My insights how to succeed, get noticed and be successful on Steemit.

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

Hey guys, I know there are lots of new members around here and I wanted to share my insights into what makes one successful here in Steemit. I’m no expert, but I do feel that I’ve been lucky and made some good decisions here so wanted to pass my opinion around. Feel free to comment and debate and hopefully we can all learn from each other.


1)Comment, comment, comment!

This was the best advice I read when I started out. I was trying to make good posts and spending lots of time to only get a few cents. I’ve learned that it’s since you don’t really have a following yet. I’m not talking about that spam- follow for follow comments, but read posts that you are interested in and leave some good feedback and start a discussion. Show you are interested. I have a few whales I regularly follow and will get $0.25-$1 upvote from them just on one simple comment. It’s also really helps, as people will start following you if they like your comments and you engage them. I remember when I stated I read that until you have at least 300 followers try to focus on commenting and engaging with other.

2)Use the Bots!

I know some people are reluctant to use the vote bots and it may seem shady or cheating, but in my opinion it is a must, especially when you are starting out. So many of the hashtags and trends move so fast and you want your post to get noticed. If you can pump it up a couple dollars it will sit much higher and way more likely to get looked at and voted on. My favorite two are @minnowbooster and @randowhale. @Bellyrub and @Discordia are also great, but the system is a bit different. I find @booster only works well if you have more SBD to bid. If anyone wants more explanation of these let me know I can certainly follow up with a dedicated post or just in the comments.

3)Find you niche/community!

Of course if your already part of #steemsilvergold you are likely seeing the benefit of this. These communities can really help to support and grow each other. Find one or a couple to get involved it. I think community is really what steemit is all about, it is a social media platform and everyone has been very friendly and helpful around here. There are lots of other active communities to many other interests as well so look around and find some hashtag/trends to follow.

4)Get involved!

There are all kinds of events and activities going on around steemit, that have an already established following. There are huge photography, karaoke, writing and meme activities all the time and participating in those will really help to grow your following and getting your posts noticed. When I stated taking part in steemlords everything changed for me, I even had a post get noticed by one of the big curation accounts and I made over $120 on that one post.

5)Don’t Spam!

This is going to be my last point, and it’s just a friendly reminder to make good content and comments. Everyone hates those comments that just say “nice post” or something lame, people also get annoyed if you make too many posts without any real substance. That real estate in people news feeds is important to them and you don’t want to abuse it, you want them to look forward too and not dread your posts.

Anyways I hope this was helpful to at least one person. I would be happy to provide any additional insight or answer any other questions about steemit. I’m not a real expert, but I’m totally addicted and been reading a lot and spending a lot of time here and would be happy to help anyone else. I have certainly had alot of help so far along the way.

Banner by @bearone


Great info Phil, thanks! I'm still a damned caveman when it comes to boosters and randowhale stuff. And i am yet to transfer any sbd anywhere. About a monthe ago i dumped a bunch of steem here and converted it to steem power (hence my kickass upvote), but when i've tried to do it it just asks for memos and stuff...
I too just use this platform on my phone.

I am going to try and figure it out...i'm so envious of $5 dollar posts lol

Yeah the memo is just the link for the post you want boosted. You can totally do it on your phone, you just need two browser windows. I do it on my Iphone lots. Just copy the full link while you have your post open, than paste it as your memo.

Or at least market your steem dollars and get it into steempower, that 69 SDB is doing nothing for you or anyone else. You are a damn caveman....:p

How do i use my sbd to boost and/or send tips?

I'll try n figure this out. Thx Phil

to boost your steem power, you need to first convert it to STEEM buy trading it on the market. To convert it to steem it takes 3 days I think, but market is instant depending on the price you set. Once it's STEEM you just select power up and it will boost your power.
To send it to a booster/bot or another user, just select transfer then type the name of the account you want to sent it too without the @ symbol, so just minnowbooster or phelimint. Hope that helps.

Thanks for info Phil. This stuff does not come naturally though... och! My brain

Hey! I'm new as of today.. thanks for these tips!

Welcome to Steemit, its advice I wish I had all in one place when I started., hope you enjoy it around here.

She an alliance member ;)

Pheli what's the best bang for your buck u find with the boosters?

Dude you can just call me Phil, @Minnowbooster but you can only use it once a day ( I always get at least double when you send), send the max 1 SBD. Then @randowhale I usually get 150-200% what I send. I also really like @bellyrub- It's usually close to double as well. @Discordia is okay, I find close to 150% usually. Finally for @booster i only suggest using it if your going to send over 2SBD. I would also suggest checking them before sending money since they have downtime sometimes and don't offer refunds (except minnowbooster- if got refunds from them). Lastly be sure to send SBD and not STEEM- the bots treat them as the same value, but STEEM is more valuable. Hope that helps.

Helps alot. I only use this on my phone so i can't copy and paste and send them URLs and stuff. Hey if i send u 1 can minnow boost my dick..I mean my last post about spotted dick? I'll send u a tip for the trouble..

Done, that's some weird food you found man, you spent too much time on the I actually wanted to test if you can send minnowbooster to yourself and to others in the same day, so now I get a chance to test, but maybe i should i sent to myself

Yeah I wasn't thinking, you probably wanted to use it for yourself..I just get so excited sometimes haha thx tho. It made me a couple dimes more. It's almost worth it for the cute goat pics lol u sir get a resteem now. I wish u much success!

Thanks man, resteem is always nice and I do like the goat pics too...

Nice post..... What? elaborate? ahmm... ive followed you so follow me back you bugger, no? ok, ooh ooh ive got it; spam they changed the ingredients and it just doesnt taste the same, it goes all mushy now where as you used to put it in the fridge and....... What? Well how many different types of spam are there? oh i dont know its all so confusing, robotic steem powered voting whales chained to blocks and im the one not making sense!

The use of bots is interesting tho, i probably would think of staying away from using them but if i wrote a post that im proud of (its possible) then i might now consider it.

Hahaha, love it man. I was reluctant to use bots at first I must admit, but unfortunately it seams mandatory for us little guys to get notice and level the playing field without getting to lost in the crowd.

Thanks for the information. Its good to get an honest perspective of how it all works. I haven't yet tried the bots, I post a daily blog and comment on posts I think worth while...(like this one). I hope I'm doing it right.

Thanks, I think your doing great, interestingly I found your comment insightful, clicked on your profile and found our we both share a passion for worms of all things. I've had a wormfactory360 for about a year now and totally love it, I have had amazing results with my vermapost and worm tea I make. You now have a new follower and I'm only a worm novice and hope to learn more for you.

Thanks for your comments. I do love my worms and believe they can help save the world. I have 4 worm farms at home. Actually the photo on my profile with Richard Branson is me wearing the "Virgin Earth" t-shirt (i made). I tried to get him on the journey with me, but "not in his radar" YET!! We at least exchanged DNA. I will post more on the worm world, now that I have a few avid listeners.
Thanks again for your positivity. Much appreciated.

great content! and thanks again for following!

This is exactly the advice that all newbies should follow
good post

This post has received a 5.87 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @phelimint.

Thanks for this useful info, I am also like to use those bots, that helping to be more visible and also helping to grow your reputation. My favorite is @minnowbooster , and also minnowsupport is good.

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