Neuro-Marketing for the Homeless - Advertising for Compassion

in #stewardsofgondor7 years ago (edited)

They are on every street corner, in every town. Maybe you've seen them, the beautiful souls with the hopeless eyes, the hungry and the helpless, the lost and forlorn.

I saw them, and my heart broke with each passing corner.

But what could I do? I barely had enough to feed myself and my child, and I was struggling to pay bills as I worked as a case manager for agencies who would end up failing to pay me, robbing me of what little I already had.

Then one day, I happened on this man.


His sign was unique, and it caught my eye. He was a genius! As it happened, I just had a conversation with a professor and fellow student regarding the ethics of neuromarketing, a relatively new field in the world of psychology. Actually, it's the ethics part that is new, the manipulation of peoples' minds, tastes, and attitudes has been going on for quite some time.

And I had an idea.

I would give the people with signs better signs. It would serve a two-fold purpose; first, hopefully the signs would bring more funds for the people holding them, and secondly, I was hoping to shift perceptions of the passers-by. I wanted to effect change, and CHANGE.

All I could offer was some kindness, some dignity, and a little ethical neuro-marketing.

I got to work and made a plethora of signs. And you know what? They worked! It actually worked! I'll be posting a few of the stories, each person deserves their own post, because each person is just that, a person, a unique soul, worthy of time attention, and respect.

As I read the story of @hickorymack , I wanted to reach out and give, but alas, once again, I have nothing but ideas and a heart to see people happy, healthy, and living out their dreams.

If you are like me, and have the heart to give, but not the resources, then this idea is for you. Maybe you could make a few signs. While you are passing them out, I guarantee you, you will make some new friends.

**Can one sign make a difference? **


Can many signs make a change?

We'll see.

For #valentinesday maybe you could pass out some better signs, do a little neuro-marketing for the people holding signs.

It's about making people THINK as they drive by, and shifting the perceptions of onlookers. Perhaps just the right person, with the right connections, and the resources, will drive by, at just the right time, and decide to DO something more than drive by.

I found a quote by @arbitrarykitten that touched me, and speaks to the heart of the issue:

"...most of the time if you see someone pan handling- it took an awful lot to get them to stoop that low. It is extremely degrading to stand on the street and beg, you really have to summon strength from I don't even know where. When you hear their story, remember there's so much more than there is time to tell, and you will never hear the worst parts."

People are not disposable. They just aren't. I know you agree.


Great idea @seaslim, you are a credit to your home community and this one! Life isn't just about the taking and the giving to. Sadly many people have the misconception that if someone is homeless it is through their own doing and that they can't be bothered to sort their issues out, this in most situations is not the case. Often until you walk in an others shoes you can't relate to how they ended up where they have. I will most certainly be implementing this locally to where I live. Great post and thanks for sharing it with us. @dan21050

I'm so excited that you will be doing this! Please keep us updated, and share your results. I can't wait to hear how it goes!

very good article @seaslim... we gotcha over on our main account, but I also wanted to say Hi and tell you that this is awesome!!! I will be happy to help you get going here and make a difference in this world :)

Oh, thank you so much! Your opinion means a lot to me. I've been reading your posts, and think very highly of you. That is for real, you are a great guy from what I've read.

I'm glad we connected and I know you have to get by and visit the Dear Dawne segment... @goldendawne will definitely teach you great steemit things... I'm actually glad you hit my old post because it prompted me to come view your blog and wow... I really love what you are doing!

I know you have a lot hitting you today but when it calms down let me know what you would like the most about and I will take time to work with you... If you are on discord my username is davemccoy#2479 and if you aren't on discord but want to be (its like a chat room)... here is the link to signup to our server:

ps... its easy.. just put an email address in and use the same username so you don't confuse people... we have lots of people getting connected in there so you can be friendly with any of them.

pps...haha about the snowflake melting. Quick wit!

:) Thank you so much. I'm actually so lost, I don't even know what I need help with. I suppose if i could ask you anything, it would be what are the three things you wish you knew at day 20?

I do have a Discord, I managed that much, at least. I look forward to learning from you, and am truly grateful for the opportunity. Is there a good time to catch you in there?

ok I see that you made it to @goldendawne's page.. You will like her a lot... I learn things from her all the time! I didn't see you yet on discord, but I will be back tomorrow... if you click join our server then I can add you easily or you can just add me! Either way I'm excited, your next 20 days are going to be fantastic!

I am there right now if you are there or I pop in and out about every hour

jlmk... we will help you get unlost ;)

What an awesome thing to do @seaslim! I'm very impressed! I know you are trying to get to @goldendawne so make sure you follow that link I sent you. I think we have lots of things we can do together, I like your style!!! Great post too :)

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top 10 posts for the day! ...

We invite you to use our tag to connect with more of our members. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

Oh my goodness! You just made my day! Thank you! :) I will do as you've suggested, thanks!

I agree. Each one if us is like a snowflake. We are just alike and unique. Only together do we make snow..

Written by me. :)

Until Spring, anyway. ;) Love your quote, and I love snow. It makes everything seems so clean and bright, so fresh and pure.

Yes. I agree. :)

I've recently seen a few people with signs that say "Asking for human kindness." These signs touch my heart and I think they work well.

Sometimes we don't have anything to give, but even a smile and a sincere hello can make a difference. It says, "I see you. I care."

Your idea of making signs is wonderful! I look forward to seeing more posts with the stories of people who received your signs.

Aww, thanks. You are right, sometimes just a smile, and an acknowledgement of another human being can go a long way. I hope you are inspired to make some signs of your own! Oddly enough, such a simple thing made a big difference for some.

What a beautiful idea! I am resteeming this one for sure. Helping in any which way possible is what will make the change happen. You have a mind and a heart of gold. Have you heard of #OPHumanAngels? It is worth checking out. This falls into that category perfectly. Let's get the word out there. Let's make a move!

Wow, thank you! All this love is making me feel like I should've written about this sooner. We are kindred spirits, I've read many of your comments and posts, and I'm a fan. In a nice way, lol. I'll check out #OPHumanAngels , thanks for the tip. Let's do this! Maybe someone can start a contest for sign slogans? It is just so unfathomable to me that in 2018, we haven't evolved past homelessness.

In my town of maybe 300 people, we don't have homeless people and the neighbouring towns dont seem to either. If there are, they are well hidden. So until I find out more about the people we have, the best thing I can do ( I have done one so far) is make scarves and hang them on posts and railings and when someone is in need, if they see it, they can grab it. Winter's here are quite cold and people have to be warm.
I think a contest would be great! Help the helpers help :p It starts things off with a kick. Someone to talk to about these things in my opinion would be @lyndsaybowes. I found out about #OPHumanAngels from her. She would have great insight I believe.
Thank you for reading my comments :D I am flattered... I have a fan! woohoo! lol that put a smile to my face ^_^ Thank you so much. Let's keep in touch ok.

"Help the helpers help" - I love it! Thanks for the suggestion, I will seek her out and pitch the idea to her. Your scarf idea is beautiful, and very clever! It's harder for homeless people in small towns. The shame and the stigma can be overwhelming. Many of them end up in OKC, because of the intersection of the major highways. Once they arrive here, things aren't much better. The problem has grown exponentially, it is astounding.

We will definitely stay in touch. You are welcome for reading your comments, thank you for reading my post! I'm somewhat overwhelmed by the responses, it has been truly incredible. I love it here so very much!

This is a great place to be. I've been talking about it to some of my friends that don't know about it in hopes they come here as well. It is a place of kindness and encouragement. It will only grow :)

I think it would be helpful for you to write down a few of the signs that you know work for those of us that are not familiar with neuroadvertising. Is it possible to get a handle on this concept easily?

Great question, thanks for asking! At first I just made signs that said things like:

  • Being homeless is hard, caring isn't
  • Being homeless is not a character flaw, not caring about it is
  • Being homeless is not a moral failing, not caring about it is

The second two were a little shaming, but at least they made people think. I then branched off into some more creative signs.

  • I'm homeless not heartless, do we have anything in common?
  • When did we stop caring about each other? Please help
  • People are not disposable. Please help!

Not saying those are the greatest or anything. Not even close. I like "Being is homeless is hard, caring isn't," the best of all. I had other ones, but that gives you a general idea. At Christmas, I passed out a lot of signs that said:

  • Jesus was homeless, too. Merry Christmas.

Those were popular. At one point, I was giving certain people their choice of was my own little community improvement project. A popular choice, although not as effective was:

  • Another Day in Paradise

Tomorrow I'll write about one man who chose that sign. He is a disabled veteran who is missing his left foot. His name is Sarge, and he has quite a story.

Ooh this is awesome info. It should be in a post that you can point to over and over. I like the Jesus was homeless idea. Most people don't even think about that. It really should work year round but ... i dunno lol ... Jesus was homeless, too. Even he had sponsors... ... ??? Yeah I'll let you untangle that idea :)

At one point, the enormity of the problem had me so frustrated, I started making really snarky signs. I never handed those out, but they said things like, "I know you see me, it's okay to make eye-contact." Another one said, "Homelessness. It's not contagious."

Like I said, I didn't give those out.

You are a talented artist, do you have any suggestions? I'd love to hear them!

Oy. The eye contact thing. That's huge.

LoL I'll have a think on it. Probably have to think for some time. Cause ... I'd be using those tacky ones.

My art talent is largely an aimless hobby that only lives in bits and bytes.

Hmm but if you're wanting to add some fast, doodle-like design that might add some subliminal relaxation, I strongly suggest selecting some fast and easy Zentangle patterns.

You can check my Pintrest boards.

Hey, thanks for the tips! I'll check it out.

The eye-contact thing IS huge. It connects us, and helps us SEE each other. It is easier to ignore someone and forget they are another human being if you don't make eye-contact.

Hi @seaslim, your post has been been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. What does this mean for you? Well first an up vote from the team, we are no @curie but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Second each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the curation post.

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This is a brilliant and heartfelt idea. Big hugs and many kudos to you for a compassionate and non-judgmental initiative!

Thank you for your kind words. We are all in this together! Hugs right back atcha, @thekittygirl heart.gif

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