Let's play a game | Win a card from an unopened @SteemMonsters booster package | 8/10

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Today we are playing the eighth game of this series. I recently bought another ten booster packs and decided to reward myself every day with a booster pack (five monster cards), maybe with you.

Of these ten booster packs, some Steemians, together with me, have opened seven booster packs. The opened 35 monster cards contained some very interesting EPIC and RARE cards. In the fourth game there was a surprise with an EPIC "Gold ZINTAR MORTALIS"! The fifth game revealed the Legendary "GOLD DRAGON".

Everyone can participate. The game is for you without obligation or expense. You just need a bit of concentration and lots of fun!

I recorded this panoramic picture in the Lußhardtwald near Waghäusel (Germany) in May this year with the iphone.

The upper panorama picture is the original. I have manipulated the lower panorama image in one place!


If you found the error in the lower panoramic picture and respond with a picture snippet, you have won this game if not someone was faster!

Your profit

Do you know the Steem monsters game from ? Well then it will be time to start the games soon! In the blog of @steemmonsters You will find very valuable tips and hints.

I'm a little crazy about these monsters. My current Steem-Monsters collection now contains 17 gold cards, including the legendary "Gold DRAGON", a rare gold card.

In Game 4 there was a surprise. The Steemmonster booster pack included the epic gold ZINTAR Mortalis. A bit of bad luck for @foxfiction, he had chosen the three. Two was the INTAR MORTALIS gold card.

You win a SteemMonsters card from an unopened booster pack!

Simple Rules ans Wishes

• You are welcome to support me with your voice!
• In order to spread the game, I would be very happy about a sharing
• You have to answer with the image section of the error!
• You have to give me the number of your desired monster card in the answer!

If there are several correct answers, the first recorded entry wins.

If the error is not found, the game ends 72 hours after the post is published! The booster pack remains unopened for the time being.

Good luck with your new card and a lot of success with your search!


Game history


The following table lists the winners of the last games.

2018to the GameWinnerWon card
4.71 - FIRE BEATLE@surripioimage.png
5.72 - MINOTAUR WARRIOR@markusgruberimage.png
7.73 - MINOTAUR WARRIOR@foxfictionimage.png
7.74 - SPINEPAK Wolf@foxfictionimage.png
7.75 - Sponsored Game 6@thekitchenfairyimage.png
8.76 - CERBERUS@heyimsnufflesimage.png
8.76 - CRUSTACEAN KING@heyimsnufflesimage.png
9.77 - MALRIC INFERNO@foxfictionimage.png


Fundition.io - Decentralized Crowdfunding

I use the AddOn Steem-Plus very gladly. I also use @busy . Both are developed by @steem-plus . I really appreciate the work of the development team. I therefore voted for the further development of @Steem-Plus with a small donation as a project supporter.

If you would also like to become a supporter or would like to realize your own supported projects, simply follow the link for further information

Crowdfunding is a solution for, for example, project developers to support an idea.



noch kein Gewinner?

Versuch dein Glück. Fange an mit dieser Karte! Ich kann es kaum Erwarten ein Pack zu öffnen :-)

du magst ja die Steemmonsters geh

wer mag die nich
echt cool obwohl noch keine nwendung

spielen ja echt sehr viele mit
wünsche allen viel glück

Ja, sind einige. Macht Spaß!

spiele gerne aber keine Karten

weis ich
dafür aber zu viel andere


Not sure, but this part of the picture is much brighter for me.

Card #1

Hi, unfortunately not! A tip: I added something extra!

Sau schwer!!!!!!
Mit einer Lupe
das muss es sein
etwas leichter bitte
Hahah sau gut

Melde dich bei Busy an. Der Bildeditor hat eine Zoomfunktion


das muss es sein oder

Ich nehme die nummer 3

Hallo @igel2017, jetzt haut es mich um. Eben habe ich dir geschrieben!

Super, du hast gewonnen!

Bis gleich und danke fürs mitspielen!

Gratulation @igel2017, ich habe dir schon deinen neuen Monster geschickt.



@igel2017, Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme an diesem Spiel. Ich wünsche dir viel Glück und Erfolg mit deiner neuen @SteemMonsters Card!

vielen dank
war leider kein Gold Drachen
trotzdem gut

Dafür eine Legendary. Ist auch nicht schlecht :-)

gar nicht gemerkt

Es geht weiter. Ein neues Spiel ist veröffentlicht. Spielst du mit?

habe gerade sehr viel mit einer Börse zu tun
gibt es erst seit einer Woche mit Dividenden
Seit eben geht es .

The game is solved. Game finished!


Thank you also to the supporters who have not participated in the game!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63792.82
ETH 2563.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66