The Pedophile Hero of Democrat leaders like Obama, Pelosi and Feinstein. Why do you suppose they don't tell you he preyed on runaway boys? Odd, or is it?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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Time and time again we see Democrat leaders and their followers lifting up people who are known pedophiles along with those who are cult leaders and those organizations with a rather nefarious bent. .. geared towards inducting children.

Why is this okay?

For example, Harvey Milk, known to have preyed upon a 16 year old. Now those depicting it who are part of the Democrat what they perceive as a value system. . .touts anything but values. You see Milk was 34 and McKinley only 16.

Milk also was an outspoken advocate of Jim Jones, followed him and praised him. Right along with the backing of Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi.

I wrote an in depth article on this and all of their connections here,

So beloved was this pedophile by the much praised Democrat leaders, that they dedicated a stamp to him And Obama who adored him, gave him a Medal of Freedom (posthumously of course). This group of Democrats has nothing but High Praise for their pedophile hero!

As an advocate for children's rights against a group that is always "shouting they are for human rights," they sure have No Problem trampling all over the rights of children to suit their own perverse, selfish desires and dreams.

On February 19, 1978, Milk wrote a letter to President Jimmy Carter defending Jones "as a man of the highest character", and claimed that Temple defectors were trying to "damage Rev. Jones' reputation" with "apparent bold-faced lies". Moscone's office issued a press release saying that Jones had broken no laws.

It IS interesting how one of the Democrat parties most celebrated heroes, as he was given a Presidential Medal of Freedom Posthumously in 2009, (hmm, who was president then?) was Harvey Milk. As you know Obama was President and a clear fan of Harvey Milk's ways. Do you find that odd?

Considering he had many relationships not just with men Several years younger than him, but also with a child.

He started a romantic relationship with Jack Galen McKinley and recruited him to work on conservative Republican Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign. Their relationship was troubled. When McKinley first began his relationship with Milk in late 1964, McKinley was 16 years old. He was prone to depression and sometimes threatened to commit suicide if Milk did not show him enough attention. To make a point to McKinley, Milk took him to the hospital where Milk's ex-lover, Joe Campbell, was himself recuperating from a suicide attempt, after his lover Billy Sipple left him.

From Political Vel Craft,

What would you call a 33-year-old man who both had and axiomatically acted upon a deviant sexual appetite for underage, drug-addicted, runaway boys? (No, not Jerry Sandusky.)

What would you call a man of whom, as regards sexual preference, his own friend and biographer confessed, “Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems”?

In a recent interview with, I called this man “demonstrably, categorically an evil man based on his [statutory] rape of teenage boys.”

But you can call him Harvey Milk.

In the late 1960s, the Society for Individual Rights (SIR) and the Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) began to work against police persecution of gay bars and entrapment in San Francisco. Oral sex was still a felony, in 1970, nearly 90 people in the city were arrested for having sex in public parks at night.

Mayor Alioto asked the police to target the parks, hoping the decision would appeal to the Archdiocese and his Catholic supporters. In 1971, 2,800 gay men were arrested for public sex in San Francisco. By comparison, New York City recorded only 63 arrests for the same offense that year. Any arrest for a morals charge required registration as a sex offender.

So Dianne Feinstein, Posing as a moderate, pursued this organization, SRI by aiding people having inappropriate relations like an orgy out in the park where this would be illegal for heterosexuals. . . apparently to be praised if you're a homosexual. Now whose agenda does that further And who receives votes from joining in with this agenda?

Is it conservatives or radical progressives posing as Democrat leaders?

Congressman Phillip Burton, Assemblyman Willie Brown, and other California politicians recognized the growing clout and organization of homosexuals in the city, and courted their votes by attending meetings of gay and lesbian organizations.

SIR was also pursued by popular moderate Supervisor Dianne Feinstein in her bid to become mayor, opposing Alioto.

According to City Journal which did a review on the book, Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days That Shook San Francisco, by Daniel J. Flynn

Milk wasn’t Jones’s only fan. Many powerful people—Governor Jerry Brown, columnist Herb Caen, and Vice President Walter Mondale, to name a few—sought Jones’s blessings and expressed admiration for his dedication to racial equality and a better world. Flynn does a good job of laying out the social and political landscape of the Bay Area in the late seventies and situating the bizarre respect that the Jones cult received within the general fruitiness of the era.

Jim Jones’s Bay Area was the same milieu that gave rise to the Zodiac killer, the lost-in-time Zebra murders, and the depredations of the Symbionese Liberation Army.

This seems to sum it up nicely.

Flynn, in a book he wrote, nonetheless makes a compelling argument about our faulty historical memory of these events. Dan White killed Harvey Milk and George Moscone because he felt stymied and betrayed by them politically, not because Milk was gay or Moscone was friendly to gays. There is no evidence that White was homophobic, but with the help of two Oscar-winning films, Milk has been elevated to sainthood, a martyr to gay liberation.

I still find this reprehensible that these people associated with Jim Jones are still praised by followers of the Democrat Party! Why is this okay?

Now let's take a look at SIR more in depth.

Here is a club called the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club, which was launched by SIR, Society of Individual Rights

There's that catch phrase again! Just Whose rights are they Really furthering? Not the rights of children as they constantly try to break down the boundaries by attempting to induct children into their alternate sexual desires, fantasies and lifestyle.

You can see what they are all about here,

Top Mayoral Candidates Commit to Opening LGBTQ Youth Navigation Center Within First Year of Their Administration

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Awe, look at there the closeness to Democrat leaders, they have a PAC and everything!

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Is this okay with you? Should children be introduced to alternate sexual lifestyles at a young age? Why is it good parents have a certain time to tell children facts and ages that are appropriate, yet a left leaning agenda tries to Force it's way into the school systems, the libraries and societies to indoctrinate them?

See their blatant, bold agenda many sit back and allow them to get away with here,

World Scout Jamboree 2019 Condoms and Alcohol included Unlock a New World. . .indeed!

And you should take a look at this article if you haven't seen it yet,

Forcing children to be confused about their gender at a young age, and saying parents have no say. One daughter cried, "mommy I don't want to be a boy!" This terrifying and forcing is child abuse!

Here is some background on this so called Society of Individual Rights. Indeed. the expense of others!

This club was launched by SIR

Alice befriended liberal politicians to persuade them to sponsor bills, proving successful in 1972 when Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon obtained Feinstein's support for an ordinance outlawing employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Alice chose Stokes to run for a relatively unimportant seat on the community college board. Though Stokes received 45,000 votes, he was quiet and unassuming, and did not win.[29] Foster, however, shot to national prominence by being the first openly gay man to address a political convention. His speech at the 1972 Democratic National Convention ensured that his voice, according to San Francisco politicians, was the one to be heard when they wanted the opinions, and especially the votes, of the gay community.

The Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club (first known as The Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club) is a San Francisco-based association and political action committee for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Democrats.
The club is currently active in its endorsement of Democratic candidates in the San Francisco area.

Founded in 1971 by activists Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, Beth Elliott, and Jim Foster, it was the first organization for gay Democrats in the United States.[1][2][3][4] It is named after lesbian writer and San Francisco native Alice B. Toklas.[5] The club has been known for its more moderate approach and in 1976, local LGBT activists broke off to form the more progressive Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Democratic Club.

The club hosts an annual breakfast during Pride. In 2016, the event was attended by more than 800 people and was addressed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, several members of Congress, and several state and local elected leaders.

Milk had drifted through life up to this point, but he found his vocation, according to journalist Frances FitzGerald, who called him a "born politician".[36] At first, his inexperience showed. He tried to do without money, support, or staff, and instead relied on his message of sound financial management, promoting individuals over large corporations and government.[

He ran on a culturally liberal platform, opposing government interference in private sexual matters and favoring the legalization of marijuana. Milk's fiery, flamboyant speeches and savvy media skills earned him a significant amount of press during the 1973 election. He earned 16,900 votes—sweeping the Castro District and other liberal neighborhoods and coming in 10th place out of 32 candidates.[38] Had the elections been reorganized to allow districts to elect their own supervisors, he would have won.

From early in his political career, Milk displayed an affinity for building coalitions. The Teamsters wanted to strike against beer distributors—Coors in particular[40]—who refused to sign the union contract. An organizer asked Milk for assistance with gay bars; in return, Milk asked the union to hire more gay drivers. A few days later, Milk canvassed the gay bars in and surrounding the Castro District, urging them to refuse to sell the beer. With the help of a coalition of Arab and Chinese grocers the Teamsters had also recruited, the boycott was successful.[41] Milk found a strong political ally in organized labor, and it was around this time that he began to style himself "The Mayor of Castro Street".[42] As Castro Street's presence grew, so did Milk's reputation. Tom O'Horgan remarked, "Harvey spent most of his life looking for a stage. On Castro Street he finally found it

Although he was a newcomer to the Castro District, Milk had shown leadership in the small community. He was starting to be taken seriously as a candidate and decided to run again for supervisor in 1975. He reconsidered his approach and cut his long hair, swore off marijuana, and vowed never to visit another gay bathhouse again.[44] Milk's campaigning earned the support of the teamsters, firefighters, and construction unions. Castro Camera became the center of activity in the neighborhood. Milk would often pull people off the street to work his campaigns for him—many discovered later that they just happened to be the type of men Milk found attractive.

George Moscone was elected mayor. Moscone had been instrumental in repealing the sodomy law earlier that year in the California State Legislature. He acknowledged Milk's influence in his election by visiting Milk's election night headquarters, thanking Milk personally, and offering him a position as a city commissioner. Milk came in seventh place in the election, only one position away from earning a supervisor seat.[48] Liberal politicians held the offices of the mayor, district attorney, and sheriff.

Keeping his promise to Milk, newly elected Mayor George Moscone appointed him to the Board of Permit Appeals in 1976, making him the first openly gay city commissioner in the United States.

Milk spent five weeks on the Board of Permit Appeals before Moscone was forced to fire him when he announced he would run for the California State Assembly. Rick Stokes replaced him. Milk's firing, and the backroom deal made between Moscone, the assembly speaker, and Agnos, fueled his campaign as he took on the identity of a political underdog.[52] He railed that high officers in the city and state governments were against him. He complained that the prevailing gay political establishment, particularly the Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club, were shutting him out; he referred to Jim Foster and Stokes as gay "Uncle Toms".[36] He enthusiastically embraced a local independent weekly magazine's headline: "Harvey Milk vs. The Machine".[5] The Alice B. Toklas Club made no endorsement in the primary — neither Milk nor Agnos — while other gay-aligned clubs and groups endorsed Agnos or did dual endorsements.

And here was what often happens, Radical Progressives not following their own guidelines.

Milk's role as a representative of San Francisco's gay community expanded during this period. On September 22, 1975, President Gerald Ford, while visiting San Francisco, walked from his hotel to his car. In the crowd, Sara Jane Moore raised a gun to shoot him. A former Marinewho had been walking by grabbed her arm as the gun discharged toward the pavement. The bystander was Oliver "Bill" Sipple, who had left Milk's ex-lover Joe Campbell years before, prompting Campbell's suicide attempt. The national spotlight was on him immediately. On psychiatric disability leave from the military, Sipple refused to call himself a hero and did not want his sexuality disclosed.

Milk, however, took advantage of the opportunity to illustrate his cause that public perception of gay people would be improved if they came out of the closet. He told a friend: "It's too good an opportunity. For once we can show that gays do heroic things, not just all that ca-ca about molesting children and hanging out in bathrooms." Milk contacted a newspaper.

As you will see, what furthers Their own selfish agenda is Always placed before that of others. Now who else does that?

Several days later Herb Caen, a columnist at The San Francisco Chronicle, exposed Sipple as gay and a friend of Milk's. The announcement was picked up by national newspapers, and Milk's name was included in many of the stories. Time magazine named Milk as a leader in San Francisco's gay community. Sipple, however, was besieged by reporters, as was his family. His mother, a staunch Baptist in Detroit, now refused to speak to him. Although he had been involved with the gay community for years, even participating in Gay Pride events, Sipple sued the Chronicle for invasion of privacy. President Ford sent Sipple a note of thanks for saving his life. Milk said that Sipple's sexual orientation was the reason he received only a note, rather than an invitation to the White House.[

Milk's continuing campaign, run from the storefront of Castro Camera, was a study in disorganization. Although the older Irish grandmothers and gay men who volunteered were plentiful and happy to send out mass mailings, Milk's notes and volunteer lists were kept on scrap papers. Any time the campaign required funds, the money came from the cash register without any consideration for accounting. The campaign manager's assistant was an 11-year-old neighborhood girl.
Milk himself was hyperactive and prone to fantastic outbursts of temper, only to recover quickly and shout excitedly about something else. Many of his rants were directed at his lover, Scott Smith, who was becoming disillusioned with the man who was no longer the laid-back hippie he had fallen in love with.

Wow, the media is quick to spin it back around to praise for their hero of a Clear and Blatant Agenda they Pretend does not exist. Evidence shows Otherwise!

If the candidate was manic, he was also dedicated and filled with good humor, and he had a particular genius for getting media attention. He spent long hours registering voters and shaking hands at bus stops and movie theater lines. He took whatever opportunity came along to promote himself. He thoroughly enjoyed campaigning, and his success was evident. With the large numbers of volunteers, he had dozens at a time stand along the busy thoroughfare of Market Street as human billboards, holding "Milk for Assembly" signs while commuters drove into the heart of the city to work.

He distributed his campaign literature anywhere he could, including among one of the most influential political groups in the city, the Peoples Temple, an organization that Milk attended regularly.

Milk's volunteers even took thousands of brochures and because the Peoples Temple leader, Jim Jones, was a politically powerful individual in San Francisco, Milk encouraged Temple members to work his phones, spoke at the Temple and later wrote a letter to President Jimmy Carter defending Jones's character. Milk's relationship with the Temple was not entirely similar to other politicians' in Northern California. According to The San Francisco Examiner, Jones and his parishioners were a "potent political force", helping to elect Moscone (who appointed him to the Housing Authority), District Attorney Joseph Freitas, and Sheriff Richard Hongisto.

Jacobs, John [November 20, 1978]. "S.F.'s Leaders Recall Jones the Politician", The San Francisco Examiner, p. C.)

Milk spoke at the Temple ("Another Day of Death", Time, December 11, 1978.) and defended Jones in a letter to President Jimmy Carter in 1978.

In that letter he called Jones "a man of the highest character," and criticized outspoken Temple defectors for trying to "damage Rev. Jones' reputation" with "apparent bold-faced lies". . Coleman, Loren (2004), The Copycat Effect, Simon & Schuster, p. 68.

Even after being proven wrong, Democrat leaders Never accept responsibility for this error in judgement. Was it an error in judgement or just a rush and a "do whatever it takes" to further one's own agenda?

I believe this answers the question here just What Milk was after and who he was willing to get in bed with to get it done!

However, When Milk learned Jones was backing both him and Art Agnos in 1976, he told friend Michael Wong, "Well f*** him. I'll take his workers, but, that's the game Jim Jones plays." But to his volunteers, he said: "Make sure you're always nice to the Peoples Temple. If they ask you to do something, do it, and then send them a note thanking them for asking you to do it.”

In the wake of his loss, Milk, realizing that the Toklas Club would never support him politically, co-founded the San Francisco Gay Democratic Club.

Milk's energy, affinity for pranking, and unpredictability at times exasperated Board of Supervisors President Dianne Feinstein. In his first meeting with Mayor Moscone, Milk called himself the "number one queen" and dictated to Moscone that he would have to go through Milk instead of the Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club if he wanted the city's gay votes—a quarter of San Francisco's voting population.[93] However, Milk also became Moscone's closest ally on the Board of Supervisors.[94] The biggest targets of Milk's ire were large corporations and real estate developers. He fumed when a parking garage was slated to take the place of homes near the downtown area, and tried to pass a commuter tax so office workers who lived outside the city and drove into work would have to pay for city services they used

Milk was often willing to vote against Feinstein and other more tenured members of the board. In one controversy early in his term, Milk agreed with fellow Supervisor Dan White, whose district was located two miles south of the Castro, that a mental health facility for troubled adolescents should not be placed there. After Milk learned more about the facility, he decided to switch his vote, ensuring White's loss on the issue—a particularly poignant cause that White championed while campaigning. White did not forget it. He opposed every initiative and issue Milk supported.

Milk knew precisely how to play the media and they pandered after him.

Another bill Milk concentrated on was designed to solve the number one problem according to a recent citywide poll: dog excrement. Within a month of being sworn in, he began to work on a city ordinance to require dog owners to scoop their pets' feces. Dubbed the "pooper scooper law", its authorization by the Board of Supervisors was covered extensively by television and newspapers in San Francisco. Anne Kronenberg, Milk's campaign manager, called him "a master at figuring out what would get him covered in the newspaper".[99] He invited the press to Duboce Park to explain why it was necessary, and while cameras were rolling, stepped in the offending substance, seemingly by mistake. His staffers, however, knew he had been at the park for an hour before the press conference looking for the right place to walk in front of the cameras.[100] It earned him the most fan mail of his tenure in politics and went out on national news releases.

Attendance at Gay Pride marches during the summer of 1978 in Los Angeles and San Francisco swelled. An estimated 250,000 to 375,000 attended San Francisco's Gay Freedom Day Parade; newspapers claimed the higher numbers were due to John Briggs.[105] Organizers asked participants to carry signs indicating their hometowns for the cameras, to show how far people came to live in the Castro District. Milk rode in an open car carrying a sign saying "I'm from Woodmere, N.Y."[106] He gave a version of what became his most famous speech, the "Hope Speech", that The San Francisco Examiner said "ignited the crowd”:

n the wake of the Jonestown suicides, Moscone had recently increased security at City Hall. Cult survivors recounted drills for suicide preparations that Jones had called "White Nights".[119]Rumors about the murders of Moscone and Milk were fueled by the coincidence of Dan White's name and Jones's suicide preparations. A stunned District Attorney called the assassinations so close to the news about Jonestown "incomprehensible", but denied any connection.

Once again someone in the military. . .accused of killing in murders connected to a cult political organization.

The 32-year-old White, who had been in the Army during the Vietnam War, had run on a tough anti-crime platform in his district. Colleagues declared him a high-achieving "all-American boy".[112] He was to have received an award the next week for rescuing a woman and child from a 17-story burning building when he was a firefighter in 1977. Though he was the only supervisor to vote against Milk's gay rights ordinance earlier that year, he had been quoted as saying, "I respect the rights of all people, including gays".[112] Milk and White at first got along well. One of White's political aides (who was gay) remembered, "Dan had more in common with Harvey than he did with anyone else on the board".[124] White had voted to support a center for gay seniors, and to honor Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin's 25th anniversary and pioneering work.

In the last year of his life, Milk emphasized that gay people should be more visible to help to end the discrimination and violence against them. Although Milk had not come out to his mother before her death many years before, in his final statement during his taped prediction of his assassination, he urged others to do so:

So the usual do as I do, not as I say rhetoric from radical progressives.

Here Milk is being praised even though he preferred men much younger and there wasn’t even a Line drawn at children.

Milk was 34 when he began dating a 16 year old. What hypocrisy when I have heard the same people be very vocal and disgusted if it is a heterosexual male wanting to date a 16, 17, 18 year old, as well they should. . .but why is it okay when it’s a homo male dating a teenager?

Why by radical progressive standards is that okay? Is there an agenda?

I would say there is Clear evidence that there is and they have not given up on trying to blur the lines and boundaries.

Who does it help when rules and guidelines are forsaken or ignored? The DNC, they need more votes, they want more power.

On the 20th anniversary of Milk's death, historian John D'Emilio said, "The legacy that I think he would want to be remembered for is the imperative to live one's life at all times with integrity."[158] For a political career so short, Cleve Jones attributes more to his assassination than his life: "His murder and the response to it made permanent and unquestionable the full participation of gay and lesbian people in the political process.

So the City of San Francisco has named many landmarks after a pedophile.

The City of San Francisco has paid tribute to Milk by naming several locations after him.[note 10] Where Market and Castro streets intersect in San Francisco flies an enormous Gay Pride flag, situated in Harvey Milk Plaza. The San Francisco Gay Democratic Club changed its name to the Harvey Milk Memorial Gay Democratic Club in 1978.

It is currently named the Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Democratic Club and boasts that it is the largest Democratic organization in San Francisco.

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What other group admires, advocates and promotes an admitted pedophile in this manner?

In New York City, Harvey Milk High School is a school program for at-risk youth that concentrates on the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students and operates out of the Hetrick Martin Institute.

Of course it is, now if a conservative group was encouraging an agenda in schools where children are. . .the radical progressives would be up in arms. But if it has something to do with a sexual orientation while kids are still young and impressionable. . .that’s okay, because for them, “Why should there be any boundaries?”

One of their sayings is, “love defies all barriers including age.” How can any parent be Okay with this agenda? I don’t understand it. How does the instinct to protect one’s child Not override their competitive spirit for “their Party affiliation” to win at all costs?

One would expect that Hollywood, the bed of all things against God’s ways would herald Milk as a hero and give one another awards as they fall all over themselves to play this character, but why is this okay by anyone’s standards?

Milk's life has been the subject of a musical theater production; an eponymous opera; a cantata; a children's picture book; a French-language historical novel for young-adult readers; and the biopic Milk, released in 2008 after 15 years in the making. The film was directed by Gus Van Sant and starred Sean Penn as Milk and Josh Brolin as Dan White, and won two Academy Awards for Best Original Screenplay and Best Actor. It took eight weeks to film, and often used extras who had been present at the actual events for large crowd scenes, including a scene depicting Milk's "Hope Speech" at the 1978 Gay Freedom Day Parade.

Wasn’t it Bill Clinton who referred to “a little place called hope,” and Obama speaking and writing of “the audacity of hope?” Interesting as Bill is a rapist and Obama. ..well, you will find out soon what all he has been involved in, but he certainly Never gave any of us any hope!

Milk was included in the "Time 100 Heroes and Icons of the 20th Century" as "a symbol of what gays can accomplish and the dangers they face in doing so”.

So guess what gays can accomplish? As long as you are a Democrat leader or heralded by the Radicals in the Democrat party. . .you can prey upon children and be praised!

The Advocate listed Milk third in their "40 Heroes" of the 20th century issue, quoting Dianne Feinstein: "His homosexuality gave him an insight into the scars which all oppressed people wear. He believed that no sacrifice was too great a price to pay for the cause of human rights.”

Really Dianne Feinstein? Is this what you tell yourself as you have married in the past an alleged pedophile and you yourself have come into question? What about the scars of the children the friends you keep prey upon? No concern for those? Human rights? Sexual abuse against a child who Cannot Give Consent. . .thus by the name Child, is one of the BIGGEST human rights abuses. I promise you, whoever befuddled Milk’s head to think otherwise understands along with Milk just what a grave error it was listening to yours and satan’s messaging rather than God’s. God Despises those who abuse and prey upon innocent in order to satisfy their own sick fantasies. It’s not Okay and it’s Not Heroic!

So only in a progressive democrats world is the predatory abuser named a hero and a matyr. Excuse me while I go get a bucket, then pray to God to please keep exposing these evil doers for who and what they are. . .mouthpieces and agents of satan! Along with all who support them!

This is what one writer has to say about Democrats making this pedophile a hero.

What did Harvey Milk ever do that places him on equal footing with Presidents, Veterans and Independence Day? Absolutely nothing! He was a vocal, flamboyant politician with an agenda, able to use his charisma and connection to make legislation happen. How is that much different from any of the politicians today?

Perhaps instead of a Harvey Milk Day in the Public Schools of California, we should make it “fair” for all politicians and call it “Politicians Who Push Their Agenda Day”.

If Harvey Milk had not been murdered by a fellow politician, he wouldn’t be getting a day, but because of his death, he has been raised to iconic status, for being an effective community leader. What I ask should be the criteria of such an honor? What gives an individual “hero” status deserving of singular attention by a school board, state or nation?

America has lowered the bar for what defines a hero and because of this mis-definition, anyone can claim the title without doing anything for his or her fellow man. Harvey Milk is not a hero, he is not a man distinguished by valor, intrepidity or enterprise in danger. He may have served in the armed forces and we thank him for that service, but this does not deem him hero status and worthy of a day named in his honor. He lived a lifestyle that he chose to promote through the political process, rising up through the ranks and fighting for his homosexual community. But that doesn’t elevate him to hero status either, as most politicians fight for what he or she believes in, passionately and persistently. This is the just part of the job and Harvey Milk did his job. Give him a shiny gold star for his star chart and an “Atta boy”, but don’t give him a day of honor!

As for me, I would give him NOTHING as Milk was a Pedophile! Perhaps this writer is not aware.

To place Harvey Milk on the level with great American’s who in fact hold hero status because of their lives, their personal integrity and character is to negate the very actions that have made these individuals great and worthy of honor. We place hero status on athletes, actors, musicians and politicians, for what? What have most of these people done that can be deemed worthy of honorable mention? Most have gained popularity at best and infamy at worst, without a hint of serving their fellow man. Yet even in following the golden rule, one should never seek recognition, as this should be part of a civil society, not a heroic deed!

The firemen who saved people from the Twin Towers melting frame are heroes, because though it was their job, they continued to work around the clock for the love of their fellow man. Where is their calendar day? Why doesn’t the California School Board have a day for heroic 911 volunteers?

What about the men and women who have paid the most extravagant price, serving our countryand giving up their lives to protect our rights to even have this conversation? What about Cpl. Jason L. Dunham of Scio, New York, who posthumously received America’s highest military decoration two years and nine months after succumbing to a mortal brain injury while fighting in Iraq? What about the soldiers who have given it all and their families who have sacrificed their loved ones for America. Perhaps they could have a day named in their honor for the California Public School system.

The mothers and fatherswho care for their cancer ridden child, living in and out of hospitals and fighting for every second of their beloved child's life is worthy of hero status. Where is their day in California?

What about the heroism of the child who undergoes chemotherapy and radiation, fighting to live, longing to play again? Do not these real life heroes deserve more recognition than Harvey Milk?

The Harvey Milk Day SB 572 is now lying on the desk of Governor Schwarzenegger. He has vetoed similar legislation, but is under much pressure to sign it into law this time. If signed, according to an email that is circulating, SB 572 would pressure every California public school to have an official Harvey Milk Day promoting the homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual agenda to children as young as kindergarten. The bill is written so broadly, that SB 572 would allow schools to determine what it considers suitable commemorative exercises.

State Senator Mark Leno reintroduced the bill and had Sean Penn the actor who played Harvey Milk at his side. Leno said that Penn’s Oscar demonstrates to Schwarzenegger that Harvey Milk now has “provincial interest” and therefore the Governor should sign it into law.

Well, this was done back in 2006 in a place that gave political rise to a group who claims their rights should usurp the rights of others. . .for some like Milk, that includes stripping children of their rights and taking advantage of them.

What's next on their agenda and what they try to get passed into law? We know they wish for a P at the end of the LGBTQ cause. I am not for one moment saying All of this community are For indoctrinating children. I have met those who are Not. Thank God! On this fundamental Right of children We can and do agree.

Sadly, there are others who do Not agree. Yes, they are not just of the LGBTQ community, but NAMBLA IS!

Just say what their acronym stands for! I dare you to say it without throwing up, then tell me what persuasion they are of and Why there are certain democrat leaders trying not just to Push and agenda, but to Further it!

Heart Progress. . .the same. If you look up on your own what they are about. . .be prepared, they write raunchy materials idolizing adult relationships with children.

These are not Relationships. . .they are rapes and predatory practices upon our Most innocent as children Cannot give consent. This is why they are given to parents to watch over and protect them!

As you saw in the earlier links, they actively go after Children. Why is that? Why do people who vote for these Democrat leaders condone this? Do they condone it for their own children? Some of Hollywood does as they encourage their children to dress as the opposite gender. Gender fluidity is their goal and it has been verified in history to be a luciferian concept.

Why would satan want this? He hates humans and has always wanted to tamper with what God created and loved the most. . .you and me. Why do you think they encourage people to have their dna checked?

Yes, they put it under the guise of finding your ancestors and even push touching, dramatic shows to encourage others to "do what the in crowd does," but we're not in high school any more people. We need to wake up and identify what and who they are Really targeting.

These next few paragraphs from Political Vel Craft, then I will tell you what I came upon in researching this,

Harvey Milk’s only claim to fame is that he was the first openly homosexual candidate to be elected to public office (San Francisco city commissioner). His chief cause was to do away with the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.

In 1978, Milk was murdered over a non-related political dispute by fellow Democrat Dan White. And a “progressive” martyr was born.

Harvey Milk was both a pederast and, by extension, a statutory rapist. After I publicly addressed this objective reality in the above-mentioned interview, the liberal blogosphere reacted in, shall we say, an informatively defensive manner.

A Huffington Post headline screamed: “Harvey Milk Was An ‘Evil Man’ Who Raped Teenage Boys, Unworthy of Postage Stamp: Matt Barber.”

The always-amusing Right Wing Watch blog breathlessly posted my comments with the header: “Barber: ‘Harvey Milk Was Demonstrably, Categorically an Evil Man.’”

And so on.

Here’s what’s especially telling about their reaction. Not one of the dozen-or-more publications that reported on my comments even challenged their veracity. Not one attempted to refute or deny that Harvey Milk was, in fact, a pederast and a sexual predator.

That’s because they can’t.

One of Milk’s victims was a 16-year-old runaway from Maryland named Jack Galen McKinley [who later committed suicide in 1980]. As previously mentioned, Milk [33 years old] had a soft spot in his, um, heart for teenage runaways. Motivated by an apparent quid pro quo of prurience, Milk plucked McKinley from the street.

Randy Shilts was a San Francisco Chronicle reporter and close friend to Harvey Milk. Though Shilts died of AIDS in 1994, he remains, even today, one of the most beloved journalists in the “LGBT” community. [Shilts wrote the script for ‘And the Band Played On’.

Shilts was also Harvey Milk’s biographer. In his glowing book “The Mayor of Castro Street,” he wrote of Milk’s “relationship” with the McKinley boy: ” … Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.”

In a sane world, of course, the only direction his “new lover” should have pulled him was toward San Quentin. But, alas, today’s America – a burgeoning relativist land of make-believe – is anything but sane.

Randy Thomasson, child advocate and founder of, is one of the nation’s foremost experts on Harvey Milk.

Of the Shilts biography, Thomasson notes, “Explaining Milk’s many flings and affairs with teenagers and young men, Randy Shilts writes how Milk told one ‘lover’ why it was OK for him to also have multiple relationships simultaneously:

‘As homosexuals, we can’t depend on the heterosexual model. … We grow up with the heterosexual model, but we don’t have to follow it. We should be developing our own lifestyle. There’s no reason why you can’t love more than one person at a time.’”

Whereas McKinley, a disturbed runaway boy, desperately sought a “father figure” to provide empathy, compassion, wisdom, and direction, he instead found Harvey Milk: a promiscuous sexual predator who found, in McKinley, an opportunity to satisfy a perverse lust for underage flesh.

Years later, McKinley committed suicide.

Another teen who crossed paths with Harvey Milk was Christian convert and former homosexual Gerard Dols. In a 2008 radio interview with Concerned Women for America, Dols shared of how – as a physically disabled teen – the “very nice” Harvey Milk had encouraged him in 1977 to run away from his Minnesota home and come to San Francisco.

According to Dols, Milk told him, “Don’t tell your parents,” and later sent him a letter with instructions. Thankfully, the letter was intercepted by Dols’ parents, who then filed a complaint with the Minnesota attorney general’s office.

The incident was evidently swept under the rug.

So what does a man like [khazar] Harvey Milk get for his apparent crimes? While most sexual predators get time in prison and a dishonorable mention on the registry of sex offenders, Harvey Milk got his own California state holiday (“Harvey Milk Day”) and, more recently, his own commemorative postage stamp, awarded by the Obama administration’s USPS.

As troubling as the postage stamp may be, to me – the father of a soon-to-be-teenage boy – the specter of having a “Harvey Milk Day” forced upon millions of California children, parents, and educators is even more troubling. Especially in light of Milk’s own sordid history with minors.

Even so, and quite obviously, not everyone agrees. Some have said that my reality-based assessment of Harvey Milk is “uncivil.”

Our historical revisionist friends on the left tend to get a bit snooty when you publicly deconstruct one of their meticulously fabricated mythical martyrs.

I find that odd.

To me, even the mere notion of elevating, to hero status, a man who statutorily raped teenage boys, is what’s uncivil.

Matt Barber (@jmattbarber on Twitter) is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action.

As I attempted to see if the left leaning of our population had anything to see about his pedophilia, I came upon someone stating he wasn't a pedophile but an ephebophile with an interest in boys 15-19. What the heck?

Then in researching back-up I come upon the fact that they title each other.

Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2-3 of development), which is typically ages 11–14.

You know What. . .I don't care what you Call it. . .I don't want you practicing it on our Children!

I come upon this statement,

No. Pedophiles are attracted to children who are under the age of puberty. He was a homosexual ephebophile, which means primarily attracted to boys aged 15-19. His runaway boyfriend, Jack McKinley, was 16 when Harvey was 33.

My math says 34, albeit I don't know exact months just years based on Milk's timeline of birth, death and date he met McKinley. STILL a pedophile no matter how they Try to Spin it!

I look up this book.

The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk

The comments are as you would expect of people doting on their hero, who does not deserve the status as he is a Pedophile and NOT a hero!

One person puts this in,

"...our anguish and grief permeate everything we do...We silently rail...we cry out to reverse the irrevocable." (Dianne Feinstein, 284)

"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come." (Victor Hugo, 286)

"We can start immediately by no longer trying to legislate morality." (Harvey Milk, 350)

That pretty much says it all doesn't it?

I say you better keep your Immorality Away from our children! If these people think for one second we will just step aside as they continue attempting to blur the lines so they can get their sick kicks that only come from a satanic realm. Here's how I know. ..God told me!

Romans 1:28

Not only is it not convenient. . .People all over the world are standing up against this NOW. Yellow Vest Protests.

May God be with them and every other Guardian of the children who stands up to this Wicked, Vile group and agenda.

Satan Better get behind us because we Are NOT leaving these children helpless!

They Don't give consent. . .their minds are not fully mature, they Do Not have the capacity. You do NOT decide for Our children, God's children what is Best for them. Your wicked ways are NOT God's ways!

Matthew 18:6

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Romans 8:31

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

I Samuel 17:45

Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.

Well that was a long time ago, these things won't happen today, we live in modern times where there are no miracles.

You better be prepared and get Right with Your Maker!

Revelation 9:16

And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

So what, I'll just escape into my habitat and distractions.

Do you have the seal?

No One escapes, those with the seal on their forehead are spared.

Satan has been building his army and it Will be unleashed. Nothing anyone does Will Stop it!

Revelation 9 through verse 12

And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.

10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.

11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.

Right now, our children are at risk. They target our children through programs in the school, in society and the DNC led Netflix.

I have shared this before, but share it again.

Netflix Investigation for Distribution of Child Porn. This was deleted on Youtube and I received a Strike for daring to tell people the truth and expose this damage along with these predatory practices being pushed on children.

  • Also covers a bill Planned Parenthood tried to sneak in involving sex ed promoting experimenting, teaching of different positions as young as 12

  • Covers what Colbert supports in children's programing that a parent group says is disgusting and inappropriate for children

  • Roblox gang rape and sex scenes in their game marketed to children
    I think it's clear Why I got a strike for this. It appears certain people do not want the general public knowing about the agenda they allow and promote.

See more pedophile rings that have been allowed to run out in the open for years prior to people taking a stand and putting a stop to it!

A Pedophile Ring for the Privileged and Powerful Biggest Political Scandal Establishment cover-ups

60 Minutes Australia also featured a segment on this.

Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE. REALLY?

See what the baphomet agenda is Really about, who they are targeting and what Agenda it furthers!

Ban the Bible? Is this true? What is the baphomet? Are Pedo Groups really out there?

Also see how after school satan clubs are being pushed. No, I'm not kidding.

Notice which cities are pushing them?

Please let me know what you think of the Democrat's heroes. Do you think they are blatantly pushing an agenda? What are your thoughts on this?


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