashtags for us are way more than a hashtag. It is literally almost resurrecting spirits__ to work through us to get the work that we need to get done."

"I started to feel personally connected and responsible and accountable to them. Both from a deeply political plac and spiritual place and always, you know in my tradition you offered things that, that your loved one passed away like honey or tobacco. And it's so important just for us to be in direct relationship to our people's past, but also for them to know that we've remembered them. Um, I believe so many of them works through us."

Warriors, where are you to Combat this?

Isaiah 8:19
King James Version
19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

**Heads Up, that encodes Three 6's!

More sound bites at the 10:42 mark
What happens when they gather clip no. 2
Patrisse Cullors states,

"When we come out into the streets and we pray, you know the first thing that we do when we hear of a murder is we come out we pray, we pour libation we built with the community where um, the person's life is stolen.

And it took almost a year for me to realize that this movement is much more than a racial and social justice movement, at it's core it's a spiritual movement. Because we're literally standing on spilled blood, right? And you can't pretend like that's worth that's just some organizing work, that's, you know, that's some serious stuff, right?"

A libation is a ritual pouring of a liquid, or grains such as rice, as an offering to a deity or spirit, or in memory of the dead. It was common in many religions of antiquity and continues to be offered in cultures today. Various substances have been used for libations, most commonly wine or other alcoholic drinks, olive oil, honey, and in India, ghee.

Hamilton points out, "Wait, I thought they were just some community organizers."

I mean isn't that what they always claim? Are they being deceptive?

There is more, clip 3 at 9:27

"When we say the names, right, so we speak their names, say her names, say their names.
We do that all the time, you kind of invoke that spirit and then those spirits actually become present with you."

Hamilton points out how you see on the jersey's of the NBA "Say her name!"

Here is an example I found,

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Hamilton states, "They're not doing what you think they're doing! You think they're just honoring people.
They are conjuring up spirits."

He discusses one particular rally that Dr. Abdulah was conducting and where she repeatedly required the audience to chant a name, and then she would respond with a Yoruba phrase.

He states that in this particular religion it includes a religion, an ethnicity and a language.

Hamilton is discussing the religious aspect of it where there is a supreme deity, then beneath them is a patheon of pagan deities called orishas.

in the native religion of the Yoruba people, Orisha are spirits sent by Olodumare.

Most Òrìṣà are said to have previously existed in the spirit world as Irumole, and then become incarnated as human beings here on Earth. Others are said to be humans who are recognised as deities upon their death due to extraordinary feats accomplished in life. Many Òrìṣà have found their way to most of the New World as a result of the Atlantic slave trade and are now expressed in practices as varied as Santería, Candomblé, Trinidad Orisha, Umbanda, and Oyotunji, among others.

Hamilton feels it is the same black Magick magic Beyonce is channeling in the Black is King movie from Disney.

Black Is King is a 2020 American musical film and visual album directed, written, and executive produced by American singer Beyoncé. The film serves as a visual companion to the 2019 album The Lion King: The Gift, curated by Beyoncé for The Lion King.

You can see a clip here,

**So these people from OSET Institute which the media are heralding as "Experts" while leading You to believe They can make a Judgement call on Election Verified Voter Fraud. . .Witnessed by numerous people just like You and Me with boots on the ground. ..
See for yourself here,

And listen to what an Expert on both hardware and software has to say here along with evidence that these Republican Leaders had already talked about Voter Fraud involving companies like Hart InterCivic, which is where one of OSET Institute's leaders worked prior to moving to OSET to be their token "Expert."

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These Democrats stated this in their letter,

McCarthy Group, Staple Street Capital Group, and H.I.G. Capital -- that reportedly own or have investments in election technology vendors responsible for developing, manufacturing, and maintaining the vast majority of voting machines and software in the United States.

In their letters, the lawmakers raise concerns about vulnerabilities and a lack of transparency in the election technology industry and the poor condition of voting machines and other election technology equipment. They request information about the role private equity investment in these companies have played in creating and perpetuating these conditions.

Election security experts have noted for years that our nation's election systems and infrastructure are under serious threat, but voting machines reportedly continue to fail and breakdown across the country, as vendors fail to innovate, improve, and protect voting systems, putting U.S. elections at avoidable and increased risk.

Note the the three vendors pointed out

  • Election Systems & Software
  • Dominion Voting Systems
  • Hart InterCivic

So Edward Perez they tout as their expert worked at Hart InterCivic. . .now defending Another Voter Hardware and Software Vendor. Interesting!

They all collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States. Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these vendors, which "have long skimped on security in favor of convenience," leaving voting systems across the country "prone to security problems."

These Democrat leaders went on to say,

These vendors make little to no information publicly available on how much money they dedicate to research and development, or to maintenance of their voting systems and technology. They also share little or no information regarding annual profits or executive compensation for their owners.

"(W)e have concerns about the spread and effect of private equity investment in many sectors of the economy, including the election technology industry--an integral part of our nation's democratic process." wrote the lawmakers in their letters to the firms. "These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack."

Senator Warren and Representative Pocan, along with a number of their Democratic colleagues, introduced the Stop Wall Street Looting Act, a comprehensive bill to reform the private equity industry by holding private equity firms jointly liable for the debts of companies under their control and by requiring greater transparency in private equity firms' practices.

Do you remember what happened in Georgia?

To see more information concerning an Executive at Dominion Voting Systems known to make vitriolic statements about making sure President Trump didn't win go here and scroll down to bottom third.

So let's take a look again at the founders of OSET Institute since it is this 501c3 the Mainstream Media and Democrats are heralding as the "Authority" on whether these machines are secure (even though they have on their staff Edward Perez, who once again worked for yet Another Voter Software company known to cause "glitches" Proven to benefit the democrats, but found out!

See this source for more evidence and verification where they state. ..

In Oakland County, Michigan, a glitch in a different system switched over 1,200 Republican votes to Democrat. The switch initially caused County Commissioner Adam Kochenderfer to lose. Once the glitch was found, and the votes were properly attributed, Kochenderfer went from losing by 100 votes to winning by over 1,100. According to the Royal Oak Tribune, Oakland County uses election software from Hart Intercivic. Hart uses a proprietary system called Verity. Eleven Michigan counties use Hart’s systems.

So E. John Sebes, one of the co-founders and Chief Technology Officer has under his profile the fact that TrustTheVote is OSET's flagship which uses a next-generation technology framework called “ElectOS” to serve as a draft standard for critical democracy infrastructure.

How much do you trust software that was launched by someone connected to DARPA?

As you know they have been integral or many Questionable practices. Take this for instance,

Then remember, who ran with the whole "aids research" virtue signaling and money making scheme?

Who was involved in the tainted blood scandal?

You can also read about it and other predatory programs done on people here,

Note this on OSET's page under John's info bio,

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Now as pointed at in this article, Krebs came from Microsoft. Who started Microsoft?
You know who. ..GATES. Check out his connection historically after Mama Gates got his foot in the door because she knew John Opel of IBM. That's right, these people are NOT grassroots, they are carefully plotted, placed and planned for the controlling elites who have One Ultimate Goal which they have spelled out for you (literally). ..a One World Government with Them being in charge!

For further info on Gates go here to see how his Event 201 coincided with the 7th World Military Games over in Wuhan, China just before the "pandemic" on the Very Same Date of Oct. 18, 2019 and was funded by Facebook Co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife who stated themselves they donated heavily to Hillary Clinton.


Go here for a deep dive on His Institutes he works with and other globalists he is connected to including GMO's and Monsanto as verified by Dr. Vandana Shiva from Indai.

Check out the link and connection of Sebes from OSET and a recent CISA chief who was fired.

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So John Sebes info byte on OSET states the following which I will break down list wise,


  • CTO at Solidcore Systems, Inc.
  • VP Strategy at Securify
  • Technology Officer of Network Associates Labs
  • variety of consulting, development, and R&D management roles at commercial InfoSec pioneer Trusted Information Systems.

John is a co-author of 12 patents and 20+ publications

Take a look at what is said about Securify,

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That's interesting right?

Now let's pull out Network Associates Labs,

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Surprise, Surprise? Well, not so much when you Remember what they were trying to tell you in the song. ..We Built This City

We Built this City w Lyrics

Lyrics on the Section I am talking abou,

Someone always playing
Corporation games
Who cares they're always changing
Corporation names
We just want to dance here
Someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible
Write us off the page

So much given away in this song from way back in the 1980's. How did they know?

To see all the photos in the Frames go here,
Predictive Programming?

It IS Important to know that people like Abraham Hamilton and Candace Owens among many others from the Black Community are calling out BLM.

It's Not that we don't support voting rights of all races and creeds. ..but they are Allowed to vote. It is Only the Democrat party and radicals pushed and backed by the elitist globalist trying to send a false message that many are feeding into as a hate frenzy meant to divide and conquer.

The Sooner people recognize this. ..the better off we will be because, just as many of us have United around the world in places like Africa, France, Germany, Mexico, Venezuela and many other countries. ..

United We STAND!

Check it out,

How did REM know when they wrote Bad Day which turned into a parallel of It's the End of the World as We Know It.

Was written as a PSA or Public Service Announcement
Guess what IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD , originally done as a PSA or Public Service Announcement was mirrored after?

The words come from everywhere." Stipe explained to Q Magazine in 1992. "I'm extremely aware of everything around me, whether I am in a sleeping state, awake, dream-state or just in day to day life, so that ended up in the song along with a lot of stuff I'd seen when I was flipping TV channels. It's a collection of streams of consciousness.”

Now let's take a look at the other Co-Founder of OSET, Gregory Miller
Under his bio byte it states,

He is a trained computer scientist, with graduate business education, and a law degree focused on intellectual property, technology law, and public policy.

Now That's interesting because. . .
Hillary was Not a child advocate attorney as some ardent radical dems try to claim, no she was an "intellectual property lawyer."

Here is the evidence with sources,

And THAT's how they do it. It's how they have been doing it in China. . .keeping people away from information and truth by clamping down saying the information is Not Allowed to be accessed because it is "Patented Intellectual Property."

Take a look at Who had their hands in this gig early on in Arkansas and leads straight to what happened to Kobe Bryant under a Piano Company no less!


Just look at his resume filled with influence including a skill set and expertise to use the loopholes through the Arm of the Law in order to Wield their Power!


  • has been active in the American Bar Association addressing technology law and public policy issues
  • including Cyberlaw, Information Privacy & Security, and Internet Governance. (but of course!)
  • Greg is also a member of the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee,
    (Well that's Useful as he sits on the Board of OSET Claiming to be "Non-Partisan")
  • an election technology security advisor to organizations of the national security community and Congress (Also rather useful to further his Org conflict of interest much?)
  • a sustaining member of the Internet Society.
  • Mr. Miller also served on the San Francisco Voting Systems Task Force from 2010-2012.

Wow! So Miller served on the Task Force for Voting in one of the most corrupt cities in America. Not sure if That should be a boast, except This Kind of boasting IS frequently done by the Democrats almost as a Poke in the Eye.

For example, check out Biden stating right out how Extensive his Voter Fraud team is.
Oh how we KNOW Joe!
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See footage here and hear him state it himself.

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This should come as No Surprise as Feinstein got her start there after a mayor from the office where she worked down, then Low and Behold, she was catapulted into a Powerful Position as a Lifelong Career Politician who is worth Millions and likely Billions. Just like Pelosi!

Feinstein's office was right across from the Koolaid Killer Jones, whom the media tried to claim were Christians and Jones himself made it clear he worshipped himself and Not the one True God, our Creator!

Check out the sordid details here with verified source links,

Hmmm. . .so I just wonder, what ALL does the democrat Agenda involve?
What All are they attempting to FORCE on the unsuspecting public?

Thank God for the Awake! You are NEEDED right now more than Ever!

Spread Your Truth FAR and WIDE!

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Don't be timid. ..Now is NOT the time to retreat! Be Brave, Be Bold! Be the Sons and Daughters of God by Claiming the Right to Your POWER!

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Don't you worry out there, there is Great News.
Thank you to Ulf Ayirtahsk Berg on Natural News for this Key Link,


Facebook Frames the Gig is Up on the GATES and their Virtue Signaling “Philanthropy!”
Charity aims to relieve the pain of a particular social problem, whereas philanthropy attempts to address the root cause of the problem.
Take a stab out Their Solution for the problem?**

what has your edumacation done for you? It's Muddied alright! How does it all Connect?**

Facebook Frames Latest Q drops! Some research on RFID, Satellites and The Corona program. . . a series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites produced and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.

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