Je Suis Fan De Cette Femme- I'm Fan Of This Woman (day 51) 🤑3 SBD GIVEAWAY🤑

in #steemitschoolpoetry6 years ago (edited)

This is my Day 51 of @d-pend's, I mean OUR 100 Day Poetry Challenge. You can visit Steemit School on discord if you want to learn more about it or if you want to join our daily poetry lesson.

Today I want to have a little fun with my entry.

Because why not😉

I wrote this poem for one of the strong women in steemit that inspires me. I will give 1 SBD to the three first lucky people who will guess who she is (3SBD in total)

Once we have three winners, I will pay them and annonce the result. If we have less then three, I will reveal my secret after this post's payout in the comments, tagging all those who tried to guess and maybe tagging her 😉 or maybe I'll DM her, I don't know.

I wrote it originally in french using this old french song's rythm, and also inspired by the lyrics.

Je Suis Fan De Cette Femme

Je la connais pas
                                et pourtant elle m'inspire.
Je ne pense qu'à elle
                                      quand je me met à écrire
                        Je suis fan de cette femme

Quand elle m'a raconté
                                            ces conflits et aventures,
Quand j'ai découvert
                                        ses pensées et sa nature,
                                 Mon coeur s'est ouvert.
                          Mon coeur s'est ouvert.
          Je suis fan de cette femme.

Je n'avais aucun choix
                                   autre que l'admirer
Sans pouvoir penser
                                   tout le monde l'adorait.
                  Je suis fan de cette femme.

Elle a construit
                                   des châteaux et des ville
pour tout ceux qui
                                   sont perdus en exil.
                                  Elle nous réunit.
                         Elle nous réunit.
Je suis fan de cette femme.

Si vous voulez aider les pauvres,
aidez la femme qui aide tout
ceux qui galèrent et ceux qui souffrent
dans ce monde.
                              Elle est un atout

(Si vous comprenez ce monde
Ne fâchez pas cette femme
Elle se transforme dans une seconde
Et brûle comme
                               une immense flamme)

Cette dernière partie (entre parenthèses) est vrais, mais elle ne fait pas partie de la chanson sauf si je veux qu’elle remplace les six dernière lignes.

Of course I'm going to translate it for you. I'm not that mean!

But first listen to this new version of it by Shakira and tell me which one you prefer ;)

I'm Fan Of This Woman

Even though I don't know her
She inspires me
She comes to my mind
Everytime I try to write
I'm fan of this woman

When she told me all about
Her conflicts and advantures
When I discovered
Her thoughts and her nature
My heart opened
I'm fan of this woman

I had no other choice
Than to admire her.
Without even thinking
Everyone adores her.
I'm fan of this women

She has built
castles and cities
For all those who were
Looking for exile.
She unites us.
I'm fan of this woman

If you want to help those in need
Help the woman who helps all
Those who struggle and those who suffer
In this world.
She is an asset

(If you understood this world,
You wouldn’t make this woman angry.
She can transform in one second
To burn you, like an immense flame)

This last stanza doesn't fit in the song (unless I chose to replace the one before) but it's totally true, It would probably help you guess who this woman is.


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wow this french is more than my french language, really man you're talented ^^

thinking snook and saffisara - but snook is the city builder....

Hha yes she is (a builder) 😊

I am sitting here thinking who it might be! :)
I actually have a few women on my mind who I think made you feel this way and you really appreciate on this platform, but since I don't really know them and never interacted with them, it's hard for me to decide.

But I will say @tygertyger! :D One of reasons is that (if I'm not wrong) she also speaks some French, so that and some parts of the poem reminded me of her, since I know her briefly from the Poetry class.

Even though a lot of people find Shakira's voice very annoying, I do like her! :D I even went to her concert 5-6 years ago and all I can say is that her hips don't lie, lol.

we'll see in 7 days ;)

I'll be waiting here like...

ههه اوقعت الجميع في حيرة!
شكرا للمشاركة الجميلة.
حصلت على تصويت من
@arabsteem curation trail !
يمكنك الحصول على تصويت اضافي عبر ارسال مبلغ اقله
ستيم او اسبيدي الى حساب التصويت الالي
مع رابط المقال في حقل المذكرة (memo)
مما يتيح لك الحصول على تصويت مربح بحوالي 2.5 اضعاف :)

You write really well in French :) little brother :)

thank you @tygertyger
Honored by your visit "main lady" ;)

My answer is @tygertyger :D I know who is the main lady here on Steemit! :D <3

Great poem my friend, and much appreciation for doing it in the French language. I know I couldn't do it so I admire that!

Have a great day bro!

Thank you :)

That nomination makes so much sense
we'll se if it's the right name ;)

Hmmm.... I do not know who this woman is, but the poem is beautiful. It makes me think of Mother Teresa, until you threw in the last stanza... now I'm left wondering if she's a goddess or human. I'll go with Brighid, a goddess who is both loving and fiery at the same time. I doubt this is who you meant, but I'm really curious to find out when you announce it!

Also, I enjoyed the version by Shakira as I tend to like her music, and also quite liked that version of Cinderella. As always, I'm impressed by your ability to speak many languages. Steem on, my friend!

Thaaaanks @katrina-ariel
You do really know a lot about strong women ;) I apreciate this informing comment

but I also said she's here in steemit :D
So you can try again ;)

Aw sh*t. I missed that part. I'll guess @battleaxe, then.

now this is a very logical guess.
we'll see if it's a win ;)

cough is it me

This sounds more like a question than an answer. Just saying 😛

Congratulations on keeping up with this. It can not be easy but you are learning so much and it shows!! :D

Even your funny poem is beautiful and inspiring to read and wish I could come up with words like you do!

I have not a guess......there are so many women here I look up to I would not be able to pick just one and if I could it would be your Twin but you said you don't know this women cannot be her......but I never want to see her mad.......

@saffisara is definately an inspiring woman
I'm not sure about her scary anger. I don't remember she was ever angry lol

And yes there are so many amazing women in here I was lucky to meet some of them, I mean some of you ;)

Wow! I don't even know who the woman is and I still got tears in my eyes 😢 such a beautiful poem. And that song is so great and your French
Your talent are endless and your heart big.
If I have to guess I cheat a little and se that other guessed Battle and I think that could be the one so my guess... Lol
Awsome poem.... Loved it 🤗💕

Thaanks twin

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