'Heaven is Here' - 100 Day Poetry Challenge Day 2

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)

100 Day Poetry Day 2 Image 1.jpg

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic mind of Hart Floe!

I am so excited and honored to be a part of THIS INCREDIBLE CONTEST devised and facilitated by the legend that is @d-pend.

My name is Hart Floe Poet and I've been writing and performing spoken word and poetry for 2 years now... Which is precisely why I am so excited to find myself here on Steemit, and especially taking part in this contest.

If you like me, my work, my words, my energy... please connect! Let's make this Steem journey even more beautiful by walking the path together :)

So below is my poem for Day 2 of The 100 Day Poetry Challenge.

Heaven Is Here

Heaven is waiting for us.
However heaven isn’t some special haven,
A harbor,
Reserved only for those vessels that have sailed smoothly across the sea of life and
managed to not ‘rock the boat’.
Oh no.
Heaven is here alright…
It’s Right Here,
Right Now.
It’s a place on this Earth.
It lives within the heart of every human.
It exists within their compassion.
You will find heaven the day you truly connect with that heart.
Just TRY at least because I know it can be hard but...
You can find heaven everywhere you look…
If only you look.
It’s true -
Sometimes you have to really search.
Sometimes the heaven within us is so obscured it’s almost impossible to see.
But it’s always there,
Behind the curtains,
Lurking beneath the easily seen.
Look around you.
This Earth we live on…
It IS heaven -
It IS that sublime, surreal, supreme paradise of richness and abundance that we think of when we dream of Heaven.
This is it.
We’re already here!!
How does it get any better than this?!
The beauty around us is not hard to see.
Yet often when we pass a mirror,
It isn’t beauty that we see.
Or love that we feel.
Just all these lies that we believe.
By our own minds we are deceived.
You see hell doesn’t exist unless we create it.
When we see our own reflection and we feel a strong hate for it...
That is how we create hell… and it's not easy to escape from it.
Because by not recognizing our own beauty and belittling our own true potential,
By thinking thoughts of -
‘Not me’,
‘Not enough’,
'Not worthy’,
‘Not pretty’,
‘Not possible’,
‘Not plausible’,
‘No chance’.
We diminish the true fire that burns with our soul,
The fire that lights the gates of heaven and serves to keep us whole.
The light that illuminates the very path that leads us to our goal.
To find that heaven each of us seek -
We have to take back full control.
So never forget.
Heaven Is Here…
And it's supposed to be your permanent home.

Woop woop wooooop!! Day 2 complete! I'm so psyched and grateful that after this challenge is over I'll have 100 brand new poems in my collection....


Big up @d-pend and @steemitschool... this is beyond epic :)

Let's see what tomorrow brings I guess!!

Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

100 Day Poetry Day 2 Image 2.jpg

All images were created by me on Canva. All photos used in construction of images are my own.

PS Can anyone help me and tell me why all my posts end up with a load of blank space beneath? I can't figure it out! Thank you! <3


"heaven is a place on earth", yes, the challenge of opening one's self up to the possibility that the unattainable is right before us, waiting on us to open our arms, eyes and self.

I think your expressions in your poem that in order to find it you must both be actively searching and actively empowering and supporting yourself are so important, @hartfloe, especially in art.

Thank you for the share and looking forward to Day 3, good sir.

Thank you so much bro! I really appreciate you finding this so quickly, reading it and dropping your feedback.

It's funny cause I just read your one from yesterday and commented, then went to Discord first thing I see was you backing up d-pend for being a legend - and then check my replies and you were here...

Keep up the amazing work man. Your words and level of contribution to the community here in inspiring... Glad we are embarking on this epic adventure through poetry together :)

Look forward to reading your Day 2!

With love
Hart Floe Poet

Very optimistic poem. I wish luck and endurande in this 98 fays race we have ahead.

The poem reminded me of this feel good song:

Haha yes... what a classic! She said it before I did!

Thank you for your comment and dropping this old-school banger for all to hear haha :)

Please stay in tune.. at least 98 more poems to come from me ;)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Heaven is indeed here now, on earth and in each of us. And we have to reach deep within us to let that heaven flow from each of us.

Congrats @hartfloe on your day 2 challenge completion. You're such a great poet.

Awwww thank you so much... such kind words!

And you are obviously full of wisdom too... so glad to be undertaking this challenge together... nice to have so many passionate writers around us all in for the long haul... it's gonna be an amazing journey!

Keep writing and I look forward to reading :)

Thanks again for your support!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

The haven is the place you know when you cease to exist. Because if we exist, our desires are the real prison that turn us demons.

But do we ever really 'cease to exist?'... In physical form... yes of course... But I believe that noone every really dies' <3

Thanks for reading and contributing your thoughts!

Keep writing... Looking forward to reading more!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

A wonderful entry. Keep it up bro

Thank you so much my friend.. I certainly will... I'm committed to this challenge!

It's great. I look forward to reading more of your writings each day too :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Looking forward to yours too.

Here it is my friend -

I hope you enjoy it!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Great job, mate! I will follow your journey till day 100 for 98 more poems 😊

Have a nice day

Awesome thank you! I'm looking forward to the journey ahead :)

You too my friend! See you tomorrow :D

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Darn !!! Ive got heaven in my heart! Its right here .right before your eyes .just connect. Lets be pure..lets be kids again. 😊

Im still waiting to see that poet who doesn't feel? Have you also thought of that before? Unless not being able to feel is also an art of itself..

Yessss... beautiful words! Thank you for reading and adding your thoughts.

Hmmmm... A poet who doesn't feel?! I think without feelings it would be very hard to write poetry - for it is born from the heart and this is where our feelings and emotions lie... without them... I can imagine it would be very dry and uninspiring... but who knows! Maybe it would be the best poetry ever!

It would definitely be an art in itself.

Thank you for reading and commenting :) Don't be a stranger! I'll be sure not to be too :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Interesting I'll try to lock up my emotions and write a poem to see how it turns out..even though im laughing at it already. But who knows? .
You are very welcome.

Haha yeah let's see what happens... it's an experiment for sure!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

I really love the wisdom in this poem. My favorite part of the poem is when you describe the beauty of nature and declare that heaven is here on Earth. This really rang true for me.

Thank you man, I really appreciate you checking by to read again... and glad that resonated with you..

The Truth always resonates with us on a deeper level... because deep down we all know the truth!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

‘This is how we create hell.... and it’s not easy to escape from it’. This so true, umm are you Christian @hartfloe? This is wonderful, a poem of enouragement, more like my day 1 poem. The’re so many people out there waiting for heaven while they can live it down here on earth. Waiting for more keep it up!

Hey! No I'm not Christian... I don't follow any faith and never have.. I just wasn't brought up into that world...

However later down the line I read a series of books called 'Conversations with God' - and they really changed my whole life.

So I don't follow a faith but I have a very strong relationship with God - The only difference is the God I speak of is Me... and it is You too... I'm having a conversation with God right now, by talking to you. To me... God is the EVERYTHING - and so when I get signs from the Universe to guide me in life, to me that is God speaking to me..

In this day and age it's much easier to talk about 'The Universe' instead of 'God' - although to me they are words that are interchangeable - I prefer God because it feels more powerful... but if I'm trying to explain something to people, I would use 'The Universe' instead... it makes things much easier to understand and comprehend for people :)

I really appreciate you reading and commenting. It's so true... we are here... right now... in the most beautiful Heaven you can imagine!! Yet many of us create hell for ourselves with our thoughts, beliefs and therefore our actions and behaviors.... But luckily... we have Free Will too - So when we realize we are voluntarily living in hell instead of heaven - We can change that in an instant!

It's just that people do not usually realize they are living 'in hell'... so they never change things... they think that this is just the way life is.

Things are changing though!

Keep up the great work my friend and I look forward to reading some of your pieces <3

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

You aren't wrong . God actually manifests himself in all aspects. Through people, through circumstances, sometimes and most of the times, our thoughts. To me God is my maker. If he made my mind he has the power to influence my thoughts..and day in day out i try to build up on our relationships.
The more i do that, the more i can tell when he speaks(situations, imaginations, dreams,thoughts) and very soon , a vision.

Yeah... to me absolutely everything you can imagine is a manifestation of God - that includes me and you. Because of that - we each have the wisdom and power and knowledge of God within us and around us - available to access! We just have to be open to the fact that We Are That Powerful - and accept that and embrace it within ourselves...

That's when the real magic stars to happen!

Thank you for your comment... I'm glad to hear your are nurturing and cultivating that relationship with the Divine... it's rewarding!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

My Friend with another classic!
And i totally agree with you.
Heaven is here with us and very much in our hearts!
Heaven exists in our actions, heaven exists in our goodworks.
Nice concept for a poem.
Looking forward to great 98 poems more from you.

Thank you! I really appreciate your kind words and continued support.. it means a lot to me!

It is... it's here! Right in front of us... Right within us... So close to us that we tend to overlook it in search for what is right there.

Beautiful words of wisdom in this comment... thanks for sharing it with me :)

Likewise, I look forward to many more from you too bro!

Keep up the awesome work.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

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