The Steem blockchain has got its very first cryptogame: Steem Monsters

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

I'm sure most of you are familiar with cryptogames to some extent. It all began with Cryptokitties, and since then hundreds of games have been developed (mainly) on the Ethereum blockchain. Steem has been lagging behind on this front, which is not that strange when you consider how different the Ethereum blockchain is to the Steem blockchain, but now the very first Steem game has been opened up for alpha testing.


Steem Monsters

If you have been looking at the Trending posts, then you have probably already seen the announcement post of Steem Monsters that was published by @aggroed. I suggest reading trough that to get a good feel of what the game is about, but if you just want a quick summary, then just read the next paragraph instead.

The idea behind Steem Monsters is to create a type of RPG card collectible game that runs entirely on the Steem blockchain. You can buy cards to make a collection, then use these cards to play against other players in tournaments (think Hearthstone or Magic the Gathering). Each card can be leveled up, used in your decks and played, or be sold if you don't want it.


A look at some of the cards I got from the packs I bought.

Right now the game is missing some of the key aspects, but keep in mind that they are still in Alpha testing, so this is to be expected. You can pretty much just log in, buy card packs and keep track of your collection right now, and there are no trading, tournaments or leveling up the cards just yet.

The most interesting aspect to me is how they want to use Tournaments to let players earn real rewards! In contrast to when you play Hearthstone, the card packs you win can be sold for Steem to other players, and then traded for fiat, meaning that you will win real money from playing the game! According to the website: "Prizes may consist of direct payments of STEEM or SBD, large upvotes from the @steemmonsters account, and/or free Steem Monsters Cards or Card Packs", which means that it could actually turn out to be pretty profitable to spend some hours on the game to learn how to be good at it.

Want to try out Steem Monsters?

If you want to check it out, then you can head over to and log in with your Private posting key. You obviously use your Steem account to do everything there, and all the cards will be tied directly to your account.

The first things you want to do is buy a Starter Pack for $5 to get a good amount of cards to get started. The Starter Pack does not seem to be able to contain any Epic or Legendary cards, but it has a selection of everything you need to get started with the RPG aspects of them game (that is not yet released). After that you can buy additional Booster Packs for $2 each, that holds 5 random cards.

As I mentioned above, it is still missing a lot of features. However, I am pretty exciting to see where this could be going. I'm not a huge fan of card RPGs, but a game like this could potentially bring in a lot of new users to the Steem blockchain, and it might be a nice way to earn some Steem on the side, since it seems to be free to play and level up your cards (which can then probably be sold for more than the low-level cards).

Why have we not seen more games on the Steem blockchain?

I bet some of you wonder why we have hundreds of games on the Ethereum blockchain, but only one here on the Steem blockchain, and the answer all boils down to the fact that Ethereum has ERC20 tokens, which allows developers to create their own token that they can use for their game.


Ethereum; the current home to most cryptogames.

Steem does not have anything like that right at this moment, but that will of course all change once Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) are released. These will allow people to create their own token that can be tied up to the game, allowing the game to create its own ecosystem with its own tokens.

I think that Steem will have a big potential for hosting cryptogames once SMTs are released, and it has a huge advantage that Ethereum does not have: Steem does not have fees. If you want to buy, sell, trade, upgrade etc. any of your game tokens on the Ethereum network, you need to pay Gas (a miner fee). The gas fees is mostly not that high, but often hovers around the $0.2 mark. So it does not cost a lot to do a few transactions, but if you play a lot, then it will easily add up to a few dollars a day, which ends up being a lot in the long run.

As we are all aware, Steem does not have such transaction fees, so games that are run here can be played completely for free if the developers want it to. Just imagine having to pay $0.2 per card you played in a card game like Steem Monsters; that would surely mean everyone who played it would take a loss, and scare away 90 % of all players before they even got going..

I'm sure we will see a lot more games here on the Steem blockchain in the future, and I'm very excited to find out how SMTs can be used as a basis for games like we have been seeing on the other blockchains lately.

Thanks for reading

What do you guys think about having the first game on the Steem blockchain? Are you planning on buying packs, playing in tournaments, or just investing in the most powerful cards for a profit? Let me know, because I would really like to see what others think of this project.


I've always heard not to give away your private keys on the internet. I know aggroed is a reputable guy, but I'm just talking in general - it's always good to be safe. Worst case scenario, what can someone do with my private posting key?

I would like to see them implement an easy STEEMconnect feature to login and track. I know you can use STEEMconnect with them, but that's after you give them your private keys. I'd like to just login with STEEMconnect and make it more convenient. Convenience is key with the masses.

You can login using your memo key, which I believe is less potent than your posting key.
Buying though requires your active key via steemconnect.

That's a good point! The memo key should be a bit safer for most people.

It's very smart of you to not give away your keys easily, @showtime24. The Private Posting Key is used for posting posts, comments, and voting. So worst case scenario someone could do things like:

  • Drain your voting power by upvoting their own accounts.
  • Post spam, phishing links etc. as blog posts.
  • Use your account to post spam comments.

No one would be able to steal any money with only this key, so at least that's not a concern, but as you can see, it can still do a lot of damage.

I also fully agree that it would be best for them to implement Steemconnect as a method for logging in. They have already used that for paying for card packs, so I don't see any reason not to use it for login as well.

Fin orientering om utviklinga på Steemit plattforma @Valth
Eg las med stor interesse mulighetene når Smartoken kjem på Steemit.
Truleg vil det gje plattforma vår mange nye medlemer og ei fin utvikling.

Med vennleg helsing

Takk for det @siggjo. Jeg tror at prosjekter som dette også er viktig for utviklinga, og som du sier blir det også veldig spennende med SMT når de omsider er klart :)

Interesting idea. There area few other games on here , but they're less tightly integrated and are more like old-school play-by-email with games. (Cryptoempires and steemnova come to mind.)

Why have we not seen more games on the Steem blockchain?

the answer all boils down to the fact that Ethereum has ERC20 tokens

I'd also add two other big things:

  • participating in these games or other dapps (like can really jam up your main account feed, since the major ways we view the blockchain don't have very good filtering for the majority of users
  • the lack of smart contracts makes it harder to implement.

You're right about SMTs changing things around. The speed and lack of transaction costs is also very nice. I briefly played with cryptokitties, mainly because I was interested in the genetics system, but having to pay up to ~ 50 cents USD and estimate how much gas to give it was simply, not fun.

I'm pretty sure Musing fixed that issue. Last time I used it, it didn't post to my Steem account.

Oh, I have never heard of either Cryptoempires or steemnova. Seems that I might have been incorrect in my title then!

The two points you bring up are also good ones. It's very annoying that most dapps so far clutter the post feed, and this is definitely something that needs to be improved if we want to use lots of different dapps in the Steem blockchain.

I briefly played with cryptokitties, mainly because I was interested in the genetics system, but having to pay up to ~ 50 cents USD and estimate how much gas to give it was simply, not fun.

Same here. It feels terrible to pay for each single move, and it really limits the game in my opinion.

Thanks for the heads up, @valth.
I don't know anything about such kind of games, but I like the idea of adding such ideas. It might indeed be a good way to attract users.
And hey, although I don't get these games, maybe I'll buy myself some packs. A girl's got to learn sometime, right? ;0)

Who knows how popular this will become, ... maybe I should let FOMO take over, lol

You're welcome. Right now there is not much to learn about the game, but I'm sure there will be lots of stuff to learn once they add the different abilities to the cards. These type of card games typically feels way to complicated for me to get into, but I feel a bit more motivated to learn now that it will be on the Steem blockchain :)

Same here.
I have some friends that are playing such games regularly, and it is fun watching them.
So I thought I should at least give it a try.
I am currently the proud owner of a basic deck, and 2 extra booster packs ;0)
(I purchased one extra first, but all cards were just regular, lol. I wanted to have at least one that was 'epic' or 'legendary'. Maybe I should be happy the second package contained one - if not, who knows how much money I would have spent, hahaha)

You're lucky that you got one in only two packs! I was thinking the same as you, but decided to stop buying more after 4 Booster Packs :P I think I will wait a bit and see the improvements before I spend more money on it.

Maybe we first have to find someone to teach us how to play before the actual tournaments start, and before we buy more packs, hahaha

A couple of weeks ago I signed up for the RPG game from @spiritualmax: cryptoempire.
I quit, because i tought it was too complicated.
But I’ convinced one can learn anything if you put your mind to it.
So I’m going to find myself someone who is willing to teach a (slow-learning) newbie ;0)

Yep, that would probably be a good idea. It seems like the tournaments are going to be free to enter, so at least we don't have to gamble any money to even play.

It's probably not all that difficult to learn, but it just depends on how willing you are to learn. If you're really motivated, then I'm sure you will pick it up quickly.

Nice, congrats! That's a lucky outcome ;)

Let's see where it leads...SMT are crucial for steem advancement and I wish they would been have launched by now...The world is moving at a greater pace than ever...Delays can be deadly...
I bought my 5$ pack...Maybe someday we can play side by side and barter trade cards:)

Hehe, I'm getting a bit tired of waiting for the SMTs now as well. But it's better to have them 100 % finished than a half-finished product delivered on time.

Yeah, that we can definitely do! Just got to wait for the real game to be launched :)

Hey mate, how are you? Do you happen to have Discord or Twitter? I’d love to have a chat about qurator with you.
Let me know :)

Hi, @forexbrokr. I'm good! How about you? You can reach me on Discord on Valth#7597, but I'm not really all that active there.

Hey Valth,

Very exciting times these days!
Need to have a look into it.
Guess it’s not gonna break stems neck like it did with ETH the other day :-)


Thanks for telling about steem monster game. Although I don't understand about the game really well. Hopefully will check it out soon. Yes with launch of SMT a lot of games will be available on this amazing platform. It is always fun to play games and earn a reward. Keep sharing @valth

You're welcome. The game is still far from finished, so you will probably understand it better once it gets going for real ;)

Thank you notifying us about this! Sounds very exciting! Going to check out the announcement post!

You are welcome :)

I just bought my starter pack! Have you?

Oh yeah, got my starter pack plus a handful of booster packs, but didn't get any epic or legendary cards from any of them :(

Me neither
But I haven't bought any booster packs yet
I want to at least buy one!
I'm so excited! Rpg is my favorite genre and I love collecting and we'll be promoting steemit by participating!
I've never played a blockchain game before
I want to help spread the word about this project too

The Booster Packs seems to generally have a much lesser value than the Starter Pack though, but I guess that's just the way it is.

I want to help spread the word about this project too

That's great! I think this will be a good project to promote to get more people to use the Steem blockchain :)

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