I should be able to RESTEEM myself! This sucks!

in #steempark7 years ago (edited)

Its sad how Steemit does not allow me to RESTEEM my own posts!

As a new author, I am sure you understand, I am not able to get enough exposure for my posts! All my efforts go in vain when people are not able to reach my posts or rather say my posts do not reach them! Its disheartening especially for new people like myself who believes in themselves and their content! 

RESTEEM is a good tool which allows you to share a content on to your profile which in- turn becomes visible to your followers. At present you are allowed to RESTEEM only the posts of other people and making them gain visibility which I do not think is bad or let me say, is great but it could have been better if I was able to RESTEEM my own posts which was left unattended.

At present I am standing at mere 53 followers as I am new as you can see below!

What on earth is RESTEEMED 48 years ago haha!!! ??

As my followers increase I am expected to reach more people I suppose but what happens to the posts I believe were great but due to the lack of followers then or lets say as I was new then people did not believe in the content which if shared now may receive a better response.

Here are a few posts I have attempted. Please check it and do leave an UpVote & Follow; if you think its worth a share, RESTEEM!

If you have a look at all of these above posts, 'introducing myself' have had the largest visibility which is not more than a 20 some and the rest all have not crossed mere 10! Now as an author I am not saying all my posts need better UpVotings because I realize that I have to do a lot better work to be honest but I again, also realize that my latest compilation like the 'Lesser known reasons to visit India' deserves better attention and appreciation because that genuinely is the India that is less talked about or heard about!


Now as I am new to Steemit, I am not really familiar with all aspects of it and how situations like this should be tackled, so honestly all support, advises and suggestions will be appreciated!

Appreciate your attention!


Omg, those currencies...
alexkoshy, we need more people like you on this channel.
Btw. you can find out about yourself at this terminal, I found you based on what the machine thinks I like about you, haha.

Hey, Thanks man! I wish more people thought so! And i wish more people saw this darned post, lol! This got only 6 eyes on it! hahahah
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Resteeming your own posts doesn't make any sense. All resteeming does is attach the post you're resteeming to your blog, making it visible to your followers. Since your posts are already visible to your followers, it's redundant. That's why you can't resteem your own posts.

If you're looking for more visibility, visit Steemit.chat and promote your post on the dedicated channels for post promotion, or you can find various groups that have their own Discord channels, such as Whaleshares or Minnow Support Project.

@anarcho-andrei, appreciate your interest, What I mean to say is.. Lets say I got 10 followers today, I write a post A today, 10 days later from now I may have 30 followers and then may be I am writing a post H and by then the post A would be way below and the new followers will not be able to view the post A or they may not be interested in going way down and may miss it and wont show their appreciation. That is why I want to RESTEEM my own posts!
** Do help me understand if I you think I may not know something, I am pretty new to Steemit!
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I understand what you're saying. If your concern is that earlier content that's outside the payout window may be missed by your followers, I'd recommend just making a compilation post that highlights your previous posts for people that you've just recently onboarded. I'm considering doing the same thing for the 200 some folks that have started following me now since I've come back.

The reason you can't resteem your own posts using the resteem button is, like I said, because it creates an unnecessary redundancy in the system. Since resteeming takes up space on the blockchain, it adds clutter that doesn't need to be there.

Hope my reply was helpful, and best of luck!

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