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RE: INTUITION - What happens beyond the discursive use of the mind?

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

"Sometimes I am kind of disappointed at myself, that I turned towards words and writing instead of an art more physically attached. Even, using so many of them."
Ha, me too, I even tried to give words up. Run away...
. ..But it seems they chose me: I can go with it or go nowhere, apparently.

I wanted to write my own article about intuition after it came up, but you covered it so well I thought I'd just send some of my ideas in a long reply...for now..
There's a great book/audiobook/movie about utilizing acrobatics as a path to inner development "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. It was quite influential for me at a time and sparked that idea of universalizing expertise.
I bookmarked Sheldrakes website but haven't had a chance to seriously explore yet. Steemit is somewhat time consuming!

I love music of all kinds and street musicians always offer a level of originality and rawness, so yes, please send the links..

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Good to have something in common.
I do appreciate long replies a lot. For me, they are the fruits of the many trees. Some time they exhaust me but mostly I enjoy having a good conversation, even debates and arguments.
I think I am just an ordinary person who had adapted to what I was observing the world was putting value on: talking and writing skills. That is actually a good strategy and I see it today in my son, who is doing all this computer gaming and learning how to handle soft- and hardware. I do insist though that he attends Boy Scouts as a counterpart of experiencing life also.

My disappointment sets in when I do not get enough resonance on my writings. But only here in this realm. Before I wrote mostly for my hard drive and nobody got to read the texts. It's funny how one can get used to be spoiled.

Peaceful Warrior, wasn't that also a film in which Nick Nolte took a role? I found it a real good one! Before the movie with Philip Petite (the walk) came out I watched the youtube documentary about him and was fascinated so much by it.

Thanks for the recommendations. Here is my recording from the festival:

Yep, Nick Nolte was in it. Obviously the movie leaves out quite a bit but the audiobook is really good.
I've never heard of Philip Petite though, I will check that out too.

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