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RE: INTUITION - What happens beyond the discursive use of the mind?

in #steemstem6 years ago

Thank you so much.
Your answer gives the text an interesting twist. I was hoping for this.

The examples of gambling I never would have thought of myself, so I like to being carried to that realm of investigation. Made me smile, that's exactly what intuition is about, too: to forget and not to forget simultaneously.

I myself must be careful to not fall into this "awesomeness". Guess that has to to with how we moderns treat skills in general. They "suck" or they are "adorable". While it still remains true, that they can suck and be adorable.

Your golf playing experience actually triggered a memory with a friend of mine, too. We are total losers in Billard but the one evening when we were playing against two males (not so much interested in the game at all, more in the men) we actually won. While the man were obviously more tensed and cared for the game. Thank you, it was a nice evening and brings back good (very old) memories.

To have the luxury of jamming one has to work all those hours of discipline. Music and dance show that, too. I listened to street art musicians and watched the acrobats doing their things ... those times in summer I always look forward to. If you are interested, I give you the link of two little recordings from the last festival here in Hamburg.

With this you raise an interesting aspect:

How they generally do not make use of the full potential is to keep this sense limited to their particular field without realizing it can be universally applied to improve quality of life and performance in all spheres including 'emotional intelligence'

I asked that myself, as well.

Sheldrake is a real pearl. Do you listen to his talks? So much humor, this guy has. And this British cool attitude without being cold hearted, I find appealing. I think he deserves more than he actually gets (as a scientist, which he truly is). He transports a playful attitude towards science.

Sometimes I am kind of disappointed at myself, that I turned towards words and writing instead of an art more physically attached. Even, using so many of them.


"Sometimes I am kind of disappointed at myself, that I turned towards words and writing instead of an art more physically attached. Even, using so many of them."
Ha, me too, I even tried to give words up. Run away...
. ..But it seems they chose me: I can go with it or go nowhere, apparently.

I wanted to write my own article about intuition after it came up, but you covered it so well I thought I'd just send some of my ideas in a long reply...for now..
There's a great book/audiobook/movie about utilizing acrobatics as a path to inner development "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. It was quite influential for me at a time and sparked that idea of universalizing expertise.
I bookmarked Sheldrakes website but haven't had a chance to seriously explore yet. Steemit is somewhat time consuming!

I love music of all kinds and street musicians always offer a level of originality and rawness, so yes, please send the links..

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Good to have something in common.
I do appreciate long replies a lot. For me, they are the fruits of the many trees. Some time they exhaust me but mostly I enjoy having a good conversation, even debates and arguments.
I think I am just an ordinary person who had adapted to what I was observing the world was putting value on: talking and writing skills. That is actually a good strategy and I see it today in my son, who is doing all this computer gaming and learning how to handle soft- and hardware. I do insist though that he attends Boy Scouts as a counterpart of experiencing life also.

My disappointment sets in when I do not get enough resonance on my writings. But only here in this realm. Before I wrote mostly for my hard drive and nobody got to read the texts. It's funny how one can get used to be spoiled.

Peaceful Warrior, wasn't that also a film in which Nick Nolte took a role? I found it a real good one! Before the movie with Philip Petite (the walk) came out I watched the youtube documentary about him and was fascinated so much by it.

Thanks for the recommendations. Here is my recording from the festival:

Yep, Nick Nolte was in it. Obviously the movie leaves out quite a bit but the audiobook is really good.
I've never heard of Philip Petite though, I will check that out too.

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