0.2.1 - bringing even more ways to track account activity and explore the blockchain

in #steemstats8 years ago (edited)

SteemStats 0.2.0

New Features: following feed, notifications, comments, transactions, witnesses, voters, and a whole lot more.

If you're unaware, is a live dashboard for observing account activity - yours or anyone elses. There is no need to login, you simply enter the name of account(s) you wish to watch. Each account has a brief history loaded and is then monitored by your browser for future changes. It designed this way so you can check on things from any computer (and soon mobile devices), including untrusted devices.

With such a warm welcome for steemstats's initial release, I decided that I needed a way to give back and say thank you to everyone who visited the site and helped support me. So I combed through every bit of feedback from the intial post and incorporated much of that feedback into the site.

There's still much more to do, a few odd bugs to fix, but here's a quick rundown of the major features that have been added. Mostly thanks to you!

Following Posts Feed - Added in Update 0.2.1


This update was added 6 hours after the original post

I know I said I was done (at the end of the post), but this one was too important of a feature to hold back on. I've added a feed that shows the posts of everyone that your account(s) are following.

Currently if you visit any user's blog page on steemit (by clicking their username), you will see a Follow button. I don't think it does anything here on steemit yet, but that information is recorded in the blockchain. So now you can use steemstats to read a feed of posts by the people that the accounts you've selected are following!

Go ahead, visit my profile and click Follow in the upper right. My posts will now appear on your "Following" tab!


I've integrated "growl" style notifications into the site. These small colorful blocks will popup in the lower right hand portion of the screen whenever an account you're following:

  • finds a new pow block.
  • receives an upvote on a post or comment.
  • has a comment posted on a piece of authored content.

Each of these small notifications can be clicked on to visit the relevant content.

Future plans are to include user preferences for how they behave, chrome/desktop notifications, and more types of notifications such as rewards or transactions. This is slated for the next release, 0.3.0, likely sometime next week.

Monitoring Comments

One of the most popular requests from the community was the ability to watch not only posts, but the performance of comments written by the monitored accounts. This new Comments section pulls the 20 most recent comments (for each account).

Transaction Logs

The new transactions page is a live feed of the activity impacting your balances. To start with, it's displaying curation rewards and comment rewards. The plan is to expand this section into a history of the monitored accounts, a summary, and options to filter. These features are also likely to be included in the next release.

Voters, weights and shares - oh my

Another popular request was viewing detailed information about who was voting on posts. A small button has been added next to each post's voter count that loads up a window displaying all of the voters and their relevant information.

Steem Power

I've added a simple calculation that shows the 104-week conversion of Steem Power into Steem. I am planning on driving this page in a direction to help educate users on how Steem Power works.


Witnesses are something I have just started wrapping my head around and realizing the importance of. The new witnesses tab will hopefully put the concept of witnesses in front of more new people.

I would really love to put some informational links on this page. If anyone has recommendations for the best posts explaining witnesses and their importance, please share!

Sort all the things!

As more and more content becomes available, more and more filtering and sorting options are going to be needed. I starting really thinking about this with sorting, and now many of the column headers across the site are clickable allowing you to sort the data.

Some data wasn't possible to sort yet - but if you have requests for sortable columns, just ask!

My plans and what's coming up next

Having only found steemit about a week ago, I am going to slow down just a bit. I've been going hard pretty at steemstats/steempress/learning since I got here. I need to revisit some other projects and take a couple days off to decompress.

I've been incredibly impressed with this community and the developers behind the project. In the three years since I started learning about blockchain technology, this is the first that I feel I've been able to be a part of. Everything else I've experienced so far has just been either scams, HODL, and/or trolls.

On my radar for the next couple days:

  • I'm going to finally get around to writing an introduction post.
  • Rewriting parts of, and then open sourcing it.
  • Using to make a blog for
    • Create a new post with detailed changelog information about this new version (for that blog)
  • Continue exploring @xeroc/piston-web-first-open-source-steem-gui and determining how best I can contribute to his fantastic work.
  • Be more involved in slack, rather than the random comments.
  • Play either XCOM2 or Overwatch... haven't decided yet, but I think I need a day of gaming

And a few things a bit further out into the future include:

  • Building an API that monitors and records blockchain activity snapshots so we can have historical data on steemstats and other sites. The API will be publicly available for anyone to use.
  • Writing some tutorials on what I've learned and how you can build applications like I have.
  • Contributing to some of the amazing open source projects that have been floating around.

@jesta, you're killing it. Really great work here. It's funny because I wanted to dive into much of this as you have (I also learned about blockchain tech over 3 years ago and never directly got involved in writing code for it). Now I'm seeing the high quality work you and others are doing and I may just sit back and enjoy it. :) If you do open source any of it, I'll look forward to contributing however I can and certainly learn from it as well.

I am planning on driving this page in a direction to help educate users on how Steem Power works.

This is much needed, and I think it will be greatly appreciated.

Writing some tutorials on what I've learned and how you can build applications like I have.

Yes please. :) I've been writing content recently and really do want to dive into the coding more, so this would be greatly helpful to get me started.

Play either XCOM2 or Overwatch... haven't decided yet, but I think I need a day of gaming

Well deserved! Thanks again for building some awesome tooling for this blockchain. In a recent (somewhat negative) coindesk article, there was mention of needing to bootstrap the developer community, something most altcoins struggle with. From my perspective, the number and quality of tools being built already are amazing.

Thank you.

SteemPress will be open source soon enough! I plan on taking out all the phalcon components I have (since most people won't be able to install it) and adding in replacement parts that everyone can run. So you'll be more than welcome to help with that! It'll be great when someone can just drop it on their server, configure the username(s) and tag(s) to watch, and have an instant blog of content on their domain.

Thanks again for building some awesome tooling for this blockchain. In a recent (somewhat negative) coindesk article, there was mention of needing to bootstrap the developer community, something most altcoins struggle with.

You're welcome :)

And I agree, it's hard to bootstrap a developer community, but steem seems to be doing it right. I've build a couple blockchain explorer and other stat tools for now defunct coins in the past and never really felt like I was a part of anything. With steemit, it's easy to feel a part of it, as long as you're contributing content, ideas or projects.

Jesta you are doing a great job for the community steemit. Thank you!

I think getting well paid for your efforts has something to do with feeling part of something as well. :)

Let's go, people. Upvotes all around for @jesta!

honestly steem is causing me to learn a ton about coding. I would also love to see what's beneath the hood. thanks @jesta.

@jesta amazing work again! keep it up!
I love that angular-notification component for replies and vote!

Hope @ned @dantheman @theoretical can add to the main site!

Excellent work, Extremely helpful. Upvoted!
Thanks for adding the Vote Power percentage indicator on your first version.
I have a request again, would you​ mind adding Miner queue on the mining page
and a total number of miner actively mining. Thanks.

This feature is great for miners!

I'm not sure if I can get the total number of miners, but I'll look into it. The mining queue shouldn't be too hard to add! I neglected the mining section a bit in this build, partially because I haven't been as personally focused on it. I'll see if I can get some updates in that part soon!

Actually, all the features are awesome. It gives users a visual view of how Steemit work.
Thanks again.

You are amazing. All this new stuff is for version 2.0 and not for a 0.2 :)

Really, the list is so long and packed with features that I must gather some patience and ease of mind just to read it.

Your site is quickly becoming a must for every Steemit member. There is only one word to describe it - fabulous!

Thanks! Hah, I won't even consider it to be 1.0 until it does everything I want it to.

That's the spirit. But you are realy, really doing a great job!

I was using your original SteemStats since the day it came out, and I really liked it. And this is even better, but I have some suggestions for 'watching accounts'. Maybe you could load one account's details one at a time rather than have them jumbled up together.

That's a great idea! I'll see if I can get that added into the next version.

I'm also considering making a section of the app where you can pick users to "follow", which will monitor the activity of those users, but not quite as in depth as when you're "watching".

@Jesta this is great. A lot like i was talking about in my first post, Good work.

@jesta, thx for your job.

Can you help? Links in info abuot "Comment Reward" don't open (menu - Transactions ). for example:

Refresh the page, it's fixed. Thanks for pointing that out :)

In menu "comments " it work. But in menu "Transactions " don't work. I press F5 and try in firefox/opera.

Sounds like it's stuck in your cache. Try shift+f5 or go into your settings and clear out the cache. was an awesome idea. I started something similar calls vanteem quite some time ago but realized it's not the proper way of doing it (self-hosted python code). Instead did it right. It really is a great idea and you should not stop expanding on that idea!!

Wow I hadn't seen vanteem yet, very nice!

Now that steemstats is in a decent place, I'm going to shift a bit of focus back onto steempress. I think it's a great idea too, and the potential for people to start their own custom blogs using it is pretty huge. I do still want to open source it and allow for self hosting like vanteem does, and since it uses PHP it should pretty much run anywhere!

Thanks for the support!

Nice update. Wow it must be nice to be able to get instanly rewarded for work that is valued by th community. Keep it up.

Thanks! The quick rewards (SBD) are nice, but the really rewarding part of it is earning the long term investment (SP) and the inherit weighting that comes with it. I really enjoy that my upvote is like a tiny tip for the author now :)

Fucking amazing. hands down great, i use it every day.

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