The Best Thing My Children Have Taught Me

in #steemmamas7 years ago (edited)


That life is full of fun, so live it to the fullest with joy by...

1. Always happy, less worry

Children are by nature a happy being. When baby cries, it is not because he or she is not happy, he just needs the parents. Looking at the above photo, Jayden once had nose bleed. It bled profusely like water tap (and I am not kidding). Being his first experience, and none of us in the family had it before, he was fearless and worryless. In fact, he found it hilarious to see red colour water coming out from his nose. He was thinking of something cartoonic more than the health knowledge. Ignorance and innocence is a bliss in this context. I, being his mummy, tried to be calm too and had him lied down. And he was still goofying around and making fun of himself. However, since then, knowledge seeped in when I told him he needed to drink more water. The 2nd time when he had nose bleed, he was a little more panicky, thinking that it could be him drinking not enough water. So where was the "happy, worry less boy?". This caused me to think that adults have so much worries due to information and knowledge of cause and effect that we pick up while growing up. And we subtlely instill the worry into our children. Children does not worry much and can be happy even when unexpected challenges hit them. I wish I could be more undone and naive so that I can be a happier adult. Can we? I doubt. Because we are adults and not children. lol. Life is full of fun, so live it to the fullest with joy.

2. Remembering hero does exists in 'zero' moment



My husband dislocated his ankle weeks ago and doctor advised him to go for a surgery in case it was the nerve. This worried me alot. Yet I did not really show because situation forced me to remain strong.

My children, they were care less (not careless) and so worry less too - still very cheeky and playful around the house, playing with daddy's crutches as their huge guns and made this remark that "Daddy is a hero, sure can recover very fast," and continue shooting each other with the 'gun'. Turns out they have more faith than me in the work of a miracle. I learn from them alot to keep my eyes on the positive rather than keep worrying. That in every zero moment, there is a hero.

If you all know me well enough, you will know Jansen has a condition. He starts to notice he is different from other children as he needs to be tube-fed for some meals. We, as his parents, deliberately do not to tell him about his condition until he asks. Till then, he is full of fun. His life now is about superheroes and power rangers, and he sees himself as one of them too. He can tell us that he will eat more and more so that the feeding button can be taken out (and said it with so much heroic tone). Life is full of fun, so live it to the fullest.

At another incidence, our kitchen had a disaster whereby the basin pipe from upstairs leaked about they poured in acid solution to clear the clog. All the debris with the acid solution exploded and caused massive disaster to our kitchen.





I felt so anxious and helpless at that moment, the debris was oily and slimy and hot due to acid solution (burning too), but my children were telling me happily "Oh no, we have black waterfall in the kitchen! Haha!" and "Mummy, we can take care of ourselves here, you go clean the mess lah!" Thanks to them, I felt heroic again - and I hummed a song while I cleaned up the mess - trying to calm myself. Life is full of fun, so live it to the fullest.

3. Quick to forgive, slow to punish and never resent

I had never seen my sons angry at each other up till 2 minutes. Most of the time, within 1 minute, they totally forgot how each had just upset each other. Punishing people is not in their knowledge (until adults start it). Resentment, of course, is not in their dictionary.

They can be quarreling at one moment, then the next moment you see them playing happily together again. Or hugging each other after the fight. So full of freedom and full of fun. And full of love. If there is no time-out, they can play and laugh and sing till their bodies doze off to sleep. That can be 1a.m. in the morning. Life is full of fun, so live it to the fullest.

I wish - countless time - that I can be happy always, worry lesser, remembering hero does exist, and get frustrated lesser - so that I can live a life full of fun with joy. Indeed there is alot to learn from my children.

This is my entry for contest by @keciah under #steemmamas. You can find the contest post here. I just joined the community of mamas and we are getting to know one another more for mamas' support and uplifting. Feel free to join the STEEMmamas Community Now, if this beats in your heartbeat:



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Cute boy ..i voted u ..check my blog................

Judging from the lack of footprints in the kitchen, it looks like nobody was in the kitchen when the "volcano" erupted. That is surely something to be grateful for.

Did your unfortunate neighbour apologize or try to make amends for "unauthorized experimentation with a WMD (weapon of mass destruction)?" ;-)

I've heard that in Japan, if you cause a kitchen fire, the other neighbours would join together to make the troublemaker move away (I don't know about explosions). Does that ever happen in Malaysia?

Thank God nobody was in the kitchen. Yes the upstairs neighbours actually rushed downstairs to check on us. They were panic as well because they didn't expect it to happen. It was not a fire explosion but the pipe plastic gave way causing a sudden burst thereafter the gush out of waterfall of black color debris down on our side.

Neighbours apologized many times and even said will compensate for whatever loss (still pending) as we threw away many things in the kitchen due to acid stain. Meanwhile waiting for a new basin set to come.

Thank you for your concern and hence dropping by here. By the way, over here in Malaysia I yet to hear about neighbours joining together to make the troublemaker move away. I hope there will be no troublemaker that will cause this to happen. Prefer a peaceful neighbourhood. 😉

really a nice post! thank you for sharing! a lot to learn as a parent.

The kitchen disaster is terrible, oh i don't know how to react if this happen to me......

Me too. I was panic-stricken for awhile. Then I reminded myself to breathe and stay calm. Thank you @janicechua 🙂

Such a beautiful sharing! Yes, children really do replicate what we do, hence actions speak louder than words. When I get really upset over little things, Ali would come up to me and say, "It's okay Mama, it's alright. Ali is here..." even if the reason I got upset was because of her 😂 what a reverse psychology!

Haha. That is very cute and kind gesture of her. Such innocence blissful.😍

It's amazing how whenever we stop and think about it, we can learn so much from our children.... One more blessing in disguise. I try to take time and learn from everything in life. Thank you for taking time to write such a great story, and for sharing such personal details. My nephew, was born with half a heart. And while he's getting better now after several surgeries, he also has to be fed through a tube. He doesn't even notice the difference between how he eats and everyone else. He's only 3. I love kids so much! Such innocence. They truly are a blessing.

I love your heart @johndoer123. I pray for the best for your nephew. He is such a champ too. Hope one day he learns to eat by himself like what my son is doing now. Learning to use his mouth. I love kids too. So much joy in them. ;)

Your kids really are so adorable. I used to make my home a garbage spilling all the things, Of course, I'm not proud of it but my mother really feels happy remembering the things I used to do in childhood.

Most importantly every child's childhood would be incomplete without power rangers. Btw who is Jansen's favourite ranger?

Haha. I used to watch power rangers when I was young. And they still exists now. super power.

Jansen loves all the 5 rangers. Especially the Samurai one. Lol

Holy moly! What a mess!! I would have looked at that and said 'I give up' lol and go sit for some time to collect myself before I explode lol.

I love your post, it shows what is important and a great way to be. Thank you for this.

I almost exploded too but somehow managed to compose myself and just get the job done.

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