@fulltimegeek brings out the hammer and finds new #stewardsofgondor to entrust with 350,000 Steem Power

in #stewardsofgondor6 years ago

In a selfless act of monumental proportions, @fulltimegeek's Steem Power is currently delegated to around 50 users to help curate and support communities across Steemit.

If you have received an up-vote from myself, or anyone else on the following list over the past month or so, then you have @fulltimegeek to thank for the much larger vote you have been gifted.

If you wish to know 'why?' someone would loan out this Steem Power, you can find out here.


The Hammer has spoken

Before numbers this week, I noticed a changing of the guard in the Stewards ranks. SP has been allocated to new Stewards, as well as some current members receiving a well deserved boost for all their excellent work.

@fulltimegeek had mentioned last November that tardy Stewardship would result in a loss of delegated Power. This last week has seen the biggest changes yet, and from a personal point of view I was not saddened about one particular Steward, who I felt had lost his way entirely.

Anyway, it is not for the Stewards to decide who is worthy, let us continue to do our best.

To the numbers we go!



Steward: Steem Username
P: Number of Top level posts in the past 7 days
Cmts: Number of comments made in the past 7 days
C_len: Total character length of all comments (excluding posts)
W_v: Number of Witnesses voted for
Vts: Total number of votes made in the past 7 days
U_v: Total number of unique authors who received a vote in the past 7 days
S_v: Number of self-votes made in the past 7 days
D_v: Number of down-votes made in the past 7 days


(@crimsonclad witness proxy @followbtcnews)
The table can be copy/pasted into excel for sorting and further analysis
Data extracted from @arcange's SteemSQL DB at 7:00 pm (UTC+4!) 18th January 2018

Same data as above in image format

Weekly totals

TotalsThis weekLast week2 weeks ago
Unique: votes10433110259711

Stats and Star Stewards

This week we are down on all numbers - posts, comments, votes, down-votes, and self-votes. More to come next week hopefully?


@cranium and @goldendawne, and @lyndsaybowes, have all posted over 500 comments, and @goldendawne has writtenover 100,000 characters in her 527 comments in the past 7 days - hail keyboards!

@cecicastor, @coolguy123, @crimsonclad, @hitmeasap, @lyndsaybowes, @stackin, and @teamhumble all handing out over 1000 votes this past week - up-vote legends!

@coolguy123- Master steward of goodwill to all with over 1000 unique Steemians reached with his votes this past week - sharing the love!


So Stewards, how do you think you've done this week?

Personally, (with 2 days out travelling) my output hasn't reached previous levels. Hopefully when we are settled here I'll be back to full Stewardship.

This is my first blog here on the island and I made it priority as I know the Stewards will be awaiting the numbers!

Just in case you are wondering where the sunshine photos are, we are currently sitting through a Cyclone here on northern Reunion :D

Thank you!

A huge thank you to @fulltimegeek. I hope that you are happy with the progress that's been made by the stewards - and the positive ripple effects your delegations have made in the Steemit sea.

Thanks man!

Steem-on Stewards!

Asher @abh12345


@cranium and @goldendawne, and @lyndsaybowes, have all posted over 500 comments, and @goldendawne has writtenover 100,000 characters in her 527 comments in the past 7 days - hail keyboards

What? No way!!! I have been a social steemit butterfly this week! WOW! I had a a lot to say! My husband always says I chatter too much. I NEED TO NOT show him this!

Congratulations every one of you Stewards of Gondor! What a great week we have all had!

And thank you @abh12345, @wwf and @taskamster4450 for all your help this past week! You guys are AMAZING!

@coolguy123 you always find the unique posts to UPvote- congrats on another successful week!

And @fulltimegeek... no words I could ever think of to say about how I feel about you, your generosity and your love for steemit's success... and I'm a Journalism major!

Seeing all these numbers is astounding! We all did this? We touched, connected and met all these people on steemit?! WOW!

Let's knock it out of the park next week!!!

Way to go team! @goldendawne, you are welcome. We are here to help one another, so it is not only my duty but honour to lend a helping hand. Keep up the great work. <3 You are amazing Your Grace!

Congratulations @goldendawne, on one side you are topping @abh12345's curation leagues and on other side, you are at the top of top comment writers as part of @fulltimegeek's #StewardsOfGondor!! That's not easy, but you have proved that we can do it and that is something inspirational.

Overtaking someone like @taskmaster4450, who, not sure how long he spends on comments is not that easy.

Keep inspiring us to achieve more. :)

Overtaking someone like @taskmaster4450, who, not sure how long he spends on comments is not that easy.

I was in no way attempting a coup... lol
But WOW! I did that?!

If someone were to ask me how I did/do this... I would only be able to say... I just type. I interact. I comment. (oh, yeah.. and I waved my magic wand for good measure)

I do know this... when someone says I have inspired, encouraged or helped them, it makes me smile from deep within. It makes my day!

lol, that's nice I think that waving your magic wand is an additional plus for you ;)
Jokes apart, that's some real achievement.

And as for as inspiration, yes, that's true. Especially when you spend time on so many contests, curate good posts by reading the content and you write so many words.

You know you will @goldendawne!!

Well done you, taking home all the prizes this week! :D

I think i can do better over the next 7 days, lets see!

Oh, I think I hear a just got back from vacation and I'm well rested challenge! lol

Thank you for congratulations, this week we nicely worked.

Спасибо за поздравления, на этой неделе мы славно потрудились.

Maybe highlighting the individuals not doing any self voting? Stats on how much delegation each Steward gets? Also it would be interesting to have stats on who sells their votes. Also who manually / autovotes. I can imagine some of these stats will be a lot of work to get a hold of, maybe you can send out a petition which all can answer?

Thank you for providing this information @abh12345, much appreciated! :)


Hey man, thanks for the comments.

The idea of just presenting the numbers is that I'm not siding with any approach taken. It's not my SP, who am I to say what's right and wrong, you know?

e.g. It could be that writing less than 150 comments a week isn't showing a great deal of engagement in @fulltimegeek's eyes, and he is actually for up-voting your own work that you spent 2/3/4 hours producing.

https://steemworld.org/@fulltimegeek - full list of delegations here with SP and date of delegation.

Again, vote-selling - opinions may differ.

Selling all your SP because you've been delegated some, not cool? Selling 100 SP prior to your delegation, maybe ok?

Cheers, feedback appreciated!

Personally I think controlling your own voting power is a much better long term strategy, at least for me. A vote done as a gift is in my eyes worth much more then a vote that's been sold. Never understimate the social part of this, we are building a community here of great people and it's gonna be exciting to see what we can do together going forward! :)

As I believe the Steem blockchain to be designed by @dan to work as gift economy I also think one should focus on giving and contributing and if you don't vote for your self you have more to share with others which makes it more likely that you get more back.

Screenshot from 2018-01-18 17-58-09.png
Screenshot from 2018-01-18 17-58-40.png
Screenshot from 2018-01-18 17-59-14.png
Screenshot from 2018-01-18 17-59-28.png

not saying it's right or wrong it's all of course subjective but the information isn't and that's what I'm requesting.

Cool! I look the list and I know at least 3 users hehe.. you , kubbyelizabeth who is helping br users in the Pal chat, and reko(we dont talk much but we are often playing at same table on lucksacks)
This action of distribution of power has a very positive multiplier effect, that has reached me = D
So , thanks Asher and @fulltimegeek xD! Steem-on Stewards!
Take care , be careful with the cyclone. Ps> Cyclone photos are cool too hehe

Hi delegate @lpessin :)

Yes you have @fulltimegeek to thank in the main, glad to see you are commenting away and appreciating the work.

Yes I'd like a cyclone photo but it's pitch black outside and I hear a lot of banging! :D

Thanks man!
yeah better stay inside then, safety first! xD

Great to have you back after your travel @abh12345.

It's also nice to see some new leaders in different categories under "Stats and Star Stewards". That shows the healthy competition among #StewardsOfGondor is getting more and more fierce.

Thanking @fulltimegeek one more time for the SP delegation.

As for as my numbers are concerned, there is improvement in number of unique Steemians reached and I am back at top of unique votes ;).

I would like to appreciate all the members for putting improved effort and paying it back to Steemit via @fulltimegeek's community building activity thru his SP delegation.

Thanks for your kind works as always @coolguy123, another excellent week for you :)

You are welcome @abh12345, you guys are the reason for these achievements.

Without these reports, we wouldn't be knowing where we stand, ofcourse without SP delegation, we will be just normal Steemians and will try to write blogs and comments, but the SP delegation has enabled us to try something most of the guys can't do.

Wishing a wonderful day ahead and looking forward to this week's curation league post from you :).

Thank you for the details.

Thank you!

I will try my best to produce the curation post this weekend - I have been assigned to paint walls for a new school tomorrow but I hope it can be ready later in the day.


Oh, that's nice to know, you are into so many things. Wishing you a enjoying weekend :)

As for as my numbers are concerned, there is improvement in number of unique Steemians reached and I am back at top of unique votes

How do you do this? You must cruise steemit pages more than me! AND I do that A LOT!

Congratulations again!

How do you do this? You must cruise steemit pages more than me! AND I do that A LOT!

Half of my votes on daily basis goes to new joinees on their #introduceyourself posts.
Off late, I am looking into utopian.io related posts.
Also, I keep voting contents from new tab, so I don't keep checking whether I am voting on a unique guy or someone I already voted. But, most of the time the posts are from unique and different guys.

Thank you for all you are doing.

This is a great plan, voting and commenting on intro posts will help build your followers and is great for new Steemians just starting out.

Thank you @coolguy123

Yes, I felt this really something for new guys who start their journey on Steemit, I mean some amount of SBD at the beginning of their journey through my vote ;).

Yay #stewardsofgondor! You all are doing such encouraging and uplifting things! I interact with @goldendawne and @lyndsaybowes almost daily, the kindest people on the internet :) Always helping me learn and grow <3 Shoutout to @fulltimegeek, the mysterious man behind the magic :) Thank you!

Sounds like you've bumped into a couple of gems there @amymya :D

Good luck to you!

Oh yes, Lyndsay is my neighbor and good friend, she introduced me to Steemit. @goldendawne teaches me oodles of stuff on discord and helps me and a million others stay on track, haha

Thank you for the kind words!!!

I look forward to this post every time. It’s great accountability, it’s great information, and it’s inspirational. Steemit has been acting up this past week and most of the auto voting systems went down too, I wonder if that is also the reason why vote count is down? Also new year and my job has been very demanding. if anyone else has been extremely busy with a demanding workload that would effect curation votes. Nonetheless, time to keep steeming on!

Thanks @kubbyelizabeth :D

For sure we can't all dedicate a load of time each week, this one has definitely been lower for me. It's a good chance to make next weeks numbers look really good!

Are the unique vote/vote ratios all kind of similar as a natural result of how many people are active on steemit and who these people choose to follow and interact with?

Yes pretty much, unique individuals voted for. Cheers!

I am delighted to have made it to this remarkable group of individuals from diverse backgrounds whose only unifying factor is the love and passion for sharing that was made more possible by @fulltimegeek. I am super grateful he made me change a lot of $0.00 posts to something other than $0.00. It is always a joy to upvote that excellent post that had no attention. 10,000+ upvotes in a week? That is an upvote tsunami! Thank you @abh12345 for always presenting this data every week and thank you @fulltimegeek for giving us wings to fly. Thank you, fellow stewards of Gondor, for pushing that upvote button; you guys rock!

haha, an 'up-vote tsunami' :) and one that is constant also - over 1000 votes a day between us!

Thanks for your kind comments as always @greenrun.

Thank you for thanking me :)
The reach just can't be done by a person unless if automated.


And even with one person, to set the automation up to reach 10000 accounts would be a huge task!

That is very true.

You are really doing a great job here and you are not doing bad in this week stat

Becoming a Steward of Gondor is one of the best things happening to me on Steemit. I was able to delegate 500 SP to a friend of mine now who just started Steemin‘.

It's the ideal time to do this, glad to hear man!

It's the ideal time to do this, glad to hear man!

I was a bit slow on the uptake this week. Been battling a really nasty bout of flu. Hopefully I can be back up to full steem this week.

Get well soon @cecicastor, your comments/word count are always excellent so no need to worry. Lets see if we can all push on a little this coming week.


I have always been a numbers man and the data you give out is just mind boggling. Started to use Steem SQL queries and the amount of info you need to filter down, create rules is just mind boggling but getting there.

I appreciate what all of you are doing in spreading out more comments, upvotes and engaging the community.

The Stewards of Gondor is indeed a worthy initiative and here is to more success and good content found, upvoted, commented and making a lasting connection and retention of people in Steemit.

..and making a lasting connection and retention of people in Steemit.

This is the real bonus for the stewards, making new friends as we go.

Good luck with the SteemSQL!

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