My Stacking Sisters

The aces of the #steemsilvergold and #ssg are the


@kerrislravenhill, @dfinney, @saffisara, @dixiesilverminer GIRL, @dreemsteem, @handofzara, @thekittygirl, @soyrosa, @thesilverdoll, @beckieg, @battleaxe, @ladybug146, @eveningart, @katrina-ariel, @eaglespirit. (It is not my intention to leave out any ladies of ssg... if I did, I apologize. Just let me know and I will add your name! THANKS.)

Oh!!! And ME, @silversaver888!

To the Ladies of SSG... thank you for your love, support and comaraderie! You are the best!😍😘💗


Drawing for A Silver Gift of Gratitude

I post an article every day using either the #steemsilvergold or the #ssglife tag, and #thealliance tag.

I will be giving A GIFT OF GRATITUDE to one lucky supporter of my blog.

The steemians who comment within the first 24 hour period of posting my articles from August 23 through September 1, 2019 will be included in a drawing for one silver coin or round or bar (which, for reference purposes only, is the equivalent to more than 100 steem by today's prices shipped to the winner).

Drawing will be any time on September 2, Pacific.

The list of First Commenters will be provided at the end of my article of the day from today to the day of drawing.

Thank you, friends, for your support.
List of First Commenters:

8/23- @vgholdingsllc, @silverd510, @kerrislravenhill, @fat-elvis, @underground, and @bitcoinman for Two Vintage Eagle Silver Bars

8/24- @teenagecrypto, @vgholdingsllc, @silverd510, @tattoodjay, @kerrislravenhill for GAW Gift of Gratitude Announcement

8/25- @kerrislravenhill, @melinda010100, @vgholdingsllc, @underground, @silverd510, @dfinney, @vgholdingsllc, @tattoodjay, and @ace104 for #sublimesunday Road Art

8/26- @themanwithnoname, @dfinney, @summertooth, @melinda010100, @goldmatters, @clitadias, @kerrislravenhill, @vgholdingsllc, @underground, @goldfashioned, for I 💘#menemonday

8/27- @silverd510, @ladybug146, @theunion, @dfinney, @melinda010100, @kerrislravenhill, @clitadias, @teenagecrypto, @knowledge-seeker, @dwingsworld for How would you feel if you were discarded like a tomato

8/28- @deepwaters, @saffisara, @kerrislravenhill, @underground, @melinda010100, @tattoodjay, @clitadias, @dwingsworld, @welshstacker, @dfinney for Do you like this silver art round?


Thank you for viewing this article. I post every day, and I hope to see you again soon!

@silversaver888 is a proud member of #steemsilvergold


Mene 24K jewelry is a great way to build a gold and platinum stack.

Earn $5 in Mene credit for signing up for Mene with this invite link:

😊Enjoy the last weeks of Summer!!!😊

Hugs and Kisses 🤗💕💋!

Not to sound like some sort of pervert, but I've been waiting patiently for a #ladiesofssg calendar. Get it sorted PLEASE.......


😂😂😂 Buwahahaha 😘

Hahaha, so funny.🤣😂.

I agree with welshie!!! 😜👍👍

Hey @thedamus, I am so happy to hear from you!!!! How are you doin’? We miss you, my friend!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Glad to see the girls of SSG are stackin’! 😻👍👍

This. This has my full support. Stacking ladies are the sexiest ladies.

I absolutly ADORE you my beautiful sweet stack Sister 😁😘🌹❤️ 🤗

I am so proud of being a part of #ladiesofssg4eva and you ladies are The BEST ❤️
Thank you for always being so amazing and supportive and not to mention... Inspiering 😉👍 Love you!

Posted using Partiko Android

I adore you too, my stacking sister @saffisara 😘🌹❤️ 🤗 (we belong to the MAS, the Mutual Admiration Society)!
I decided to post this very simple article because I realized that the first encounters with all the ladies listed above (including you) was initiated by my engagement (in steemit or on YouTube)! Isn't that something? To me, it is! I posted this article as a reminder for myself to be constant and persistent even, in reaching out to others. And it doesn't matter if they respond or not.
I can't wait for the workweek to be over! So I decided to treat my staff to a Brazilian Restaurant tomorrow evening! It has been a while since I went to one, and I am sure they will enjoy it! Have a great weekend to come, my sweet friend! Take care. Hugs & Kisses 🤗💕💋

That's so sweet of you to do a drawing like this! You're such a gem!


I tried doing a moji of you using your avatar, but I failed, LOL!!! Thanks for stopping by, my sis @thekittygirl!😘🤗💕💋

You are so totally cute, sis @kerrislravenhill!
The Bloody Raven...f f I recall correctly from one of the fictional stories, that she may be a vampire? Come to think of it, does the Bloody Raven sleep in one of those things above?

rarely in her 500 year history. They are a bit Stuffy with the lid down but they keep out the sunlight quite well. Good as long as she can get a good Wifi connection.

It's great to see the fairer sex being well represented in SSG. We are definitely stronger and wiser for it.

I think so too, @buggedout, hehehe!

Looks like good friends to have! 😘

Indeed! Yet, just like the majority here, we have not met in person. Our engagement is purely digital. And I think I have sent silver to most of them as a token of friendship, and I have likewise received tokens of friendship from four of the ladies (and I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge here: @kerrislravenhill, @dixiesilverminer GIRL, @dfinney, @dreemsteem, and @beckieg, who was my secret Santa last Christmas). SSG is a great group, and should you start posting about precious metals silver and/or gold, like the American Silver Eagles that you have, I will nominate you to membership in #steemsilvergold. Wouldn't it be cool if you won my GAW, and you can post about that! What fun!!!! This article is about the ladies of SSG, but I have developed many other friendships, which 0f course include the men folks of SSG (they dominate the stacking hobby), and people from other communities, specifically #thealliance... and then you whom I met because your photos were so strikingly beautiful, I had to make friends with you, and what a great blessing that you reciprocated! You are very sweet! Have a beautiful day, my friend @melinda010100 😘🤗💕💋

I have been looking at the steem silver gold communitie several times, I don't own any yet... but my interest was there since I saw last years steem coin :) Maybe I was meant to read this post, to get into the ssg world :) I love the drawings btw, very cool!

Oh yeah!!!!! That would be fun, @anouk.nox!!! I remember commenting on one of your articles!!! But of course, you were meant to come over today! I am looking forward to seeing you again! Thanks for leaving a comment. Come over to the SSG world!🤗😉 😊🌹

Sorry for the very belated comment, I've been busy lol.. To be honest, I've been looking at quite some posts about SSG and it always was a bit unclear how to join, what to do etc .. I will try to keep an eye out on your posts.. maybe that helps :) have a good weekend!

I think there are only three names of the Lady Stackers that I didnt recognize, I didn’t know however that they all were stackers

Surprise, surprise!!!!! For all I know, you are one too, @tattoodjay! I do know that you are personal friends with a silver stacker!

I can’t say I am not but I only have a few coins not much at all 😎👍😎

I had zero coins and was clueless about precious metals until I came across stacking videos on YouTube. In time, you probably will become one!😊🌹

I only really found out about stacking when I joined Steemit, With coming up on retirement i am trying to save a bit at the moment so won't be buying any more in the near future

The best savings for retirement is an IRA, I think. Also, being free from revolving debt will allow one to put more in savings. The stacking elders of the community advise to pay up all revolving debt before even thinking of stacking.

I don't have any IRAs but fortunately where I work has a very good pension scheme so I am in good shape

Yeah, me too! I belong to Calpers, one of the best retirement systems around!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ahhh love this. You are so great. 😍🥂

I hope I made you smile today, sweet @dfinney!😍🥂😘🤗💕💋

4 Very fine ladies of our community. Great pics very funny bestie......🌹

I hope you are enjoying the mojis as much as some of us ladies do, bestie!

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