Steemit Sandwich Contest - Week 57 WINNERS Themed Week: "Famous Sandwiches" [10 Steem in Prizes]

Steemit Sandwich Contest WEEK 57 WINNERS!

Get Hungry, Get Creative!

Submit any Kind of Sandwich Whether It's a Classic or Original Creation!



Messege from jaybird

Week 57 was a Themed Week: "Famous Sandwiches."

**Hey Guys & Gals, please please please remember to make a physical "validation sign" that is also included in 1 of your sandwich photos. Shooting just the sign or, digitally imprinting it may lead to a "null" entry from now on

Link to Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 58

And check this out!!! SSC can now be found on this fantastic website


What is Steemit Sandiwch Contest (SSC)?

Steemit Sandwich Contest is a weekly community event & food battle. It aims to connect Steemians from all walks of life who share an insatiable love for sandwiches while encouraging them to mingle through friendly competition and reward

A very special thanks to our week 57 contestants! Your level of enthusiasm, creativity and hilarity were beyond expectation as per usual!

SSC Official Week 57 Sponsor(s): @jaybird

A very big shout out to all our supporters and especially our Sponsors and Donors who are crucial in upping the prize pool each week. We'd be grateful to have any new Sponsors! Past Sponsors include @bleedpoet @artwatch @gringalicious @doitvoluntarily @homecook @papa-pepper @porn-watch @kotturinn


There were a few Contestants worthy of recognition! In fact, I really cannot convey just how difficult it continues to be to choose winners every week!! There are always multiple entries pitted against each other for every winners spot including the SSC Outstanding Achievement Awards and it's continually a painful process picking 1 over the other(s).

First Prize Winner


1rst Prize was selected by @birdsinparadise & @jaybird

  1. For this epic entry:

  2. @birdsinparadise: "I think loveself continues to amaze me. ...her presentation is spot on and the elements she adds to her sandwich are so tasty. Scooby Doo would love this sandwich, truly gourmet level."

  3. @jaybird "This is a manwich of epic proportions! I was so hoping that sm1 was gona borrow from a cartoon lol.
    Love the 3 cheese 4 meat combo with the various sauces and odd donut additive haha. Really awesome homemadeness qualities throughout and of course maaaaaaad sandwich spirit in this entry! Totally impressed :)"

Second Prize & the new Week 58 Veto Vote Holder:


This is what @birdsinparadise our week 57 Veto Voter had to say about this entry

  1. " lizelle and her crazy twinkie dog was so fun...can't imagine putting mustard on a twinkie so funny, her presentation is perfect , she is always so creative!"

Our 3rd Prize Winner for Steemit Sandwich Contest was chosen by @jaybird and goes to [Big Drum Roll]


  1. Hehe yes! First off excellent use of play on words throughout ;) Secondly love the homage to Popeye. Thirdly u made spinach sound and look totally delicious in this gem of a sandwich. Had I eaten this when I was younger... well oh man, I would have like spinach haha! Really awesome choice ingredients to balance out the spinach flavour as well! Ya did good with this entry!


Periodically, I will still present "Outstanding Achievement Awards."


  1. @jaybird: I select the winners based on a variety of parameters. Just do your thing and have fun with it. I'm considering many factors such as presentation, ingredients & originality, creativity, community opinion & artistic ability just to name a few. PLEASE make sure to follow the rules! They are easy to follow and help prevent the tragedy of Null entries!

  2. There are now only 3 prizes. First Prize = roughly 50% of the prize pool

  3. Second Prize dubbed the "Veto Vote" = roughly 30% of the prize pool + the honour of selecting the following weeks second prize winner. This prize is ideally given to an entry that although it did not win the contest, showed distinction among all the other entries. This could be a feature such as it was the community favourite, it used the most bizarre ingredients, or, it was just the best looking sandwich etc. IMPORTANT! The "Veto Vote" holder may not vote on his or her own sandwich to be selected as the second prize. However, they are still eligible to win First Prize should they enter the contest that week.

  4. Third Prize will be roughly 20% of the prize pool

  5. I will still periodically present some SSC Outstanding Achievement Prizes.

Week 58's Veto Vote holder is: @lizelle and was selected by @birdsinparadise who was the week 57’s Veto Vote holder. Thank you both for your participation!

  • IMPORTANT! "Veto Vote" holders must always present their final selection to @jaybird in confidence and allow the news to be revealed in an officially "Who Won Steemit Sandwich Contest" blog post. Deviation from this method will result in a forfeit of the Veto Vote and thus, the selection will be consider null and a new winner will be chosen by @jaybird.

  • Veto Voters can contact @jaybird through or username: jaybird or discord jaybird#4732 . If for whatever reasons, the Veto Vote winner does not select an entry in the following weeks contest, I will be the default second prize selector for that week.

@jaybird reserves the right to alter the contest rules and structure as necessary.

jaybird Steemit.jpg

jaybird ~


Congratulations @loveself, @lizelle and @birdsinparadise!
Although I didn't participate in this one, I sure enjoyed how entertaining it was. And everyone came up with some doozies. Great job everyone!

Ya we missed you! There were some really hilarious entries this week. I appreciated all of them. Got to cook up a new theme for Oct... Maybe something halloweeny >>>?

Congratulations @loveself, @lizelle and @birdsinparadise! All tasty looking sandwiches! I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to comment on everyone's submissions this week! It's been major hectic for me with AJ leaving and rehearsals starting up, but you all well deserved it! :)

Thank you so much @ilsaione, I think we're all trying to squeeze too many to do's into our days hey!

@lizelle It has been crazy hectic around here for me and I've been trying to squeeze in some time for Steemit when I can so I apologize for the delay in response! I'm trying to schedule some posts right now, but I really hope I can participate in the sandwich contest this week, but it is looking doubtful. :(

Time is so precious hey, look forward to your next sandwich! BTW I think your toasted cheese was probably the most famous of them all ;)

Thank you @ilsaione. We all know the feeling. Sometimes the week just creeps up on us!

Well done ladies :) great sandwiches as ever and always mouthwatering. I think someone might have to rename the contest if this keeps up ;)

Oh..? And what would it be renamed exactly 😑

Jaybird's Angels Sandwich Contest would be one example.

Haha, working title

Oh my, this is a surprise today! Thank you @jaybird! Many congrats to @loveself and both are amazing and continue to amaze me with your creativity.

Heh heh, is it? There were 3 pretty solid themed entries of very high quality, sillyness and creativity;)

THANK YOU @birdsinparadise and @jaybird. I am speechless and so honored. Also a huge congratulations to @lizelle and @birdsofparadise on their creative sandwiches. It would be so much fun if we could all meet up and have a big sandwich potluck.

One day i hope we do too :)

Thank you so much @jaybird & @birdsinparadise, the Twinkie Wiener was a crazy sandwich, really chuffed at getting a prize - thanks to weird Al Yankovich as well!

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