in #steemwars7 years ago

In response to the question posed here by @bearone
@teamusa has begun recon and intelligence gathering operations to be adequately prepared to defend itself and the rest of the free world from the impending act of aggression being planned by @teamaustralia.

Boxer hand wrap.jpg

The first step in preparation was to have a really cool banner and footer, used to demoralize our opponents. In the true American fashion, we didn't create them ourselves, we stole them. Okay, we didn't really steal them, they were very generously created and donated by @bearone but it sounds more intimidating and menacing to say we stole them, so we're sticking to that narrative.

Burglar with mask.jpg

Next, we picked up the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzo, to learn how to dominate on the battlefield. We couldn't find a chapter dealing with @steemwars but some of the ideas still translated into the current situation. The first point was to know your enemy, so we started with "The Top 101 Facts About Australia" posted by @jackmiller.


Run to Mum

Since the American colonies were discovered in 1492 and colonized by England in 1607, and Australia was founded by the Dutch in 1606 and colonized by England in 1770, that makes Australia our younger step-brother. Maybe our battle plan could be to run to @teamgb and cry, "Mum, my younger step-brother says he's going to beat me up. Make him stop!" Nah, whining to someone else doesn't seem like an effective battle plan.

Baby crying.jpg

Infest with dangerous animals

Okay, it looks like someone beat us to this one. With 8 out of the top 10 most dangerous snakes located in Australia, the arsenal of trained attack birds @teamaustralia is preparing, and the plethora of animals capable of killing in various ways populating the land, sea and air, I think we'll scratch this plan.

Australia's deadly animals.jpg

Populate with hardened criminals

This method has worked in the past for the USA when we wanted to overthrow a government from a distance and keep our hands clean, however, looking at Australia's origin and history, again, it looks like someone beat us to it!

Hardened criminals.jpg

Cyber war

Okay, time to move on to technology... the dreaded cyber war! We can slow down their internet to a crawl, so they can't communicate, let alone download or upload any information. Son of a gun, someone beat us to this also. This is crazy. It appears the NBN is doing a bang up job of this, with a world ranking of 60th in average internet speeds with a snail racing speed of 39.3 mbps.

Impatiently waiting.gif

Disarm their citizens

Not again! Late to the party. The Australian government is way ahead of us. Although @thehomesteadlife has been very helpful by posting blogs explaining that it is possible to own a gun in Australia, it does seem to be very cumbersome and restrictive from an American viewpoint. Of course that may not be saying much, considering the American viewpoint.

Squirt gun.jpg

Propaganda war to destroy the reputation of their leaders

We are left with no option but to fight dirty. It's time to start a propaganda war to ruin the reputation of their leaders by dragging them through the mud and portraying them as psychopathic, inhumane, coldblooded villains. But how are we going to do that when they are helping @teamusa by generously providing us with help, support, eye-catching graphics, and open arms? Looks like another dead end.


Back to the Drawing Board

Looks like it's time to go back to the drawing board, and quickly. Time is running out. Only 36 hours remaining. On the bright side, at least we have these awesome, intimidating graphics that we brutally stole in an frightening and fear inducing manner. GRRRRR!!


The Aussies might have Crocodile Dundee, but is he a match for America's Chuck Norris?

Can't wait to see all these steemwar battles. You guys are hilarious.


ohh no!! You guys brought Chuck in?!!

I am excited for it also! Those Aussies are some hilarious mates, and imaginative. I'm sure it will provide some good entertainment.

It looks like this when croc meets chuck, kid you not!

Reporting for duty! @teamusa!

knew we cud count on u

Welcome on board @notoriousdjp ! We now have PA, NY, VA, FL, CA represented, and an unknown location (must be our super top secret spy!)

I've had my ear to the ground here @steemit for a week now...there's a lot of rumbling go'n on...unrest is rampant and yet enthusiasm wins the day...each and every day.

Hadn't heard a peep since the announcement...finally something in my feed about this! Curiously I haven't head boo outta the Canucks...being one I do know we're slow to start but we do end up exporting our best...mostly to the USof A ...'n we have a rep of getting around and hump'n the harder grinds.

Fair is cheap...but if the Canadians are involved...'n I have no clue if they are...someone's gonna get their cookies frosted ;)

Hmmm...that sounded kinda...ahhh screw it...finger it out yerselve''s summer time our own recon happen'n here!

Play nice Steemers...

thanks to Mungo Jerry @ YT

~smiles fer miles~

Feel free to join forces with us. Wouldn't that be ironic, a Canadian moving to the US during a time of war, instead of the other way around! If you think about it, bring along some Tim Horton's, an army marches on its stomach, especially when the stomach is fully caffeinated.

Lol...never so kindly invited to join a war before...had my say in the declaration of Steemit Wars...damn...thought I resteemed that. No wonder I'm outta the loop. :-/ This I resteemed!

Not sure what to say...other than listen to Mongo get an idea on where I'm at on that invite...atm.

Us non snow-boarding/ice-fishing Canadians tend to get a might cranky when the cold sets in so I might have a notion after the leave's are down...'n the beaches are frozen.

But lemme know where to drop and I'll see that Timmy commandeers a Huey to drop a few pallets of their coffee and stale can either dip'm or leave 'm in the sun until their hard enough to do little to no damage to yer frienemies...mind the wind-drift though...nuth'n from North of the 49th is what you'd call...streamlined. ~smiles fer miles~


I shared a house with two other guys in college, and one was Canadian. One of my greatest regrets in life is that I didn't go with them to Oktoberfest when they went up one year. We had a soccer tournament that weekend, but I ended up getting hardly any playing time anyhow.

I did spend a week fishing in northern Regina years ago. It was so peaceful. No outside communications. On the flight back, I picked up a newspaper and found out the USSR had broken up while we were gone, and we had no clue! this some kinda code? Ooops I've said too much already haven't I. Damned 8% beer is what it is...sorry 'aboot that ;-)

Cool story though bro!

Laughed pretty much all the way through this XD Good luck :D

Mission accomplished! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm having a blast with teamaustralia. They are so much fun to hang with.

Seems like there are many problems with Australia but most of them have been imposed upon by Britain except for the deadly animals you find there.

To me, it speaks to the resiliency and heartiness of the Australian people. True definition of tough!

Simply awesome mate (UV & R) - Survival Guide is out - spread it round. SK.

great post - i am team australia and am following people from teamusa and teamgb when i come across them too -- rock on

What's up, man? Hope you are doing well. Sorry we have to go to war.

Oh my gosh i helped the team Woo hoo !!!
You gotta luv the @Swenger : D
Awesome post mate ;o)

Thank you very much!

You need to start a teamusa tag page I put one there to get you started : o)

Not sure I understand. How do I start one, or have you already started one? If you have, where do I find it? Sorry I'm such a newbie, I'll do much better during the next World War. ;)

just type teamusa in the tags when your making a post and it starts making a dedicated page . If you go to my latest post you will see teamusa in the tag on it and it will take you straight there

Got it. I had used teamusa as a tag on this post. I'll make sure and use it on all of the "military correspondence". Thanks!

your welcome ..i'm a bit surprised no one told you ..but hey, now you know : o)

you can also just click this: #teamusa

And as noted, just put teamusa as a tag to add things here.

This is going to sound RADICAL, I know, but maybe, just maybe, we should all the teams should just sit down at the negotiating table and negotiate for peaceful coexistence, by helping and supporting each other, learning about each other's countries and cultures, and upvoting all the cool content that we all bring to this platform - JUST A THOUGHT (smile)

If you haven't seen the official Rules of Engagement yet, check it out here:

I have a feeling this will be a war of helping and supporting, while learning about each other's cultures. It will be the first war where everyone wins, rather than everyone loses.

Someone linked my name? Reporting in from an undisclosed location somewhere in the Blue Ridge mountains, allegedly somewhere within a 50 mile perimeter around Asheville NC.

/fades back into the bushes without a sound.

That is a beautiful area! My wife's aunt has a place in Maggie Valley, and we've been there a few times. Didn't want to leave.

Further instructions will follow at drop point "Echo" in the silver maple stump. Or maybe we'll use the less discreet Steemit posting.

Copy that. My location is perhaps 1 hour from Maggie Valley, prefer not to disclose exact coordinates in war time. Somewhere between Asheville and Hickory is adequate, and I'll hint that it's closer to Asheville and up on a mountain as well. (honestly I dont really publish my exact spot much IRL, because im a bit of an actual prepper type and Ive got stuff on the land unattended a good bit of the time in the current non-emergency climate of life)

It sounds like you are currently living my dream. Exact location will remain sealed due to op-sec.

It's a dream. Good and bad, with varying degrees of each at times :D

How can I join @teamusa? I want in.

Awesome! You are in. I formally induct you into service of the @teamusa Steemit militia organized for the sole purpose of the protection of all things we hold dear, from the announced aggression and steemworld domination by @teamaustralia.

Bring'em on!

just let me know what you need.

LOL. We will receive marching orders once @sirknight announces the battlefields. Our goal is to improve the Steemit community through quality content and support in all competitions and categories. Also, you can recruit others to join our cause. It should be a great time!

Crikey wtf mate!...I didn't know she was yer Sheila...didn't say a bloody word to me mate...yeah you better run!

He definitely has the reach advantage as long as it doesn't turn into a kick boxing match.

lol...well he's got bigger stones than me...the idiot in the hat...I wouldn't mess with it...ok...maybe with a boomerang...from up a tree ;-)

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