POETRY | DAY 2 | When God Speaks My Name

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)

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When God Speaks My Name, poetry by @naquoya.

Day 2 of 100 for @d-pend's Poetry Challenge

When God Speaks My Name

A mystery beckons
Nothing new it seems
A package with a thousand edges
But no way inside
To see what lies
Beyond my awareness

A memory calls me
Then hides it's bitter face
When I write into my book of questions
Blank pages look back
To remind me
What a fool I've been

A thought reoccurring
Dripping like a metronome
Into a vacuum still longing
For a crack to appear
In this absence of meaning
And a star's lost light

A simple reminder
When nature embraces as it can
The thorn of madness stops to itch
Just for a moment
A moment when God
Speaks my name

Reading Notes: For the purposes of the 100 Day Poetry Challenge, which is explained in more detail here and here, I would consider myself to be an intermediate level poet (at best). I have been writing for many years, but with no formal training. I just go with what feels right to me at the time. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

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Images sourced from unsplash.com.

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Thank you.

It's in the silence when we hear the universe speak its truth. Nothing more defeaning than a blank page. The dreaded antagonist.

Indeed, the dreaded antagonist. Sometimes the silence is filled with more wonder than we realise.

Have you noticed that all your recent writing is dealing with coming to terms with...stuff? Finding a measure of peace?

There is a theme, isn't there? I think there is less angst or a sense of disappointment, and like you say, a coming to terms with how things are. At least in the writing, that is. I think sometimes I write about where I want my attention to go. Towards peace.

Lots of imagery to show how important the search is for the narrator: the unopenable package, the hidden memory, blank pages where once there was awareness, memories and writings.

All these culminate to my favorite lines, those in your bridge:

A thought reoccurring
Dripping like a metronome

This begins to give the reader the insight into just how manic the narrator is to find the meaning, the awareness, this belonging.

I like, too, how you ended the piece - looking forward.

Great share, @naquoya, excited to see more as the challenge continues to unfold and reveal the contents of this thousand edged box. ^_^

It's quite the challenge, this one. But it came along at a time that I have been getting more into poetry, so I am wanting to explore various styles and aspects. I appreciate your detailed feedback, very glad that the imagery didn't just collapse into a big mess.

Nature is a great comfort and guide. I was going to do this challenge, but with spring in the air and the garden calling I knew I would be pressed.

Yes it is a lengthy commitment of time, and energy. I'll see how I go. Your work as been an inspiration, so hopefully I can produce more hits than misses.

You know when I was reading your post , I didn’t look up at the title until I see it’s about Steemitschool contest. Only Steemitschool could bring out this extraordinary writing ability of an individual. I’m a student of Steemitschool and I’m proud to be

Hello fellow student :) . I hope to see you around, and read some of your poetry. Thanks for dropping by and reading mine.

Beautiful, beautiful poem. I really enjoyed reading it and wish I paid more attention when God speaks my name. Thanks for sharing

Thank you. We miss the call sometimes. Hopefully one day we will hear more clearly, from somewhere deep inside.

Beautiful poetry! Very thought provoking...reminds of my last venture into nature, I felt so connected to source. A moment with god for sure =) Thanks for sharing! Resteemed and upvoted

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, a venture into nature, a moment with God, glad you can see the connection.

I'm so useless at finding meaning within poems and I was searching throughout for some recurring emotion. It wasn't until I looked at the comments that I realized what it was all about.

I like that though, maybe I cant find meaning because the text doesn't sit well with me, maybe I just need to read more poetry, so many possibilities.

I'm glad I was able to drop by and exercise a bit of my mind on this. Do you just spit out your poems or have you got a certain way that you structure them?

All poetry is different, and some more abstract than others. The recurring imagery would suggest something to do with awareness, a difficulty with finding peace or understanding. This is predominately where I was going with this, however, you are free to interpret any way that works for you.

I have a vague idea where I am going, but from there the words tend to flow. Which is just another way of saying I spit them out. It does often happen like that. If I have a clear enough theme or concept in my mind. I check the words, the flow, the imagery and rhythm, make sure it works, before publishing.

I see, after re-reading again I can see the theme and it's ironic in the way that I couldn't find meaning and the poem is very much about that. Very cool.

That's good to knw. I imagined that it would take a certain flow for it. You have a great way with words buddy, I'll be stopping by the next poem you drop into The STEEM Engine.

There's no harm in searching out your own meaning from a poem (if you have one). Very happy to discuss my poems also, so don't hesitate to inquire. Reading lots of them helps, and seeing a certain style emerge from different writers also. Thanks for your visit and engagement.

I see you're quite good at this!

I can relate to
"When I write into my book of questions
Blank pages look back", but that's life and those blanks will be filled one way or the other...

Keep spreading your thougts on a timeless stage of ours!

Much love, Mr. Spacely.

Yes, glad you can relate to some of these words. Those blank pages sometimes write themselves. Like you say, that's life. Thanks for your visit.

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