Why People Were Skinnier 40 Years Ago, Part 1 (Video)

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Click on the VIDEO above ^^ to watch.

People are more overweight than they were 40 years ago. The review on Public Health, published by The University of Minnesota, detail all the reasons why this health problem has occurred. This video is part 1/2, and it includes a summary of their findings, regarding nutrition.

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[3]The Dorito Effect

*Video was created and edited by @exercisinghealth

*This video was created for educational purposes only, and, thus, any copyright material falls under the 'fair use' laws.

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Great job and the video edit is of amazing quality. I've written a similar article for todayifoundout.com and I feel like you forgot to mention a few important factors in your work. A study published by Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871403X15001210) showed that it’s harder for adults today to maintain the same weight as those 20 to 30 years ago did, even at the same levels of food intake and exercise. It's a way more complicated topic in my opinion and your video focus only on the quite obvious reasons. However, scientific studies show that a 1970's human who exercised and consumed the same amount of calories with a person of 2018, was still skinnier. Of course, I won't get into more details as this is not my post, but maybe you want to make a part II in the near future and add a few more reasons that scientific circles suggest as roots of the issues. Regardless, I really enjoyed your work as i already mentioned ;)

Thank you!
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Ok now I saw it. You did a really good job mate, can't imagine how many hours it took you to edit and stuff!

Thank you!!

I cant take all the credit, my girlfriend has joined @exercisinghealth. She studies video production and did most of the editing work. There are many, many hours that go into these types of videos... Thankfully, the awesome team @steemstem make all this work worthwhile!

We really appreciate your support!

I am at work so I can't watch the video. I bet the answer goes something like that: Less jobs that involved sitting on your ass for 8 hours straight, more active for the rest of the day (e.g. you had to walk because less cars and public transportation) and of course real food and not junk crap.

Am I a genious or what?

Man, you've just Trumped all my previous expectations of human potential! ;)

man you did a real great job, you must have work pretty hard for this result, the subs,the image-videos everything was in order!

Thank you, appreciate your kind words!!

Yes, it takes a lot of work to make videos of this quality​. Thankfully, my girlfriend, who is a video editing whizz, has joined @exercisinghealth. Together, we will produce many more like this. ​

First they poison our food with artificial substances. When we are already ill from the rubbish we eat they treat us with medicines, so, food and medicine industry to be happy and gain millions from poor people. Food before was much more healther, no doubt about.

nobody is poisoning your food. never in the history of mankind was food safer for consumption. the fact that we choose to eat junk because it's cheaper and tastier is a whole different story. Nobody stops you from buying and cooking healthy. But let's be honest, that 1 dollar xtra large cheeseburger tastes so good

lierr they poison uss all and you are poisoning us too! (am i right my boy @dntgiveashit or you don't give a shit?)

1 dollar cheeseburger is full of sodium glutamate which cause addictive effect to eat more and tastes good Nowadays is really hard to buy healthy food especialy from supermarkets.

'Big business' are mostly concerned​ about money.

Food, in terms of health benefits, has been left behind because most of the research​ and innovation​ is focused on being profitable.

The current system also fuels the pharmaceutical industry with so many clients. The need for the two best selling drugs, cholesterol, and diabetic medication is due to the foods we eat.

I don't think these industries set out to kill humanity, though. I do, however, feel, that, the deterioration​ of our health is a side effect of big business.

Absolutely agree. Think about this. The biggest manufacturer of drugs "Bayern" bought the biggest manufacturer of GMO foods "Monsanto" practicaly they are one company now. They produce food which causes certain "side affects" on humans after that they treats us from these "side affects" and they have the perfect " best selling " drug for us, because they alredy know what to cure. So both industry grow. It is a business for billions. Noone cares about the health.

Very interesting conspiracy theory. After getting into crypto, and seeing how the markets are constantly, pumped, dumped and manipulated by ‘fake news,’ I’ve come to the conclusion that people will stoop to the lowest of lows, to get rich.

I’m sad to say, that, at this point, I won’t be surprised by anything.

In my opinion people are over weight because no one works hard like they used to everything it automated and computer ran.
Most people in the 50's and 60's grow up on a farm or worked on a farm. That's hard manual labor that turned a boy into a man.
We lived a more subsistence life style we depended on cutting wood to heat our homes, we depended on raising our cattle for meat and milk. None of that is easy work, I would know I grew up baling hay, chopping wood and tending to hogs and cattle. This "going to the gym to run on a hamster wheel" for a hour a day isn't doing it.

I agree with you 100%. Our bodies are trailing way behind our brains in modern times. We feed our mind with knowledge all day long, but, hardly do anything physical. I was brought up in a rural area amongst​ the farmlands. We rode bicycles to school, walked everywhere and played sports until the sunset. I really miss those days. Now i'm stuck behind a computer for half the day. Got to earn a living though....

We need better food! We need better protein in aour bodies! We need to eat gourmet mushrooms! and we need to culture our own mushrooms! _MG_9640.JPG
The best quality protein!

I listened to an interesting podcast the other day. The guest on the show spoke about the incredible health benefits of mushroom. He consumes specific types, to boost his immune system, and swears by their efficacy. I must research this topic further.

The podcast was probably by Paul Stamets. He is the most famous mycoloogist in the US. A lot to learn from Paul, he had a nice Ted Talk. Regards!

such a great work thats how we should do, im glad for you having thoese upvotes , my best one 0.4 maybe lol the begainnig on steemit is a bit hard , we need some encouragement from you mates I belive in relation with this beautiful commuity, waiting to see your next professional work

Thank you!
We are trying to create the most professional content possible. I'm so happy you appreciate it.

my advice to you would be to do the same. Look at what content​ people are producing within your niche​ and try do things uniquely, or better than them. You also need to stay patient. This is a marathon race, not a sprint. Stay consistent, work hard, and people will notice. I made nothing at first, but, i never gave up.

Good luck!

Healthy food were sourced and recommended, but now, technology is making junk food to do more harm than good. Let have a rethink.

Thanks for your comment.

Please refer to the comments above, for my theory on this subject.

Watch out for microwaves -- blasting your food with electromagnetic waves is not natural and it destroys the nutritional value of your food. Also raises cancer risk.

Aboslutely agree , microwaves destroys the benefits of the food. Try this experiment. Use cooled water from microwave to water flowers Four a couple of weeks the flowers just faded.

Have you tried this? sounds like an interesting​ experiment

Yes, i know it from personal experience. See similar experiment on the link below:

Thanks for your comment.

This topic is interesting to me. Do you have any literature which has tested these theories though?​

I am also under the impression that there must be some side effects when using the microwave. Scientific validation, of these theories, is always desired though.

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