Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 30 Entry: The BLTE Redux

My entry for @jaybird's Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 30: the BLTE! Up first, a shot of the finished product with the requisite hastily-handwritten card. Haste isn't required, actually, but I was hungry.




As before, I used Dave's Killer Bread. I recommend it to anyone who wants to buy a better bread, and there are plenty of varieties from which to choose. This is the thin-sliced sprouted grains product, and the smaller loaf actually works well here.

I then sliced Roma tomatoes, and as can be seen in the photo, I put the slices that came out well on the left. I hid the mistakes beneath lettuce on the right. The lettuce is the basic green leaf variety, and it was torn into pieces of convenient size with reckless abandon. Grocery store produce is unavoidable when winter is still in full swing up here just a hop, skip, and a jump from Canada. Sacrifices must be made when one has actual seasons, no matter what the health hipsters say.

The bacon is again the applewood smoked variety from from Hill's. I cut the slices in half to better fit in the skillet and on the bread. This is part of why the smaller loaf of bread worked out so well.

To cap it all off, I again added a fried egg to the basic BLT formula. The smaller size of the bread I used also fits the size of a fried egg pretty well. I'm afraid I resorted to store-bought eggs rather than farm-fresh from the neighbor's coop, though. I am ashamed. But I ate the sandwiches anyway.


That looks delicious!

Except for the tomatoes.

Allow me to explain, the tomatoes actually do look delicious! I've tried to like them all my life, but alas, the only way is in marinara or a good roasted salsa. I can't even stand Pico de Gallo! I don't know what it is, but raw tomatoes trigger my gag reflex, but not for lack of trying to like them. Anyway, I'm jealous of those who can tolerate and enjoy tomatoes.

Now a fried egg is a great addition to just about anything!!

I'm not a huge fan of eating tomatoes on their own, but I like them as a sandwich component just fine. And I did eat the leftovers that I didn't slice.

No need to be ashamed especially with that sandwich. I can imagine there is lots of flavor with the applewood bacon. Great choice of bread, looks hearty! Good luck!

She's a beauty.

Welcome to SSC, glad you made another 1 for the contest!

This one looks great despite the small loaf ;)

Sometimes 1 is not enough. I literally had that issue today. Used a small bagel and thus I only used 1 egg instead of 2... I was still hungry :(

it seems very tasty and delicious, I have never tried it, maybe I will try to make it myself,. Good luck

waaauuu cake is very good friend

what is a friend

I mean my friend if not what my friend cake mean I am friend

bread looks... no your sandwich just looks lush and mouthwatering! great entry @jacobtothe

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