in #steemmonsters6 years ago

So I have been playing Steem Monsters for a bit and I have to admit I love the game. But despite the enjoyment I get from the game, I don't believe I will see it making it in the long term without serious changes. Don't get me wrong, there does seem to be changes occurring and I don't think they are negative as such. But in regards to Steem Monsters having mass appeal for the novice gamer? Or growing in the long term? .... Well I'm skeptical. So in the post I'm just going to list out a few things I think would be amazing for Steem Monsters, though I know they are probably not realistic.


One of the things I have always had problems selling people on with the Steem block chain social media is handling their keys. For most who use social media the process of verification and management of log in is extremely simple. Name, email, birth date, phone number, and a simple password and you're off. People love and readily adopt simplicity.

With online gaming this is pretty much the same. People love simplicity. To get new users to want to play Steem Monsters and part with that initial ten bucks, they probably would want to try before they buy. Having non block chain accounts where new players can play and choose to upgrade to the block chain leagues would undoubtedly cause user numbers to uptick. I know this probably isn't realistic as it would take more resources, but again I'm just throwing out what would be cool to see and which would help to ensure that the game grows. It certainly is a better way to get newbies to want to get to grips with things like keys and investing their own money.

I play a few different block chain games that are in beta at the moment (Augmentors, EOS Knights, etc) and the free to play is what has hooked me with them. Were it not for that feature I probably wouldn't have gone near them. Most people will try before they buy if given the choice.


I know recently that there has been a shift in rewards that at a glance seem to favor the top players more so than the novice. I know from getting friends and family to play that this has made advancement almost impossible for the bronze league users who just aren't deep enough in the game to want to invest more for something they are losing at and that feels stacked against them. I know that there are many opinions as to why this is the case. Some say it's the Steem Monsters team trying to keep their investors happy, others say it's to reward the more involved players, others say it's to make things more difficult for bots to rape the rewards pool. Either way it doesn't seem a solid solve or a shift that indicates long term prospects being sound for the game.

All of the things I listed above as potential reasons for shifting the reward cards allocation on leagues indicate that like with all new dapps there are problems that need ironing out in these early days of beta. What would be nice to see is stronger incentives for new players to get engaged at the lower levels. This could be done by creating tiers of cards (rare, epic, legendary) that your percentage of winning is higher the higher you advance. It keeps appeal for those lower level players. So if there is a 1% chance of winning a legendary at bronze, 3% epic, etc then they will still game knowing worse case scenario they are still going to win small rewards.

I know this suggestion could dilute the bottom tier rewards, but as the games user base grows new cards with exceptional new features could be created that still have offsetting qualities in relation to their strengths. Once the new player reaches lets say gold, their chances of winning higher strength cards that can't be bought on the market increase. It's not a give away. You still would have more losers than winners.. but it would keep people wanting to play and attract more new players.

The Vegas model of engagement where people will keep coming back even if losing for hopes of reward is effective. Social media, gambling, most gaming platforms all run on dopamine fueled engagement (Steemit was designed with this in mind. It's in the white paper). But if you were asking a gamer to go through remembering and storing four sets of keys, paying to play, and gaming to lose with little reward and no slim slim slim chance of hitting that jackpot? Well they are just going to go somewhere else that is easier to get reward from and easier to interact with. Reward is reward no matter how small and small amounts seemingly readily available for new users would bring and keep new players.


There are a number of complaints around this issue but for most of us in the block chain world we accept bots as part of the ecosystem for better or worse. We aren't going to fully keep them out. But an interesting solve could be a change to the terms of service/user agreement for Steem Monsters. This could be tested in the free to play version where proof of human engagement could be rewarded by launching a league every month where the top five or three players receive an epic card or something along those lines. The reward would be granted IF they upgraded to a block chain account. At that point if the league is challenging and they are already hooked then they probably would have already upgraded. In the user terms Steem Monsters could reserve the right to deny rewards to any account suspected of being a bot account. Basically real rewards for proof of brain style engagement.

We aren't going to get rid of bots and in truth I think some have a place in the block chain ecosystem. But we could create in online gaming a space where peer to peer play is kept human and the environment for bots to thrive kept challenging. Free to play options again would see how that fly's or fails.


I have noticed there is little in this department. I'm guessing this is due to budget constraints with the Steem Monsters folks. But if they were focused on advertising via things like YouTube and other outlets more people would hear about the game and thus more players and more growth. At the moment it just seems to be a platform for the small community in the block chain world who are in the know. It would be amazing to see a large push outside of block chain circles on other platforms. Again I know everything I'm suggesting probably isn't realistic. I am just voicing what I see as wanting or in the future problematic.

I know in this post it seems I'm being negative about Steem Monsters... I'm not. I really love the game. I think it serving to bring more sign up's and it being a wonderful gateway to the Steem block chain has already shown massive potential. I really want to see the game itself grow and set a high bar for other Magic the Gathering style games in the block chain world to aspire to. But this is the Steem block chain. We are no strangers to disappointment. Look at Steemit and the lost unicorn of Smart Tokens, a website that's biggest addition is a color change, constant top tier infighting, and all the other incompetency that seems to plague that front end.

With Steem Monsters we could see an awesome way for new markets to develop with multiple levels that reward both investors and players. Basically multiple lanes in the market with something for everyone and above all easy access to the market itself. At the moment it does seem like there are better fixes for rewarding top tier players, stronger moves to ensure sustainable money and sustainable engagement so the game stays alive and grows. At the moment it does seem like a long shot to see Steem Monster cards as a safe or good place to invest in long term. I do feel it could go the path of many projects in the block chain world where investors jump in on a great idea and ride it until it's drained of potential and growth. They make money the idea and project fades to memory. I really really really hope that doesn't happen here. But it's always possible in the block chain world.

Well guys that's it for now. If you've made it this far I'd like to thank you for giving my post a read. Best of luck with all your projects and endevours and keep on Steeming. :)

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EOS Knights only just went Free-to-play in their last update. But yeah, I suspect the F2P accounts are going to have a bad time in EK since they basically get just Eric.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've not been involved at all, @mudcat36, so I can't really speak to the specifics of what you say here, though it all sounds like good strategy, and no doubt they are things to be considered, if they haven't already been.

I have, however, been waiting for more and more people to post things similar to this, because it shows that a) there's a community being built that cares enough to bring up the bumps or the warts, or whatever we should call them, b) that even STEEM Monsters needs more than what it currently has to grow (meaning other dApps should also take note of that if they want to grow), and c) figuring out all the answers is still an ongoing thing when it comes to the blockchain and how we ultimately will interact with it and the users on it.

So, thanks for this. The fact that it's endorsed by @davemccoy, is a good sign, too. :)

I agree that it is a good sign when people are willing to point out what they think could be improved or areas where something come up short. I think @mudcat36 did an excellent job of thinking through the issues and I love his idea of a freemium verson. The community is still so relatively small that all ideas should be at least thought about.

And great to see you again Glen and hope you are doing well!

Well, I don't know about all ideas @davemccoy, but I do understand what you mean. :)

We've got enough people clamoring for action on STEEM, without necessarily bringing about solutions that will actually benefit the majority, so I'm glad to see it when it happens, or at least when the attempt is made. It's easy to get caught up in your own needs and then start thinking that what will solve them will also take care of everyone else's problems. That might be the case in some instances, but certainly won't be the case every time.

I'm doing okay. Sun's shining (thought it's on the cold side) for the second straight day, a novelty at the end of January, so that's helpful. Still chugging away here as much as I can. I thought I'd draw you out again, just for fun. :)

yes we have cold weather too... I wish we had some snow with it, because when its this cold I would like a little scenery to look at while I'm freezing. :P

Glad to hear you're doing ok and still chugging along too!

On the "improve Steemit" issue, I have seen the initiative and been told about it and signed up for their discord channel... I haven't spent tons of time on it, but my feeling is while I think change is certainly the right course, I'm still skeptical that they "get it". The people I see in there are many of the people that have been in charge all along and if those guys just get more SP, then my hope for real change is lost... They need to go outside of their circles and pick those people that "do" the right things, not "say" the right things. This isn't as hard as it looks... For instance, just look at what @abh12345 or @fulltimegeek do with their "power" and you can see 2 people that should be sought for advice on how to make this place better. And I would also add @glenalbrethsen up there with many of the top people in Asher's league too. If they want a social platform, then they need engagers (not mini-silo kings that wield power).

Again, glad to hear you survived the winter and lets hope we get some sun and warmth soon :P

Actually, since were throwing around names here, I was thinking more about you and this initiative, @davecmccoy, because it's basically what you do. :) As for me, I'm very much content to be the one guy interested in just using this platform as I feel it was intended to be used. Writing and creating in general is my passion, not organizing an alliance or a revolution, or whatever the heck it is going on now.

Not trying to cop out here. I know what my skills are and they don't line up with what is needed. Nor do my desires.

The one thing we will see out of this is whether or not it is possible for someone in the community, be it in small groups or collectively, to do a better job than what Steemit Inc has mustered to date, and do it in such a way that it's not marginal at best. If you can't tell the difference, then it doesn't count.

Then, we will see what the response is. :)

I agree with your last paragraph and do feel that they need to figure our what makes people like you happy (or not)... If they can learn to "learn" from their good users, then they will have the secret sauce. And I do think you would be perfect for giving them great advice btw.

As for me, that's nice and of course I'd help for free, but I'm used to working in environments where my opinions are solicited, so right now I don't think it would be a good fit. ;) ... I do think its great that they are trying to get something together, its a start.

And if you see anything concrete or you think is exciting, feel free to let me know. I have only caught bits and pieces and I would definitely want to listen if the info comes from someone I trust!

If you've been on their discord channel even once, you'll know more than I do. Have you read ats-david's post? He at least clarifies what the foundation the STEEM Alliance is setting forth to form is about and that he may have a role in it if things go more or less how he would like it. Not sure how much room there is for deviation from his thinking, but anyway, the post was helpful.

Aside from that, I doubt I'll get any more than you will, especially if you do spend some time on the Discord channel. I'm just not at a point where I want to be assembling anything other than trying to build stake, and I haven't really seen enough yet out of any proposals, or preliminary discussions of proposals, to see that it's heading in any particular direction. There may have been more done in the interim since the last posts I've read, including the one from the STEEM Alliance which is now pinned to our blog feeds, but I'm not privy to it.

I'd rather not spin wheels. Others can, if they want. When they're done trying to figure out what it is they're actually hoping to do, maybe they can then start to organize and then flesh it out to a workable structure. As it is, there were way too many details that needed to be accounted for, and I'm not sure who those folks are that will figure that out.

Thank you for giving it a read and above all for your thoughtful reply. One of the things I have seen in the block chain world is great ideas come and go. There is something about answering to the needs of those ideas to ensure continuity and growth that often seems to go wrong a lot of the time which is a shame. I suppose it's all part of this technology coming out of the woods and into the mainstream. In reality I'd love to see something like Steem Monsters really take off but I think building a base is something they really need to look more towards. I have been watching a lot of people get disenfranchised because it seems that yet another pyramid is forming on the Steem block chain with this project. I don't know if that's necessarily the case but I think hearing that type of feed back and tracking it is important. Looking at the project from a position of cards available/rewarded, and a market perspective is important.... but I can't help but feel things like on ramps to the game as well as easy access slip roads to in depth involvement are lacking. My concern is without addressing that it will be yet another project that will have loads of excitement in its early days and eventually people will just lose interest. You see it happen all the time with different ICO's built around great concepts. Those projects normally collapse because the creators stop listening to the users of the dapp/product/token and pay far to much attention to the investors.I guess it's that whole balance of keeping everyone happy which can't be easy. I do hope the SM folks figure it out though and it takes off. I'd love to see a block chain dapp go mobile and punch in the weights of mobile apps like Clash of Clans in regards to user numbers. In regards to old Dave, he's a good egg ain't he. Lol. We definitely need more like him about round the old Steem block chain.

More good points all, @mudcat36. I've wondered at a great many things revolving around SM, principal among them being the idea of digital cards holding value, or gaining in value. Maybe we're in the age for that to happen, considering that STEEM itself is a digital asset, but people seem to be basing a lot of what they're doing on that future return from what I've been reading. So, a lot of the folks playing, to some degree, are the investors, perhaps just not the big guns.

I've always figured that if customers of any sort are happy with a product or service theyr'e receiving, that it translates to the investors because of growth. I've not heard that satisfying investors equates to happy customers, though. So, for the sake of all those involved, I hope you're right and that they do figure it out, especially since SM has such a great following now, and, hopefully, that without really hitting their main age demographic, unless upper 20s to mid-50s is their demographic. :) My guess is, because of the game, the age range is probably more 10-30, skewing male.

Anyone underage though, is going to require a parent, and because of the investment part of it, maybe that causes things to change a bit.

There aren't a whole lot of folks like Dave running around anywhere—not with all his abilities and willingness to use them—so, we definitely want/need more of him. :)

this is the wonderful things I really enjoy in the steemmonsters.. the players and investors (dun really understand about them) have the same chance to give any opinions about the games. I really wonder how many human players right now (I'm a human but playing almost like a bots too.. LOL).

but.. I'm with you for the free to play !

Holla @cicisaja. Been a while since we crossed paths on the good old Steem block chain. :) I agree in regards to playing bots. They don't really bother me either way but like with most things round these parts there is a lot of differing opinions. Free to play would be great though wouldn't it? Ho hum, I suppose we will just watch and wait. I hope it all grows though as it's a fun game. :)

Hello again @mudcat36 😉 Aahh.. you were right😉 we've been out of touch fir some times😆 but we met on the battle field with my alternate accounts few times😉

Well.. I like to think positively and perhaps one day we will get the free to play option too just like I hope to have an android app to play happily😂 beside... I think the game founder is a kind man who always listen and considered one to all players and good input to improve the game. I just can't stop myself from playing it.. no matter the rewards are another rusties (darn.. how much rusties exactly out there.. I think I have 400 already 😂😂😂)

Excellent and hard hitting analysis @mudcat36... I think you cover all the main issues well and give players and the owners something to think about. I love the idea of a freemium game and I'm sure they could do it with the same cards at level 0 with basic stats and not let those cards stack. They could then let people try all the cards that way (since they wouldn't own them), and then they could of course one day purchase their favorites for the payable version. Its actually a brilliant idea.

Great post

I Agree aswell "f2p" version like a demo as well as some solid advertising would take the game where it needs to be the fastest as for bots, i really doubt they are raping the rewards pool the way people think every game mode is different mana cap etc it basically forces you to be there making different decisions all the time or you would lose 90 percent of the time, thanks for sharing @davemccoy @mudcat36

Thanks so much for taking the time to give it a look. The bots things does seem to have a lot of opinions around it. So many sometimes I get lost keeping up. I just sort of learned to accept them really. It does get a it technical for me anyway but it's always fun to track the debates around the topic. Thank you so much for popping by and look forward to your future posts. :)

Thanks for giving it a read chief. It seems to have started a great dialogue in comments. I couldn't agree more with the zero level starter on free to play as well. It seems like an amazing way to go about it. :)

And out of nowhere he appears again, making nothing but good points! :0)

Incentivizing new players and plankton went to shit ever since they decided cards will NOT gain xp through playing.
I know, to protect the market price blablah, but if there isn't new interest in the game, the card market will slowly collapse by itself. And we'll end up having a circlejerk between the top investors, without any sheep to make for a foundation. And without the sheep, the wolves slowly die in any online game.

And at the moment, a sheep has almost ZERO incentive to play the game. Like really. A quest that makes progression absurdly slow. A season reward on par with the quest. And the intrinsic pleasure of the game itself - which can keep you engaged for only so long anyway.
Other than that, a beginner will feel there isn't any point to play more, play harder, play smarter, because a sheep can never become a wolf (because by default you have to play catch-up, and your rewards are so small that you'll make a deck for gold1+ in over a year).
So the new player will think "What's the solution to get better? Oh, spend cash on packs/cards. Ooohhhh, it's THAT kind of game. Oh...."

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@mudcat36 Thanks for introducing me to EOS Knights. Read that name first time on your post and now I am climbing 60th floor.

If you leave me your Knights username, I will add you as my referral. Hopefully you can use some magic water.

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