Get to know the best shared masternode platform. Midas: the best way to diversify your actions in the masternode market

Steemians how are you on this wonderful day? in this opportunity I have decided to bring you something very surprising that we should not let go. We are at a time when ecological mining has become very relevant and the masternodes are the cause of what we are talking about since they are giving us many benefits but that is not what I have come to speak to you since the project that I have come to bring in the today is something that brings a concept of help where they want you to use your money in a better way and not only that this project is also focused on those people who do not have enough money to set up a masternodes or also have no the technical experience to have one and with them we can invest what we created in this great world of masternodes for that reason I wanted to bring you this amazing project midas revolutions of shared masternodes.


What is

To start we can say that it is an innovative platform with a very amazing concept which focuses on creating various resources so that your investments have the best of the gains in masternodes and proof of Stake. Currently there are 12,000 investors on the platform, believing firmly in the project and growing every day. In addition to that we can say that there are currently 566 active masternodes with 44 listed currencies which go through a large study before being enlisted. The mission of Midas.Investments is to take advantage of the opportunities of the emerging cryptography world to make the investment simple, profitable and safe. This project began at the beginning of 2018 to form every day a more stable and real progress for investors as they seek to be the most innovative shared master service since with their great strategies they will give you the greatest benefit to be able to generate more income.

While we know the main thing that Midas.Investments offers is a good idea in the world of cryptocurrencies since they say that it is better to diversify your money in several masternodes projects that you spend your money in a single masternode, this means that if you invest in several shared masternodes you have lower risk of losing your money and that you can go up a lot and recover faster your investment to invest in a single currency and it collapses because we know that in the world of cryptocurrencies everything is a uncertainty because we do not know the future but if we can prevent risks and midas is the best solution, I dare say that in addition to this Midas offers a help also for those who can not have a lot of money but want to participate in a project or that they simply do not know the technical parts that do not know how to set up a masternodes but this we will talk about in the problems and solutions below.

Problems and solutions



  • High risk high rewards investment instruments require the investor to have practical and theoretical knowledge in a variety of areas, such as economics, trading, project analysis.
  • A large number of investment instruments have a high threshold for an initial investment and the high price of a Masternodemakes portfolio diversification harder, which leads to higher risks. Shared masternode services solve this problem, but investor has to delegate his coins to unknown party and wait in queue until his coins will be used to create a masternode.
  • Each investment instrument requires dedicated knowledge, settings, and daily monitoring. For example, an investor needs to know how to install masternode and to monitor its work.
  • Considering the high cost of the Masternode and low market volumes, an investor has issues in buying or selling masternode on market price. Therefore he has to lose money or wait until his order is filled.
  • Every way of earning cryptocurrency carries risks. Usually, a high return of investment contains high risks. It could be a low efficiency of an instrument, high market volatility or a scam.


  • On the platform investment instruments are presented in the convenient form of “cards”. Each card contains statistical and analytical information. Midas.Investments team communicates with the developers individually and gives an overall project evaluation, while the platform collects data on the instrument performance. Due to this, the investor always has the necessary information to make informed
  • Midas.Investments has a free working masternode for each coin, which is used for a rent to new investors. Midas.Investment gives investor a share in a working masternode. Once free masternode is filled the platform has enough coins to create another free masternode. That innovative system was called instant shares. Instant shares allow investors to deposit any amount of coins and to reinvest rewards from shares, which adds compound interest rate and increases mid and long term investment return by 50% and more.
  • The Midas.Investments platform is fully automated. The user has a personal account, which presents a portfolio, balance and necessary statistics of each investment instrument work. After the purchase no additional actions or knowledge are required. The instrument starts working immediately. In case of masternodes investor starts to receive rewards right after a coin deposit.
  • The platform has developed an internal exchange of coins for BTC and back. The trade is carried out either automatically or when the price of the placed buy/sell order is reached. Thus, the investor has the opportunity to buy attractive investments for Bitcoin within the platform and sell rewards directly to other users of the platform.
  • Midas.Investments tests investment instruments before adding them to the platform, verifies the identity or the company that is behind the instrument, acts as an intermediary guarantor between investors and developers, and creates all conditions for safe investments.
What does offer you?

  • The instantaneous actions feature allows you to reinvest extracted coins to other masternodes immediately. That allows a compound interest for all investments and increases the ROI by almost two times in the long term.
  • Midas.Investments is backed up by full automatization, which gathers data from all investment instruments.
  • Shares allow different investors to combine their coins to create a masternode and split the profits between initial investments.
  • Instant shares are the creation of Midas.Investments platform, the next level of masternode shares. Instead of waiting for a full masternode investors send coins to the already working masternode. Therefore investors start to get profits right after sending coins.
  • Manage your investments in a personal account. Each investment instrument is easy to invest in and to receive profits.
  • Some investment instruments help investors to create new trading strategies including a new type of data and signals.
  • All masternode shares have an automated system that calculates mined coins and send it to investors few times during the day. An investor has a flexible system that increases ROI using reinvestment because of multiple recalculations during the day.
  • Midas.Investments develops and tests trading bots that use different trading algorithms on the bearish and bullish market.
  • Invest Bitcoin in any investment instruments including masternodes. You can sell your rewards instantly after receiving them, which gives you profits in Bitcoin even with coins shares.
  • An investor has all required statistical data about his shares and other investments.
Let's talk about the currency

Block rewards

Block rewards distribution: 80% MN, 20% PoS


How to use the platform



They must enter the Midas platform. Once you're in to register, you only need the Discord account that you have, why discord? before the great boom that has the Discord with cryptocurrencies Midas wanted to make people this easier and give us the benefit of registering with our discord account should only click to link to discord and this will lead to a confirmation box with your discord account. As a recommendation I give them to use the discord account that they have more control, do not use an account that you later forget, since it will always be used.

Once you have confirmed the automated authorization with discord, your username will appear as the image reflects. Later they must give him to invest

When you enter, the main panel will appear with your participation in the masternodes, then you will see how all the coins listed in the platform will appear with your specifications so that you know how the project is going to invest, to add a project to which you are going to invest you should only give it over the currency and give the option to invest, you will see how the currency will go to your shares, in it you will be able to see the percentage of ROI that is the most important followed by the coins in property, the value in usd of what you have and finally the percentage of participation in the masternode.

To invest you just have to click on the currency in your participation and you will see how the box will be displayed as it appears in the image, you just have to give it to invest

You will see a box like this where you will be given the address where you will send your coins either from your local purse or an exchange as well as the web wallet.

Once you have deposited your coins you just have to wait a while for you to start seeing your earnings as the image shows, as you can also see the reinvestment system which generates the compound interest in all the investments and increases the ROI in almost two times in the long term.



Meet the team






Let's talk about Discord and Midas

As I said at the beginning, the Discord is a fundamental basis for this project since it uses a logging system to access the platform and use it. In addition, as many know, the Discord is a fundamental basis for the development of many cryptocurrency projects, since it is the closest approach developers and team can have with investors to ensure that it is a legitimate and real project! In addition to this we can see channels where they can talk about the coins listed as well as the new ones that they can list on the platform so they can expand their portfolio with more coins. You can also see that there are different bountys for the most loyal users who want to earn a bit of these coins. But the most important thing is the close contact with all developers and project team that are available to people at all times to help us, I will leave your links to access and know more about this server.
Midas has KYD verification

This is great news for many since every project that has this verification is because it is something totally legitimate, who does not know about KYD is a project that also has its own cryptocurrency where it is responsible for doing deep studies that are truly very careful where they verify each part of the project as many know how many projects that do not have much future and become a scam and thanks to KYD this is forgotten as they have done the largest and deepest verification to the project Midas and this has passed the tests.

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