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RE: The Lifelong Impact of Being Born - Your Birth Story Echoes Throughout Your Life!

in #steempress6 years ago

You've put so much thought and research into this! Expecting parents really need to understand the HUGE impact the parents and their environment has on the water world of their unborn child. Interestingly my birth was a traumatic one as my mother's labour stopped after two days. By this time the doctor did a C-section and my mother was knocked out (or slept from sheer exhaustion) for 24 hours. I was kept in the maternity ward. To this day I am convinced it has impacted our relationship. Despite my mother being very loving I have always held her at a distance. I am sure as a helpless birthing baby who struggled to be born and then was removed from the comfort of my mother it had a devastating affect. When I did a Quantum (SCIO) session the first trauma the machine read was my birth!


Thank you for your comments. Yes - it's a massive area and I think that when we transform what is deemed a "normal" birth, it will have a massive ripple effect in the world.

It might be a good idea for you to consider Matrix Birth Reimprinting, as it can reimprint the bonding experience energetically with your mother and this can have some incredible effects at many levels.

I've never come across SCIO before. Just looked it up. Seems really interesting, so I'll dig deeper.

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