
First of all, nice giveaway.... a gold foil.
But... (can I have some 'buts'?) ... asking for a 50% upvote is quite heavy. Normally I skip contests or giveaways that ask for a 50% or 100% upvote - even if it's for a gold foil - but I promised to support you, so I do. Unfortunately for you, my support comes with advice attached ;0)
As everyone only has a limited number of votes avalable every day (as you want to keep your VP above 80%), a 50% vote for a giveaway is a lot, especially for the people who have just a little SP. Since the price of Steem is so low, their votes ain't worth a lot, so they've got to be even more thoughtful about what they upvote.
But then again, you've got a good prize you give away, so maybe I should just shut up and take my advice with me. Just keep it in mind whenever hou do your next giveaway, will ya?

Now, since I voted, I can just as well enter... (Just kidding, I want that card just as much as anyone else, lol)

I started smoking when I was like 16 or so. It took me a couple of years to find the balance you mentioned. It got so far that I got addicted to uppers, because I needed them if I wanted to function properly.

I once got caught smuggling weed across the border. It was and still is forbidden here in Belgium, but it was a 30 minutes drive to a coffeeshop in The Netherlands, so we took a roadtrip every week. They caught me, I had to give them my stash, and I assume the police smoked it themselves, because I never heard anything about it afterwards. No paperwork, no fine ... nothing.

When I was in my early 30s, they started to be really strict about driving under influence. Since I was a daily smoker, I would be in big trouble if they would test me. Since I'm a teacher by profession, I just couldn't risk it. I tried quitting, without success. Until I got pneumonia when I was like 35. For 2 entire weeks, I couldn't smoke without coughing my longs out. So I didn't.

Once I got better, for once I was smart enough to realize that starting again would be a stupid thing to do. So I didn't.

I'm not even an occasional smoker anymore. When people offer me, I almost always say no. I don't like the feeling - it makes me socially handicapped and I start to get lost in my own mind... So, no more, and I don't regret it. :0)

My username: @simplymike

Tagging: @doomsdaychassis (I'm curious about your reply) and @anouk.nox (you have been exposed to it for so long. I wonder if there are Dutch people who never at least tried, lol)

Hey @simplymike, thank you for the comment :D

I understand now what you mean about the upvote being too high I will definitely take that into consideration the next time. At the time I didn't even think about that, thank you for the support and all the advice... I really appreciate it :D

It sounds like you had quite a rough time. With being addicted to the uppers, to getting caught with the weed and getting pneumonia. Being a daily smoker does take a toll on your tolerance, hence the reason we search for uppers and higher grade weed... It's not nice when you crave for stronger strains.

At least you got away with no fines or paperwork, that would have been a headache. The pneumonia sounds rough, this must have been that life changing moment for you. I'm actually planning on stopping next year to focus solely on my studies and have no worries about my health and mental state. Hearing your story is making think more on how serious I want that idea to be... I want to have a good New Years though, so that's why next year will be a good time :D

It does affect a lot of people like that and the best thing to do is to stop for a while or outright... Whenever I feel like I am smoking too much or if my tolerance is too high, I stop smoking for about 2 months. So I do stop at least twice a year to allow my body a good detox :D

I've never smoked, but I have a few friends who have. I invite @andremit and @unsapientemas.

SM account: @gusvzla.

Awesome, thank you for the comment and invites @gusvzla :D
Good luck :)


I do not smoke

Username: @yoghurt

Tag: @butts

Awesome, thanx for the comment @yogurt :D

You're funny @shadown99 .. you what? Celebrating 5th years of smoking weed😂😂 that's hillarious. Okay.. I tried to smoke ganja when I'm 20 because a group of friends asked me to joined their party and all those boys really got into the party😂 but I couldn't take more than a light smoke😅 . I loves cigarettes (kretek we call it in Indonesia, full tobacco with cloves) but Ganja😯 I won't touch it anymore. I ate a traditional cake made with it without knowing anything and I fell to sleep for 24 hours😂😂😂 so since then I avoided everything with Ganja. I don't even drink coffee which blended and roasted with it😆. Not because I afraid of being caught by the authorities or it is hard to find, merely because my body don't need it.

In my hometown, Ganja is something that most boys (some girls too) at least once in their life they can get it freely. We have the best quality ganja in the world 😂 but our government is trying hard to eliminated that plant, still.. people will easily find it in the woods. No matter thousands hectares and tons of ganja being burnt out, it still growing somewhere in the island.

My username is @cicisaja
I invited @el-nailul and @nureza to join this contest.

Thanks and good luck everyone 😉

Hey @cicisaja, I thought it would be quite funny and interesting to tell my story of how I began smoking weed... It took me so long to write this because I was laughing at all the fond memories I had throughout the past 5 years. I couldn't do it justice though, I could write a book about my life for the past 5-10 years, maybe 2 books :D

It sounds like had quite an experience, being knocked out for so long... Many people are affected negatively by weed, it sounds like you are one of them :) I would love to visit though, having a 'forest' of MJ sounds quite appealing to see and having good strains too is a bonus :D

I cannot believe the government just burns it... They must have gotten super baked by inhaling all of that smoke :D
Thanx for taking part :)

Hahaha😂😂😂 I think that they harvested all the seeds before they burn it.. then sold the seeds. I remember that my belated grandma has the seeds in her kitchen ... yeah, the seeds is on of our common recipe in many foods. No matter how many plantation they burnt, we still have the seeds for our foods. It's better than any artificial chemical flavour in the world.. really good to soften the meat. You'll sent to jail and robbed by the polices if they found you with 1 gram of it in my country 😂😂

And I can imagine how funny your friend A when he told your father that you're not smoking weeds😂😂 well... worth to remember anyway.. try to write it down then 😉 who knows.. you'll be a weed's ambassador and help us to legallized the weeds for medication.

That sounds quite great, having the seeds used in everything :D Everyone must be so chill all the time :) I didn't know it could be used as a meat tenderizer, thats knew to me... I will have to try it in the future, seems like a great idea :D

Lol the government sounds funny, not allowing their citizens to smoke and yet they harvest all the seeds to sell to other countries ahahaha... Since weed has just recently been legalized here in South Africa, in private properties, things have gotten a lot better... But I think if you have around 4 kg's of weed on you in public you can be arrested, I'm not too sure about that though because the weed legalization is quite a process and there are a few grey areas that needs to be sorted out :D

When my friend 'A' came in the house it was the funniest thing ever, since I was high as a kite, so when he walked into the lounge I almost burst out laughing. That would have been very bad though, because I am a person who does not cry (I swear :D) so in order to not get into too much trouble, I forced out some tears... All that hard work almost went down the drain when 'A' walked in, because I was about to laugh, luckily my parents just looked at him and I gave him a small smile before they could see me :D

Weed ambassador is a stretch, I was planning on either stopping completely or cutting down to 5 times a year, from next year :D

😂😂😂 the government didn't export the seeds to other country either but some of the seeds went to some merchant, who knows how to use it for foods. But.. we're not high all the time. The seeds is less dangerous that the stalks and leaves. But still.. you need to know the measurement .. I mean when muxed it with other ingredients, you need to add less than 10 grams for a kilogram meat. But a tsp seeds powder is enough for a 50 grams coffee ground.

I think half of the prisoners in the district jail in my hometown were caught because of having more than half kilogram ganja, even my little brother was lock up for 6 months because he has a gram of it from his friends years ago.

I know there's kind of chivet's tail that become the fabourite's of weed smokers in my hometown.

I don't smoke weed, but I have tried it. I am, unfortunately, one of those rare people who it doesn't affect. I've only ever been arrested by transit officers because they were out revenue raising and I just happened to cross just the tracks just before a train came.


I tag @snook and @clixmoney.

Hey @shaidon, thanx for the comment :D
At least you can say you can say you tried it. I understand though, I know many people that are affected differently by smoking weed. There are good and bad depending on how you feel afterwards...
Wow, what a situation... I have never been arrested myself, it sounds like quite an experience.

I smoked that once to understand what it it, but I think it's just a kind of drug that we don't need at all. I will never do again.

Yeah, it's not really for everyone and I am not against those that use it. Oh and I mentioned you in my latest video.

Hey @clixmoney, many people try it to see how they would feel after smoking and a lot don't like it. It's good though, if you didn't find it appealing then why do it again. At least we learn from past experiences so its cool that you tried it :D

Hi @shadown99

I just replied to your comment in my recent post related to 1200 SP. Please go and check it out :)

Thank you one more time for reaching out to me. Hope you will enjoy my little support and delegation of 40 SP.

My efforts has been supported by few people and I would like to ask you to give me small favour. What favour is that? Nothing big really. Just open link below and add it to your favourites (if you don't mind).

You may wonder what the heck is that? I created this account to follow those few people who delegated Steem Power to me in the first place. Without them I would not be able to support you.

Since they are all passionate about crypto, I decided to help them get new followers and bring more engagement to their posts. So this link is nothing else but newsfeed from their accounts.

I would love to ask you if you could start building your engagement on Steemit from visiting this page and showing your support to them. Anytime you can. Just drop an upvote and some valuable comment. Those guys are really worth our time and attention (plus they are all very responsive).

Every few weeks I will be monitoring who is engaging with them most and personally I will give those people my extra attention. That's my idea. I will do my best to reward those, who are supporting those few delegators.

So it's a win-win situation for everyone. You can get some delegation and support, they will get more traffic and I'm building my influence (since I'm right in the middle of all of it).

How does it sound? :) Hope I can count on you.

Have a great day ahead,

Hey @crypto.piotr, I have responded to your reply... Thank you for taking me into consideration during this whole process. I really appreciate it :D

I'm excited to see how everything turns out and will definitely support the new account that you have created... Do you wish to take part in the giveaway, if so... then just check out the rules and if you do participate, I wish you all the best :D

Thank you for all the support and I will definitely return the favor :)

Thank you for being so responsive @shadown99

Have a great weekend ahead,

Never I don't smoke weed.

Me: @fermionico

Tagging: @amanardis and @the01crow

Hey @fermionico, thanx for the comment :D

My english is very bad (i'm hispanic) so, is a short comment, sorry

All good, I'm happy for the reply though... You followed the rules perfectly too :D

I live in beautiful Colorado, and I've been smoking since around 15 (in Colorado since I was 18), so 7 years now. I don't use hookah anymore, but that used to be one of my favorite ways to get high for sure. Pack like half an eighth in the bowl with some shisha and get blasted for a few hours. I'm @petertag on steemmonsters, and I'm gonna tag @balticbadger and @minimining

Hey @petertag, thanx for the comment :D
It sounds like you have had a great experience... I have a lot of friends who also used to like hookah a lot but stop smoking that and switched to rolling blunts and spliffs all the time. They all said it was a great time as well, I think its a great phase we all go through.
Sounds like you get some nice strains too, all the better to get super baked :D

I am one of thoose rare people that have never smoked anything. Not a singel cigg . But I like to smoke fish at summer...
(If I have been caught - not with smoking)

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @minimining, thanx for the comment :D

Awesome, its quite cool that you have never smoked before :)

Tx. I had so bad lunge when I was 10 years that smoking littary would kill me. A good start for my non ssmoky life

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry to hear that, I know how hard it is to have a bad organ/s... I suffer with heart palpitations, so I have irregular heartbeats all the time. Its must have been quite hard to cope with bad lungs... At least it prevented you from starting a habit.

I don't smoke

My sm username: @minhaz007
I want to invite

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @minhaz007, thanx for the comment :D
Thanx for participating and inviting some friends... Good luck :)

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