The Lifelong Impact of Being Born - Your Birth Story Echoes Throughout Your Life!

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Remember the time when you were born? Unlikely…..yet the pre-conscious memories formed before, during and after birth can have a significant impact on our lives.

They remain stored in our subconscious and are imprinted in the cellular memory of our bodies.

Everyone has a unique birth story and how they came into the world is reflected in the development and organisation of their body, brain and senses. In addition, the way that we relate to the world and therefore our core beliefs begin to be formed as an outcome of this process.

Babies are conscious beings from a very early stage. An example of this is their ability to recognise lullabies from when they were in the womb as demonstrated in this study

However, during their time in the womb and for several months after, they have no idea of self and consider their mother’s body to be an extension of their own.

Although they have their own blood supply, they pick up all of the emotional signals from their mum via hormones such as adrenalin, serotonin and oxytocin passing through the placenta.

This means that if parents were experiencing states such as worry, anger, fear, stress, grief through pregnancy, the baby will experience it emotionally as well, although they will have no idea of the actual cause.

The physical events leading up to, during and after the birth can also have a massive impact throughout life. Some examples of how these factors could manifest are as follows:


  • A baby conceived to loving, supporting parents and experiencing an easy birth may go through life always feeling supported and finding new beginnings easy
  • A baby considered ‘stuck’ in the womb and artificially induced with oxytocin may grow up to be easily stressed and always feeling rushed. They could prefer to make decisions slowly and be prone to procrastination
  • An unwanted baby will have experienced the effects of the mothers shock in the womb and may have feelings of rejection, worthlessness, anxiety or not belonging. If they were a surprise initially, but then the mother wanted the baby and regarded it with love from then on, these feelings are likely to be much less profound, or even non-existent
  • A baby born with the umbilical cord around its neck could end up with anything ranging from a fear of being confined to an obsession with strangulation
  • Being born after a failed abortion could be especially traumatic. This was Saddam Hussein’s story and there is speculation that it was also the case with Hitler

Of course, these are only examples of what could happen. There are infinite possibilities and all of the other events before, during and after birth and throughout the individuals life could have an effect.


There are so many variables involved, such as the impact of the modern medical birth process, compared to a more natural birth, that it is impossible to cover all of them in this article.

However, one area that is really important is the developmental effect of the bonding process, or lack of it.

When born, human babies are among the most helpless in the animal kingdom. Therefore, they are naturally pre-programmed to bond with the mother and father as a way of increasing their likelihood of survival.

The ideal situation for a new born baby is to have lots of skin to skin and eye to eye contact with the mother (and father) for at least 45 minutes after birth.

This causes the release of oxytocin (the love hormone) in both the baby and the parents, which creates a very strong bond. It also commences an important development in the brain, which leads to the ability to create strong emotional bonds throughout life.

While the period just after birth is the ideal time for the bonding process to occur, the opportunity is not lost if it is missed at this stage. The areas of the brain that are stimulated by the bonding process, the Cingulate Gyrus, can be accessed at any time.

It is estimated that babies that miss the initial bonding opportunity can catch up if they are later given plenty of love and attention, and that it takes around three months in this case.

We are hardwired to bond and even if it is missed during infancy, it is possible for it to be achieved in later life. Fortunately, the importance of bonding is becoming increasingly understood and in many cases, babies are now left to have that time with the mother and father. However, until very recently, this was not so and many people will have been taken away to be cleaned, weighed and even held upside down and smacked – a truly terrifying experience that could quickly give an impression that the world is not a safe place to be!

As bonding is so fundamental to us at a deep level, the absence of a good bonding experience and the physical, mental and emotional changes that it creates can lead to being predisposed to many issues.

These could include:

  • Depression
  • Substance Abuse
  • Eating Disorders
  • Child/Adult Suicide
  • Eczema/Asthma
  • Aggression/Violence/Sexual Issues
  • Disconnection/Separation
  • Mental Disorders
  • Anxiety/Worry
So, if you feel that issues in your life could be due to a traumatic birth or other pre-conscious incidents, what can you do about it? Of course there are many treatments and techniques that can be of benefit for the above conditions, but what about getting to the core of the issue?

One answer could be Matrix Birth Reimprinting. This is an amazing process that can be used to clear negative patterns associated with birth/pre-birth and reimprint a more positive birth memory. The effects are so profound that it can even cause the participant to experience the emotional and physical/chemical effects of bonding, possibly for the first time in their life.

While this technique is literally suitable for anyone who has ever been born, it could be especially valuable for those experiencing heightened emotions around childbirth.

During pregnancy, it can be used to clear both Mum and Dad of their own birth trauma and fears about the birth and can even be used to imprint a positive future birth image, which can have profound effects on what actually happens.

Birth Reimprinting isn’t just for resolving issues in your own birth. It can also be used to clear any issues for both Mums and Dads resulting from the birth of their own children and any traumas that occurred or things that didn’t go according to plan. It can have truly amazing effects on the parents and the children.

For those that have tried a number of different techniques, yet still have an itch that they just can’t scratch regarding a specific condition or emotional state that they are in, exploring the aspects around their birth and pre-conscious memories can also be very useful.

As with all Matrix Reimprinting processes, this isn’t just about finding out where the issue may come from. It is actually resolved at a subconscious, energetic and physical level, which often has the effect of removing the issue entirely from the individuals life. Often, the participant will receive valuable learning from the experience that can move them forwards in life in exciting and surprising ways.

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of Matrix Birth Reimprinting for you, please contact me. I am a certified Matrix Birth Reimprinting Practitioner. It’s never too late to have the perfect birth for you.


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Thank you for sharing this. I'm wondering, where did you learn about Matric imprinting?

A pleasure. I learned Matrix Reimprinting from Karl Dawson, who created it and I learned the Birth Reimprinting protocols from Sharon King, who created them.

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Groovy! Thank you for sharing xx

this is an excellent post Sam, such important information here that I hope lots of people get to read. How we are born is so important, it is our first introduction into this world that really shapes us. Thank you for sharing your wisdom on this xx

Thanks Aishlinn. The great thing is that it can be so simple and gentle to resolve any issues that are arising from this time. People just generally don't look far enough back.

Beautiful Sam. Such an open discussion about how much effects these actually have on people while growing up. There are so many factors influencing a life we are not aware of, and take place in the 'forgotten phases'of our life

When I was in my mummy's tummy, she used to have green mangoes that are sweet and sour at the same time. Which is probably why I love them so much. :') Great blog @eftnow. Everything that happens when your are pregnant, it affects your baby too.

Ploi's fav comfort food is red duck soup, which I always ate before my obstetric appointments... :) It's always very special now when we go out an share that. :)

Hehe! Sounds delicious, I'd want that too. ;) This happens with every mama-baby pair I guess.

This is great stuff Sam! My wife and I are expecting our first child in September. So we will be doing as much of this as we possibly can.


Congratulations to you both and great that you are approaching it consciously. One thing I definitely suggest is to go with the flow and not be attached to a specific outcome. Of course, you can have preferences.

I'm going to share one of my first Steemit posts for you to check out here about our personal experiences -

Wishing you the perfect birth for all three of you xx

WOW great story Sam. Glad it all ended well for you and your wife. Right now we will be at 27 weeks this Saturday. I'm mostly scared because of the birth being at the hospital. I don't trust the doctors or nurses especially when they are going to try to force the vaccines which we will be opting out of.

Anything that you can do to release that scared feeling and be calm during the time will be great - tapping, hypnobirthing meditations, whatever.

As with all situations with authority, being calm, polite but firm is the way to go here, as (most of them) truly believe what they are doing is right, safest etc.

Have you got a written birth plan, preferences etc? During the birth, if they suggest things - such as induction, you can always ask questions like "why is that necessary now?", "what if we wait a while/don't do that?" etc.

At the end of it, your baby will be there. If it works out, make sure that she/he has about an hour of skin to skin contact with your wife before anything further happens and ideally that the cord isn't cut until all the blood is through (probably about an hour will do here as well.)

However, if things don't work out that way, make sure of lots of skin to skin contact in the first few months which will still complete the bonding process.

You might want to check out my wife's recent post on vocal toning during labour - it was great for her and your wife can start practising it now -

She also has some good posts on naturally enhancing milk production.

You've probably looked into a lot of this already. Any questions that you have, just drop me a message in Discord :)

Thanks for the help Sam. I really mean that! I will follow your wife too. We do not have a written birth plan. What is that?

You've put so much thought and research into this! Expecting parents really need to understand the HUGE impact the parents and their environment has on the water world of their unborn child. Interestingly my birth was a traumatic one as my mother's labour stopped after two days. By this time the doctor did a C-section and my mother was knocked out (or slept from sheer exhaustion) for 24 hours. I was kept in the maternity ward. To this day I am convinced it has impacted our relationship. Despite my mother being very loving I have always held her at a distance. I am sure as a helpless birthing baby who struggled to be born and then was removed from the comfort of my mother it had a devastating affect. When I did a Quantum (SCIO) session the first trauma the machine read was my birth!

Thank you for your comments. Yes - it's a massive area and I think that when we transform what is deemed a "normal" birth, it will have a massive ripple effect in the world.

It might be a good idea for you to consider Matrix Birth Reimprinting, as it can reimprint the bonding experience energetically with your mother and this can have some incredible effects at many levels.

I've never come across SCIO before. Just looked it up. Seems really interesting, so I'll dig deeper.

We carry so much with us, usually unconsciously! Lovely post, Sam, highlighting one big weight that many of us have, and could easily lighten or set down with assistance. It also reminds we mamas HOW IMPORTANT that birthing-child-rearing "thing" really is!!

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