
in #stop6 years ago (edited)

Ugh... I rarely start my posts with "ugh" but its more then suitable in this case....

Who is the man that spams the trending page every day?
Its Chbartist!
Who is the man with daily fortune cookie wisdom?
Its Chbartist!
Who is the musician that never plays but instead fancies himself as being the crypto Deepak Chopra?
Its Chbartist!

I guess you figured who this post is about by this point.
Seeing this guy toping the trending page day after day is starting to feel like i have a permanently lodged thorn in my buttcheak that someone is pouring gasoline on and setting it on fire. .

Yes... Seeing Chbartist on the trending page feels like my ass is on fire.

I could write a smart post about how plastering ourselves all over the trending page is bad and selfish..Hell, i think even Chbartist has something in his motivational bullshit about how you shouldnt be a selfish dick. Maybe even about how you shouldnt PUT YOURSELF ABOVE OTHERS ALL THE TIME BECAUSE YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE MORE MONEY!

This guy is pretty amazing if you think about it... He will serve you all this feel-good supportive nonsense and then raise himself up to the top of the trending page for everyone to see him, for everyone to follow him, support him, love him, agree with him.

You know who did that? Yeah.... Stallin. Tito. Saddam. Galadriel that time Frodo offered her the ring. 😂

All shall love me and despair!!!!

Be humble guys... Dont be dicks. Being moderate is the way to go, or you end up like Gaddafi crawling through a sewer......
You dont want a face full of "motivational posts" before you die, do you?

Keep on Steeming. And ill see you around. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android


Yeah, I find his (her? their?) fluffy pink narratives full of platitudes to be painful to read. Superficial statements that refer to profundity but remain obstinately on the level of bullshit, attracting followers and hangers-on and pulling the wool over the eyes of some otherwise pretty perceptive folk (evidenced in the content being resteemed by them!). The transparency of and focus on personal gain - SOOOOOO obvious in their strategy, is utterly bare-faced. Unlike Haejin's unselfconsciously profit-oriented position, CHBA sprinkles concepts of Enlightened Living with one hand and Fists the shit outa 'Life' with the other.....blesssssssss.

Hilariously, when challenged, the strategy is to respond with the same soft, fluffy pink bullshit. There is entertainment value in reading some of the intelligent challenges which have been issued and the manner in which they have been dealt with by the Artist in question. Below are some examples of how he/she/they say 'Fuck You' with a mask of pseudo-concern and a dismissive, supercilious smile in the direction of anyone who raises a valid point which cannot be reacted to directly without conceding, and is therefore side-stepped in the time-honoured manner of a politician.

Here is a link to a digest of 'conversations' between the 'Artist' and Challenger-in-Chief, @baah ..........Below are some examples of responses to being challenged, quite typical I think of passive-agressive side-stepping and smug denial.

response 1: "Thank for yours words and for you r effort and time to comment. Regards"

response 2: "Thank you for your time! But I think that you didn't understood what I mean. I respect your opinion but I don't agree with you but no problem, that's just a point of view. Life goes on ... Regards"

response 3: "Friend, there is a popular saying in my country that is: Do not measure me by your rule! If you felt offended and because you interpret everything as an attack on your person. Here in this blog if you pay attention I do not attack anyone. If disagreeing with you is understood as with mocking you or being ironic I am very sorry. I would not even have replied to you if that was my intention. I don't waste my time attacking people. I invest my time in people and this is what you seem to have not yet understood. I really wish all the best for you. Regards"

response 4:"You really want to create a distortion about what is written. You say you're not my friend? That's great because I get that way. Your treatment is disrespectful and distorted and I do not want it inside my blog. Be a good friend, but please look for your yard and do not come to contaminate mine with your hatred. Here is a place for positive people. You do not have to tell me you do not want my upvote. Did not you notice I did not give you upvote? I honestly will not spend my keyboard with you anymore. Be happy"

This Artist(e)(s) ain't gona stop IMO. There is great profit to be had when one trades in Integrity, and enough people seem to be mesmerised by the sparkle and glitter-gloss to keep the wheels of this particular Project of Distortion lubricated for the time being.

We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

Very well said.
At this point theres really no one to stop him. He could literally take over every single spot on the trending page because doesnt want to change the content placement algo.

Guess it may be time to move on from to a different UI like Steempeak or Busy :)
Thanks 🔆

You ain't a-whistlin' Dixie there, pal. The level of sophistry and fallacy in his reply to me is astounding. The most hilarious bits:

How many posts do you write and dedicate?

My post count is more than double his, at least when Steemit counts my combined posts and comments. I actually strive to interact with other Steemians in a meaningful way.

I do not need steemit to succeed,

Then don't buy votes or promote your post to hog the limelight.

I visited your blog but I did not give my opinion because I know how to respect people.

Or maybe you visited my blog and saw I practice what I preach. I create original content and don't try to buy influence, instead offering it to the blockchain and seeing who finds it valuable organically.


He's certainly very skillful at side-stepping and as you say, the level of sophistry and fallacy is astounding! It also seems very formulaic, following moderately complex patterns of obfuscation and projection of one's own behaviour onto others. Repeat, repeat ad nauseam and never engage coz to engage is to acknowledge, and to acknowledge is closer to admitting LOL. If one is playing a double-game, I guess this is unacceptable action and all challenges must be turned into perceived attacks, thus justifying such counter-measures as his evasive counter attacks! Perhaps!

Your own comments to CHBA were without any personal attack - you focus on behaviour and attitude rather than the personal (you don't use 'you are this or that'-type statements). The Artist then creatively turns this around, playing by the rules of his 'double-game' :).

@chbartist, I wonder what 'dialogue' means to you!? What about Integrity? It's just a meaningless notion subscribed to by fools, a tool for 'cashing-in' on to ensure Success, measured by the size of your wallet, is it? Looks that way! Do you believe any of the 'enlightened' stuff that you preach? Is that too, just a stepping-stone to success, and devoid of any deeper meaning or significance (to you)?

"I told you, do you want a dialogue? No, you want a public circus. That's why I said I do not usually respond to comments like yours, because it's like talking to a door. Read my answer again, I'm sure you have not read to answer this. Be more educated, I no longer have anything to say to you than buy 50K steems and help the steemm donate ten thousand dollars to people in steem in the next 3 months and learn to be respectful. The size of your respect for people shows the size of your wallet on Steem. Success"

I just saw what looks like an edict from a cult leader to a follower, looks like a sugar-coated warning and betrays the fact that voting patterns of followers are noted by the cult leader!

Reasoned dissent based on ethical considerations is only "negative disrespect" if you're a narcissistic egomaniac.

It says something about his happy clappy nonsense own self belief when he feels the need to boost himself into trending with every post.

Even he doesnt live by the crap he preaches.

I am very conflicted at the moment because I follow both of you. Is this where Batman abd Superman get in a fight? Lighten up people. There are many who need words of encouragement. For those who do not, ignore or mute is a solution. To quote Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

Hehe. Im no where near superhero level. Im more of a side character that gets killed in crossfire.

Still.... No we cant "get along".
Its not about his motivational posts. Its about the fact that he insists to take at least half of the top 10 trending spots on the trending page.

He is free to do whatever he wants, but what he does do is a shit thing to do.
And im free to call him out for it.

Posted using Partiko Android


What's really sad is that might not seem like a lot of money to some, but just think about how much money that will be in the next bull run when the price of Steem hits $3 or more.

He will do well. The people he pays will do much, much better.

That's uncanny, all my faves!

Interesting that the two 'highest' Steemians by 'reputation' are Haejin and CHBA... 😌

They both certainly have a reputation.

Looks pretty scary.. Funniest thing is that theres only a few, if that, creators on this list that you would call quality content creators.. Folks you could present to the world as a quality succesful Steemian.

No one wants to see quality. Oops. No one wants to reward quality.

I went ahead and made a $0.15 flag on his latest pile of BS.

Now we need a 1000 more of those. 😅

Legitimate criticism of his behavior results in flags. What a self-righteous pompous jerk.

You are doing God's work, my man.

Stinc should offer him a job as Chief Bullshit Artist.

They already have a content director. /s

I understand you're being kinky but I'm not sure if Thorns were suppose to be put into your butt in the first place.

The ambiguity was left in there intentionally. ;)

You failed to mention his alter ego @nothus who reposts his stuff in Spanish. whether its the same guy or a friend Im not sure but he uses bid bots to post the same posts to just under trending. Crafty too, he waits 3 days. I flagged him loads of times but its wasted breath. Take a look.

If Transisto is the one bidding for him, it would be 3 days.

It’s a business now.

transisto also has another new account I see @ sharingcontent ,

Certainly makes people want to invest in the platform when Chb1, Chb2, etc. occupy most of the trending page.

Just him and that Nothus...for now.

This is one of the bests posts I've seen about the bull on the trending page. Thanks for making me laugh when I've had a rough couple of pages.

Seeing this guy toping the trending page day after day is starting to feel like i have a permanently lodged thorn in my buttcheak that someone is pouring gasoline on and setting it on fire. .

Yes... Seeing Chbartist on the trending page feels like my ass is on fire.

Sounds as painful as seeing Chbartist on the trending page lol ><

Thx.. Hehe. I always try and do a funny twist.. even when wer dealing with stuff like this.

Posted using Partiko Android

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