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RE: Why People Were Skinnier 40 Years Ago, Part 1 (Video)

in #steemstem6 years ago

In my opinion people are over weight because no one works hard like they used to everything it automated and computer ran.
Most people in the 50's and 60's grow up on a farm or worked on a farm. That's hard manual labor that turned a boy into a man.
We lived a more subsistence life style we depended on cutting wood to heat our homes, we depended on raising our cattle for meat and milk. None of that is easy work, I would know I grew up baling hay, chopping wood and tending to hogs and cattle. This "going to the gym to run on a hamster wheel" for a hour a day isn't doing it.


I agree with you 100%. Our bodies are trailing way behind our brains in modern times. We feed our mind with knowledge all day long, but, hardly do anything physical. I was brought up in a rural area amongst​ the farmlands. We rode bicycles to school, walked everywhere and played sports until the sunset. I really miss those days. Now i'm stuck behind a computer for half the day. Got to earn a living though....

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