Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #74 | The Bird’s Cheesy Good Fortune Tradition

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Happy New Year my Steemian Sandwich Elves!

I hope you had a chance to take a breath and enjoy the holiday season! We traveled back and forth from Colorado spending time with our daughters and their families. It was fun but exhausting! We’ve been trying to figure out why we feel so tired over the past few days; I guess it was all of the elf work and fanfare leading up to being together.

Well, now we’re back and excited to welcome 2019! @jaybird has challenged us yet again to share an amazing creation which speaks to 2019! If you’ve seen any of his sandwiches over the past few days, I think his imagination will be tough to beat! When I read @jaybirds challenge today the first thing that came to mind was ...


Our King of Sandwiches, @jaybird has started a tradition within the Steemit Community with his famous Steemit Sandwich Contest! Week 74, wow! I offer a huge thanks to you @jaybird, without your faithful humor, imagination and tradition; we wouldn’t be able to share our crazy recipes! Thanks as well to @doitvoluntarily for sponsoring week 74, we are truly thankful!

So back to traditions and 2019….

Growing up we had a certain food tradition for the New Year. Did you? I did a bit of research and found other food traditions which were specific to the New Year!

  • In the Netherlands they eat a popular street food called Oil Balls or Oliebollen..fried dough made with currents.
  • In Spain 12 grapes are eaten at midnight…one for each stroke of the hour.
  • Mexico celebrates the New Year with Tamales!
  • Poland and Scandinavia often celebrate with pickled Herring, its silvery color believed to bring good luck.
  • In Southern US Black Eyed Peas and Pork are popular as they are believed to foretell good fortune for the New Year.

In our home we celebrated each New Year by having Corned Beef and Cabbage. My mother always insisted, telling us we were sure to have a year of good fortune. The sandwiches were legendary! I can’t remember a time when the traditional New Year fare was missed. While visiting my daughter, she requested this meal…I had to laugh. With a new generation in the household, 2019 will be exciting in many ways! It will be fun to see both new and old traditions established with our daughters.

Looks like the Bird family New Year tradition may continue!


The Birds Cheesy Good Fortune Tradition

Tradition-ilicious Ingredients

  • Corned Beef Brisket
  • Bird’s Sandy Beaches Lager
  • Fresh New Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Cabbage
  • Sriracha
  • Mozzarella Cheese (shredded)
  • Bird’s Sesame Rolls
  • Dijon Mustard
  • Mayonnaise
  • Garnish: Spicy Spears
  • Salt/Pepper

The key is patience! Great things come to those who wait!

I started first thing in the morning…

By placing the brisket in my slow cooker Added Bird’s Sandy Beaches Lager over the brisket, chopped onions, Sriracha, covered and cooked on low for about 4 hours. While this was cooking I made the sesame rolls using bread flour, olive oil, 2 eggs, water, yeast and maple syrup. I topped them with sesame seeds!

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Add the veggies…

But first wash and chop the carrots and potatoes. Just snuggle those around the brisket. Cover again and continue to cook for a couple more hours.

And at last the cabbage!

I washed and quartered the cabbage, leaving large leaves for the sandwich! Into the cooker, cook for about 45 minutes or until the cabbage is slightly soft.

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Now the Magic Begins!

Spread a little Sriracha mayo on the Sesame roll and toast! Now layer with cabbage leaves, next the sliced brisket and top with shredded mayo! Don’t forget the Dijon! Broil to melt the cheese…oh my! Totally worth the wait!

Cheers! The Birds Cheesy Good Fortune Tradition!

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And to all of you may 2019 bring great fortune and many Great Sandwiches!

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Thanks again @jaybird for another great week of Steemit Sandwiches!

And as always, blessings to you all!



The STEEM Engine


My first thought on seeing this sandwich was ... "Jeez, that looks like somebody's forearm."

I know. Too much holiday, not enough vacation.

Oh my goodness, forearm? Perhaps I need to change the pictures, thats scarring... lol!

Don't worry about it. I have a vivid imagination. (Vivid ... and ok, a little bit morbid.) But also -- as I said, too much holiday "celebration" ... and not enough vacation (or sleep.) It can have a strange effect. This one, for example.

So delicious and simple! I love seeing that it's more about creativity, wish I would be that creative in the kitchen too, but it's not really one of my hobbies. :)

Growing up I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my grandmother so I have fond memories....I love cooking for my family. Now I enjoy sharing with my Steemit family....when we're not traveling, camping :) So glad to see you @gabrielatravels! Thank you!

Now this is a real hearty start to 2019, absolutely delicious @birdsinparadise!
Guess what we had for Christmas lunch?
I wanted a total break from all the rich foods so cooked a corned beef in Cider with carrots and potatoes in my new pressure cooker... cabbage would have been a nice addition! But we still had trifle!
The kids did not come home this year so we invited our lovely neighbours who were also orphaned by their children and I knew they'd enjoy a simple but delicious meal.
Let's hope we see many sandwiches in 2019:)

lol, I guess great minds think alike my friend! I haven't tried Cider with the corned beef...that sounds tasty.. It was a welcome break for us as well. Since we had just returned from visiting the kids we were tire (a lot of cooking and dishes as you know!) Oooh wait, did you get one of those neat pressure cookers everyone is talking about? I have heard they are wonderful!!! Let me know what you think....I'm sure your cooking time was much shorter with the new cooker :)

Love the Family new years tradition! Cool to find out about the other cultural new years foods as well, thx for that :)

Love the homemadeness of this from the sesame buns to the lager lol. Sounds delicious btw.

Cornbeef brisket... Cabbage and other veggies to boot.

This piece is well made and thematic!

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You’re killing me here as I’m in town with no such options as this! Absolutely delish! Happy New Year 😘😘😘

hehehe....just another reason you'll need to visit :) Thankee my sweet daughter, so great to talk with you tonight, love you oxox

can't go wrong with extra cheese 👍👍

Thank you! Well, this one was for Mr. Bird...he's loves the cheese! Glad you enjoyed it! So glad you joined in with the Sandwich fun this week, @jaybird has formed a great community :)

That sandwich looks so good and interesting ingredients, and thanks for sharing those traditions quite interesting to read

Thanks @tatoodjay, I enjoyed learning how others celebrate the new year with food. There are many traditions with and without food to ring in the new year. Some are pretty crazy!

Ohh yes some traditions are crazy indeed A couple i remember although not so much food related but New Years related are and i hope I am remembering this correctly in Ecuador they burn Screcrows and in one of the Scandinavian countries they break plates to see the New Year in I forgot if its Finland or Denmark

Wowww this looks so good!! So, is it possible to mail a sandwich? Asking for a friend... ;)

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