Cockroaches Explained: Useful or Just A Disgusting Insect?

in #steemstem6 years ago

I hate cockroaches i hate them a lot to the point i have wished their complete death! I have seen cockroaches in different sizes from small to big and for fast to those with feathers (the worst ones). Some people have told me ''come on why you so scared of them, what can they do to you''

It's not i am scared people, i am disgusted by even touching them. The idea of cockroaches touching my skin is an absolutely torture and in general i don't care if they exist i care only if they are in my house! A couple of hours ago i killed a cockroach that was lurking in my house and then the idea hit me. Why shouldn't i research if this disgusting insect has any reason to be alive and if scientists actually study about it and helps them in some of their projects and ideas, so let's learn together a couple of things about them.

Cockroaches Origin

Cockroaches belong to the order of Blattodea an order which they share with termites as it is considered that they have the same ancestor and till now they share common traits and behaviors. Although there are not similarities in the way they live as termites form colonies and cockroaches not but similarities can be found in having as top choices places that are warm and humid. Also, other similarities are that they share food together and have cannibalism tendencies at the same time (haha so much for the food sharing!). 

Also, loneliness can affect both of this insects in having lower life expectancy as well as to become slower in size as they grow up. The worst one i kept it for last and if you eat i suggest you put your food aside or skip this part. Cockroaches and termites both engage in coprophagy. If you don't don't know what that is, in few words it's the art of eating shit.

It is said that cockroaches are 320 million years in Earth even before dinosaurs one of the oldest insect but ofc through time the species evolved and haven't remained the same as now. There are over 4000 species with only 30 of them to like our cities and houses and from those 30 only 4 are the most usual suspects also known or categorized as Pests Organism 

Pests Organism

In general pest is an animal, a plant, an organism that concerns humanity and their business either this is a parasite in crops or an animal that sicken or eats their livestock. Even if it doesn't harm humans and their business in a direct way and just considered as a nuisance to the majority of us like cockroaches is Pest! A few example of animals that are characterized as pests are: Pigeons,foxes,wild boars,flies,ants,carpet beetles,fleas,slugs, etc etc

Come on people they just like our houses!

Description Of Cockroaches

They can reach 9.5 cm in length, have a small head and mostly have brown and dark colors. The external surface of their body is the toughest one and it has wax all over in order to protect them from water. They also have 2 long antennas and some of them also have wings (screw those). Those wings come as 2 pairs of 2 wings having the first one as some kind of protective and an extra shield and the second one to fly. In case you wonder where exactly cockroaches leave let me assure or terrify you by saying that they can be found literally around the world, from cities,caves and forests to Arctic and desserts.

I will avoid further and deeper dive into their bodies and lives and i am just gonna make it more interesting sharing some facts about them that i think are quite interesting:

  1. Cockroaches are like commandos: We all know how adaptable commandos are how they can survive through everything. Well the same applies for cockroaches and you will realize it below too.They can really eat anything from cloth to shit as it is mentioned before! This is probably because they are cold-blooded so they can keep their metabolism rate at low levels
  2. Marine skills: Cockroaches can keep their breath 40 minutes long and that is happening because except the usual oxygen absorption spots they have little holes in their bodies that can breath from there too, so if they close those holes ( 40 minutes  max) they can last longer underwater.
  3. Undead: If you cut their heads they can survive for a week as the vital organs are not in the brain. Also remember those holes i mentioned a while ago? These holes help them breath and the only obstacle they have in surviving longer is the no mouth part so they can't drink water and die out of thirst.
  4. Speedsters: Ok that name is because i watch so much Flash but anyhow these little shits can run so fast ( if you tried to kill them then you know) that can go up to walls with their intense speed. It's faster for them to just run that fly!
  5. Cockroaches can't survive nuclear explosion: That is a myth because after the events of Nagasaki and Hiroshima only some cockroaches survived so the assumption that can survive a nuclear explosion has been made but the reality is and Myth busters prove it, that they can survive more radiation than us not each and every size of it and below i have you the video to watch it!

How & Where Cockroaches are used by ''Normal'' People? 

This may surprise you as it did to me but humanity has found some uses of cockroaches even though it still sound absurd but let's take a closer look of these usages:

  • As Pets: Yes people Yes, there are others among us that keep cockroaches like ants as pets, i don't know why and i even can't imagine it but that's a fact.
  • As Food for Pets: This is obvious enough, for those that have lizards or other pets than eat insects to have cockroaches as food for their loving pets
  • As Food for Us: In many countries eating bugs is considered normal so cockroaches as well can found in many restaurants and as street food. Also it contains a lot of protein and considered an alternative for chicken and beef that are more expensive especially for countries with 3-4$ per day as income. ( i'll stick to the chicken)
  • As a way to have some Fun: hahaha in case you didn't know there are cockroach races around the world, you can take part if you want, just search your house for a cockroach and you ready :P Also they can be pretty good prank ideas!

How & Where Cockroaches are used by Scientists?

We finally came down to this point. As you know observing Nature either it is animals or plants we can learn a lot of valuable things and make new discoveries that possibly will make our lives better. An early thing scientists have found out is that as cockroaches eat basically everything, they help in recycling the environment and in case you are wondering how this is happening through digestion and waste which it turns as nutrient elements for plants.

Also the zoologist Dr Tom Weihmann and his team have discovered that cockroaches and other fast insects change their gait mid speed and on slippery surfaces reducing the degree of their legs moving synchronized. That leads in lower energy consumption and according to the study robots that deal with huge amounts of energy consumption can learn some valuable things within the research and be more energy efficient.

Cockroach Milk may be the new superfood as scientists discover in a certain species that has a crystal substance like milk so they went for further observation. What they found is that, that crystal contains a lot of proteins and nutrients even 3-4 times more than cow and buffalo milk so a team of scientists and researchers from Institute of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine in India tried to replicate the milk protein and they did it!

I think we all learn some valuable info about cockroaches today and as we have seen mostly nothing in our Earth and Nature has no ''goal''. Even the tinniest and biggest thing play their roles, we just need to find those roles, observe them and use our own ideas based on that to make live for everyone better. After all these i will still not gonna touch or love more any cockroach :P  

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I enjoyed your tribute to my former roomates!! I used to have some in my my flat in my student years and I must say they are the only thing I don't miss!

I also burst into laughter when I saw your pizza gif, 'cause 5 minitues earlier I had seen tikotiko's pizza post!!! Man, the pic looked just the same! :P

Also, coackroach milk?! Really?? New hipster trend is coming!

hahaha now that you are mentioning, it looks like her pie! now we know the result if she leaves it for a couple of days. You are a hero that survived having some of those in your flat, i would probably burn down the flat :P

Thing is, other people lived in the building, so I couldn't just set it on fire... but as you said, I survived!

it's survival of the strongest it's not your fault :P

I learned far more here than I ever wanted to know about cockroaches. I'm sure you did, too, doing research for this article.

yes i learned a lot too especially for the milk part which i was totally clueless! thanks a lot for your comment!

I spent my childhood with these ugly creatures. We lived in a dormitory and they were everywhere. Hate them since that time, I can't even imagine how people can eat them.

haha i can't imagine that either :P

Πω ρε φίλε, δεν μπορώ να την βλέπω αυτή την πίτσα, που πήγες και το βρήκες το gif... :Ρ

γινεται ολοκληρη ερευνα για τα gifs :P

Oh gosh these are the worst.

I used to have to help my uncle fix up insurance claim homes (I was young and it paid much more than McDonalds!). We were always on cockroach watch. Sure enough, most times we would open up a wall and they would come pouring out.

It amazed me that even homes that were almost burnt to the ground...the 1 standing wall would still have surviving cockroaches in it! They seemingly can survive anything.

Thanks for sharing...I won't be able to fall asleep tonight now. Haha.

hahaha if i have seen the things you did i couldn't sleep for days :P

All good but 9.5cm?? That's almost a puppy!!!

life isn't fair :P

oh man i never knew they had cockroach milk? that's kinda nasty but if it has a lot of protein i guess it's alright. it depends on what kinda milk they're making.
in korea milk barely have any protein. it's mostly sugar. i've been wondering why i've always felt sick whenever i had milk. i was shocked to find that it was mostly sugar, which is not normal at all in other places.

In Greece milk can be seen as a tradition, we had it since ancient times so in general we have many different brands, from the big industrial ones that milk taste like water or just barely like milk to smaller ones or even small farms that taste better. The revelation from me and it was from a young age, was when i tasted the milk from my grandmother's goats. It's really like a different product and ofc using it into normal recipes of sweets or foods make the whole dish 100 times better

oh man all i've tasted were the industrial garbage. it was more like milk flavored sugar water. i'd love to taste some real milk.

if you ever visit greece and especially my village you will earn a free fresh cup of milk! :P

hey man if i get bigger on steem or make some $ with any of my games i really will. i want more than a cup!

then i am waiting for you! even if you or me stop steemit a while and lose our communication, even you intent to come to greece just send me a message here i never forget people!

alright man let's hope it happens 😎

Ugh! I hate cockroaches! I've killed so many in my life, I feel lke they talk about me like the boogeyman. Lots of facts I didn't know about them. Maybe because I never bothered to do my research. I just stomped and smashed whenever I see one. One of my greatest kills involved a flying cockroach that was heading towards me. I kicked my slipper up from the ground (I swear to you, I didn't bend to grab it), and I slapped it to oblivion. Pieces of it were scattered throughout the room.

Also, there's this one time, I stepped on a fat one and it splattered a huge amount of red. At first I thought it was human blood, because it was so red and it was so much, but when I did my research, it seems like it was a pregnant roach and the red was protein. Have you encountered those before?

I'm so glad to discover that they won't outlive us during a nuclear fallout! I have read that milk thing a few months ago, and if it's a sustainable way to make them useful, then I feel like I'm fine with that. I just hope they farm it from roaches that haven't eaten shit.

hahahha for real and i am not joking either i have killed a flying one with the exact same way and it was in a relatively far distance in my house. i really wished to have a video of that it was like a Jackie chan move!

The red protein ones haven't met them before but i think it's the only time some will tell you gj killing a pregnant :P

Finally, if only and i repeat if only as you said they eat not shit then i am willing to taste the milk :P

Exchellent work again my friend!!

thanks a lot!

Aidia...ela na soy kanw to trapezi.. :pppp

Photo from google

hahaha oute na ts blepo :P

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