in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Today, we are going to look into the structure of the earth, the earth is made up of four different layers. Before we continue lets refresh our mind back to our previous topic.
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Facts about the Earth

150,000,000 km = distance from the sun

379 000km = distance to moon

510,000km2 = area of earth

13,000km = diameter

5.5 x ρwater = density

2/3 of earth = oceans

1/3 of earth = land

8840m = highest Point on Earth (Mt. Everest, Nepal)

11055m = deepest point on earth (Mariana Trench)

  1. 5billion years = age of the earth.

Similar to the origin of universe as scientifically explained by

Big Bang theory

Nebular hypothesis

Cataclysmic collision

Original chunk of matter first formed spinned randomly.
Collisions and accretions formed planetismials, planetisimals captured other chunks by gravity to form planets.

Planets are still being impacted by giant space matter, impacts gave rise to Moon.
knocked spin of axis of earth from vertical wrt to plane of orbit to present 23° inclinations and sped the earth’s rotation.

inclination gives rise to equinoxes alternately at poles.

Differentiation of the Earth


transformation of a random mix of chunks of matter to a body with ordered layer. Earth zoned chemically and physically occurred when planet got hot enough to melt took place over a long period of time.

Differentiation of the earth

This Means zonation of earth into layers lighter materials to outer layers
heavier materials to inner layers.
initiated escape of lighter gases from interior to form oceans/atmosphere.

Causes of differentiation

Giant impact caused large scale melting impact heated interior into a “soft state” magma forms soft state causes components to move around layers.

Evidence of differentiation is obtained from

  1. Seismic waves
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  2. Volcanism
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Evidence of differentiation

• Zonation of earth’s structure.

• Existence of discontinuities.

• Chemical zonation – the uneven distribution of elements in the earth.

• Zonation of universe.

• Nature of other planets.

Internal structure of the earth

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Earth differentiated and divided into 3 main layers.

The structure of the earth can be compared to a boiled egg,
we have the shell = Crust
The albumen (whitish part) = Mantle
The yoke = Core

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• Crust

• Mantle

• Core


0-40km deep
Upper crust– rich in Si, Al SIAL
Lower crust – Rich in Si, Mg SIMA
variable in thicknesses: thinnest in oceans, thickest in continents.


The core is divided into outer and inner core,
Depth of outer core: 2900-5100km
Inner core: 2900-6378km
Depth: 2,900km deep,

Thickness: 3460km thick

Elemental compostion: rich in (Ni and Fe)

ρdensity = 10.5

Temperature = 2, 700OC

Outer core is liquid while the inner core is solid.
Gutenberg Discontinuity where speed of waves cannot pass outer core.


constitutes the bulk of solid earth

100-2900km in depth, here is found the Mohorovicic discontinuity where velocity of earthquake waves increases from 5.0 to 8.1km/s.

Read previous articles from the geologist diary:

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This is Informative and educating. Great one!

I wonder what's the deepest place a human has access to

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This is a really cool topic, but this post does read a little more like a list of facts than anything else. I noticed you used the steemstem tag- you should check out some of the higher earning posts in there for good examples. In addition, the geology tag would have been a good one here.

Thanks, please share if you can

Wow, this an interesting topic, makes me remember school days. Who would ever think that the Earth has such division, God is indeed 1derful... Nice topic @batineka
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Very interesting and informative post. One small problem you might want to fix (because it's a distraction, but an easy mistake to make) is that your title says "Geologist dairy." It should say "Geologist diary. A dairy is a place where they keep cows that give milk. A diary is a logbook of daily notes and observations. I think that's the one you want. (English is tough sometimes!!)

Thanks for the information

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