Steemit Sandwich Contest - Week 22 WINNERS [35 STEEM] - First Ever Themed Week! "VEGAN STYLE"

in #steemitsandwichcontest7 years ago (edited)

Steemit Sandwich Contest WEEK 22 WINNERS!

Get Hungry, Get Creative!

Submit any Kind of Sandwich Whether It's a Classic or Original Creation!



Messege from jaybird

Well... our first themed week was a huge success! I want to thank everyone who dropped an entry this week. I was very impressed by all the participants, especially the none vegan Steemians who dove right in and brought their best! I'd also like to thank @bleedpoet who chipped in 10 STEEM and has also helped judge this weeks winners. Yes..probably the two least vegan "sandwitiers" in SSC history + @kanoe judged this round lol.

- Please take a moment to see the Featured Entries list at the bottom. There are usually many more awesome Creations submitted each week than just the winners -

Link to Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 22

And check this out!!! SSC can now be found on this fantastic website

What is Steemit Sandiwch Contest (SSC)?

Steemit Sandwich Contest is a weekly community event & food battle. It aims to connect Steemians from all walks of life who share an insatiable love for sandwiches while encouraging them to mingle through friendly competition and reward

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A very special thanks to our week 22 contestants! Your level of enthusiasm, creativity and hilarity were beyond expectation as per usual!

SSC Official Week 22 Sponsor(s): @bleedpoet @jaybird

A very big shout out to all our supporters and especially our Sponsors and Donors who are crucial in upping the prize pool each week. We'd be grateful to have any new Sponsors! Past Sponsers include @bleedpoet @artwatch @gringalicious @papa-pepper


There were a few Contestants worthy of recognition! But first...

First Prize Winner


  1. For this epic entry:

  2. I want you all to know that @bleedpoet and I stayed up all night chit-chatting about girls and sandwiches, watching Diehard 2 and eating bacon-popcorn off our bellies before we finally came up with the winning entry. It was a long and arduous undertaking mainly bc diehard is like an hour and a half long and Eli wouldn't stop showing me pictures of his son every 5 seconds. I get it man Bear is super cute yippy-ki-yay-motherfucker!

  3. Here are the original notes of the guest judge and Week 22 Sponsor @bleedpoet. In the end... "there can be only one!"


  • jaybird would also like to add that I was extremely impressed by 2 of her entries: The Mushroom Steak Sandwich was also in the forefront for me. I also found it quite hilarious that SSC's token "Vegan Guru" was among the few entrance that produced a Vegan Sandwich emulating Meat lol. What a riot she is. She must have know that Bacon was one of the keys to my heart I guess.

Second Prize & the new Week 22 Veto Vote Holder:


This is what @kanoe our week 22 Veto Voter had to say about this entry

  1. They got me at Tofu...everything else is an added bonus...

  2. jaybird would like to add that this new comer came into SSC with a creative bang! Loved the home made Onion Marmalade and Pickled Ginger was a nice touch. The spaghetti donut bun was intriguing (i'd never heard of that) and the sesame roasted peppers looked to be an nice addition. There was some smooth back story, good play by play and the presentation was on point. All in All a great first entry for SSC!

Our 3rd Prize Winner For Steemit Sandwich Contest was chosen by me and goes to [Big Drum Roll]


  1. This was an interesting entry by another new participant to SSC. Although she is clearly no stranger to the art of food, I didn't know what to expect from her.

  2. Cauliflower. Not only that, home grown Cauliflower to boot. I generally like to see home made/grown ingredients from entrances, so this element had a huge impact on me this week.

  3. Starting off with a great statement that I mostly agree with "I think dry sandwiches are unnecessary and gross" this entry had tones of backstory mixed with little tidbits, not to mention cute ducks ;)

  4. Great array of simple ingredients nuts, veggies and "super green nutrition" lol all blended together made for a nice spread I imagine.

  5. I also appreciated the various gifs, which added to the overall presentation of the food and entry as a whole. She threw in all the elements of good entertainment for sure, including force feeding her man at the end haha.

  6. Lastly, I love my chips served with a good sandwich... and chips (although not the salty kettle type) were served!

  7. All in all and excellent entry sustainable, healthy and Vegan!



[Challenge 1] More than 8 entries in a single contest week

Record Holder = @steemit.foodie

[Challenge 2] More than 5 different entries with same main ingredient (ie Beets)

Record Holder = @steemit-foodie

[Challenge 3] More than 5 different entries inspired by the same movie theme (ie Star Wars)

Record Holder = @nomadics

Should anyone beat any of these 3 SSC records, I will personally award them a prize TBD

Notes from @jaybird

  • All I have to say is the usual "bravo to all the contestants this week."

Featured Entries:

@steemit-foodie - As I can never say enough good things about this participant I'll keep it short. This entry in particular wowed the shit out of me! The colours were fantastic and the presentation probably the cleanest and most artisan out of any Week 22 entry. Great ideas flow from "The Legend" of SCC.

@lizelle - came up with a beautiful and creative entry. Yes the Russian doll was a bit creepy, however it definitely added something to the overall presentation lol. Her ideas are often innovative with a very distinctive retro flare that I appreciate!
Loved her use of Marmalade and veggie ingredients. Making the paste with Vegan Milk ...wrapped things up nicely hehe.

@mihail.tsvetkov - another rising star of SSC kept to cultural roots this week (eee I think.. my bad if I got that wrong) making this beautiful Falafel Sandwich. Excellent job with those balls, I'm sure they were as tasty as they looked ;)

@nomadics - SSC's own "Dark Lord" kept it simple yet effective this week. Garlic freakin' Corn bread! I love how he chose to infuse the bread instead of spread.

@bleedpoet - produced a good ol' "null" entry this week given that it was loaded with meat.... However, I know that he really tried to go vegan for a second there. The urges were just too strong I guess. He did a wonderful job as guest judge for SSC Vegan Theme Week 22 & donated an additional 10STEEM. His sandwiches are often crude and barbaric, however his heart is made of bacon... oops, I mean gold.

@Kanoe - Holy Kanoelly (hehe see what I did there?) This participant does not let up. Acting as the veto voter for Week 22, this competitor still came out swinging with an awesome Veggie Delight. Rice paper was an interesting feature of this entry. It appeared most refreshing from my point of view!

@jeffjagoe - oh jeff... jeff jeff jeff jeff... I mean the guy IS a pro photographer and all...But holy shit! He knows how to make his creations shine. I mean I love a good PBJ, I practically lived off of it for an entire year when I was 6 yrs old & to this day still love a good one, however, Jeff simply crushed it bringing this bad boy banana sandwich into Vegan week. For a guy who even wasn't sure he'd participate...well he sure made an impression with this classic sandwich!

@deridyweridy - This new comer to SSC brought something really interesting. Basil Pesto, nutritional yeast and sprouts!
A very different sort of vegan approach based on nutrition, this entrant went to: not the dark side, but the weird side of SSC. I----- liked it ;)

@haphazard-hstead - Weed Sandwich was a great last minute addition. I really enjoyed the element of forging for edibles on this one. Way to be creative and resourceful. It was a nice change from some of the previous entries and had it's own distinction for sure. Great backstory and pres on this entry too!



  1. @jaybird: I select the winners based on a variety of parameters. Just do your thing and have fun with it. I'm considering many factors such as presentation, ingredients & originality, creativity, community opinion & artistic ability just to name a few. PLEASE make sure to follow the rules! They are easy to follow and help prevent the tragedy of Null entries!

  2. There are now 3 prizes. Week 6 - onward First Prize = roughly 55% of the prize pool

  3. Second Prize dubbed the "Veto Vote" = roughly 25% of the prize pool + the honour of selecting the following weeks second prize winner. This prize is ideally given to an entry that although it did not win the contest, showed distinction among all the other entries. This could be a feature such as it was the community favourite, it used the most bazaar ingredients, or, it was just the best looking sandwich etc. IMPORTANT! The "Veto Vote" holder may not vote on his or her own sandwich to be selected as the second prize. However, they are still eligible to win First Prize should they enter the contest that week.

  4. Third Prize will be roughly 15% of the prize pool

Week 22's Veto Vote holder is: @kanoe and was selected by @atmemestable who was week 21's Veto Vote holder. Thank you both for your participation!

  • IMPORTANT! "Veto Vote" holders must always present their final selection to @jaybird in confidence and allow the news to be revealed in an officially "Who Won Steemit Sandwich Contest" blog post. Deviation from this method will result in a forfeit of the Veto Vote and thus, the selection will be consider null and a new winner will be chosen by @jaybird.

  • Veto Voters can contact @jaybird through discord jaybird#4732 or Steemitchat username: jaybird. If for whatever reasons, the Veto Vote winner does not select an entry in the following weeks contest, I will be the default second prize selector for that week.

@jaybird reserves the right to alter the contest rules and structure as necessary.

jaybird Steemit.jpg

jaybird ~


Wow! @Jaybird, I am speechless and surprised! There were so many awesome entries this week. Really honored by the win. But, in my book every entry this week was a winner. Glad to see so many awesome vegan entries. And, @jaybird, "don't be hating on my plant-meat." I'm straight up vegan and proud but love engaging in a little "plant art" and cooking creativity. My philosophy is that if it looks good (and you know it tastes good) then non-vegans and the vegan curious will be more likely to at least give it a try. Thanks again!

It was a tough call to pick the tops and we had 3 judges on this week. Vegan theme was a huge success in my eyes. Everyone brought their A game for sure!

And I'm not hating on your bacon. I loved it personally and, I'm all for the idea of using non-meat products to emulate tastes, textures and appearances of meat products so long as they do a good job!

I've had Vegan or maybe it was just vegetarian cold cuts that tasted amazing!

Well done @memestable, that mushroom 'bacon' sure looks great, have never seen that done before!
You really put out an awesome challenge @jaybird, everyone really came to the party, plus those Babushka dolls who freaked you out :) All these amazing entries proves that vegan food actually is much more interesting than our meat lovers' cooking! We need another themed challenge! Thank you for the shout out and this real fun contest, have not had so much fun in the kitchen for a very long time.
& well done to everyone!

Indeed, the themed week turned out better than I expected. I was quite impressed with both the level of enthusiasm & quality.

I really enjoyed ur entry as u probably know ;)

If u have any ideas for themes, feel free to share and i’ll consider them for feb

Congrats to the winners! Even though everything is vegan I still want to eat it all.... that's when you know it's good!

Thanks for the contest @jaybird! Best contest on the blockchain!

Haha glad it went as well as it did this week. Thanks for contributing Jeff.

epic movie choice!

Yea, nothing get's me into the right frame of mind for going through Vegan Sandwich Entries quite like Die Hard

Cool and interesting contest idea 👍

So nice 😄 check my channel and see my food posts 🙏💘 if you can vote me please 👍🙏

Looks good man! Steemit flagship is a beast

Yeap. I thought it was a great representative sandwich for Vegan Week lol

OMG, thank you so so much @jaybird and @kanoe. Real honour to be in the top 3 for my first entry, especially with so many great entries from other particiapnts, so awesome! Hopefully this week's sandwich will be comparable to the last. So @jaybird, how do we discuss the sandwiches of the week to select the potential winner? Via email?

A tasty post kind of want to eat a few now ha-ha

Congratulations to all the winners! Every bit of it seems to be appetizing which I bet it is.

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