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RE: @fulltimegeek brings out the hammer and finds new #stewardsofgondor to entrust with 350,000 Steem Power

@cranium and @goldendawne, and @lyndsaybowes, have all posted over 500 comments, and @goldendawne has writtenover 100,000 characters in her 527 comments in the past 7 days - hail keyboards

What? No way!!! I have been a social steemit butterfly this week! WOW! I had a a lot to say! My husband always says I chatter too much. I NEED TO NOT show him this!

Congratulations every one of you Stewards of Gondor! What a great week we have all had!

And thank you @abh12345, @wwf and @taskamster4450 for all your help this past week! You guys are AMAZING!

@coolguy123 you always find the unique posts to UPvote- congrats on another successful week!

And @fulltimegeek... no words I could ever think of to say about how I feel about you, your generosity and your love for steemit's success... and I'm a Journalism major!

Seeing all these numbers is astounding! We all did this? We touched, connected and met all these people on steemit?! WOW!

Let's knock it out of the park next week!!!


Way to go team! @goldendawne, you are welcome. We are here to help one another, so it is not only my duty but honour to lend a helping hand. Keep up the great work. <3 You are amazing Your Grace!

Congratulations @goldendawne, on one side you are topping @abh12345's curation leagues and on other side, you are at the top of top comment writers as part of @fulltimegeek's #StewardsOfGondor!! That's not easy, but you have proved that we can do it and that is something inspirational.

Overtaking someone like @taskmaster4450, who, not sure how long he spends on comments is not that easy.

Keep inspiring us to achieve more. :)

Overtaking someone like @taskmaster4450, who, not sure how long he spends on comments is not that easy.

I was in no way attempting a coup... lol
But WOW! I did that?!

If someone were to ask me how I did/do this... I would only be able to say... I just type. I interact. I comment. (oh, yeah.. and I waved my magic wand for good measure)

I do know this... when someone says I have inspired, encouraged or helped them, it makes me smile from deep within. It makes my day!

lol, that's nice I think that waving your magic wand is an additional plus for you ;)
Jokes apart, that's some real achievement.

And as for as inspiration, yes, that's true. Especially when you spend time on so many contests, curate good posts by reading the content and you write so many words.

You know you will @goldendawne!!

Well done you, taking home all the prizes this week! :D

I think i can do better over the next 7 days, lets see!

Oh, I think I hear a just got back from vacation and I'm well rested challenge! lol

Thank you for congratulations, this week we nicely worked.

Спасибо за поздравления, на этой неделе мы славно потрудились.

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