The Steemit name Challenge

So it sounds easy doesn't it, explain exactly how you came to have the account name you use on Steemit - this challenge was started by @felobtc in this post. In reality it is a bit more complicated then that, because I have used this same account name on social media for 11 years now! That might sound a bit precise - but it actually coincided with the release of the very first iPhone so it's easy for me to check up.

That's a few years on, 2011 and the iPhone 4 - the important part is what it represents - Pretty much from when the first iPhone came out what I was straight into was unlocking it's closed operating system to modify the look of the device and add additional features that were missing from the stock firmware. It quickly developed into it's own community, with many of the hackers adopting suitable pseudonym such as 'GeoHot' also know for his Playstation hacks, qwertyoruiop, ih8sn0w and the creator of the Jailbroken iPhone App Store and os Patches that allowed third party apps to hook into the iPhone Saurik who upkeeps Cydia and mobile substrate.

So while my ability was limited to running the tools the Jailbreakers created, installing the tweaks and themes that changed the icons and background of the device was an obsession for me - given this community was frequented by people using online personas it just felt right to join in. Partly influenced by the so called 'Leet Speek' (1337 5P34k) of replacing letters with numbers, and also the increasing requirement to complicated passwords - I started out on Twitter at this time with the account name @c0ff33a

The selection process for this was simple, I have worked in the Coffee wholesale business for over 20 years, so coffee is not just a drink for me - it's a way of life. But trying to use an account name of coffee - impossible everyone has been there before. But by utilising numbers for letters - c0ff33 has a far greater chance. Not always though, sometimes even that is taken - so c0ff33a is a good compromise.

Coffee vs Coffeea - it might seem strange to throw a random a at the end, but in fact coffeea is the name given to the plant that the coffee beans grow on inside cherries. Using the account name @c0ff33a game me far more scope to always get my account name, I have still used c0ff33 on some sites but for most occasions you will find c0ff33a on various forums, and for gaming account names on various platforms.

So sorry Steemit I did not create a special account name for you, infact on Twitter according to TwiAge I have been @c0ff33a for

you have been on Twitter for 8 years, 5 months, 16 days (since 10 Oct 2009)

Now for this challenge we have to tell our real name, this is actually relatively straight forward because if anyone did go to my Twitter you would find out I have used my real name on there from the Start - Robert Cooper. In fact I gave up worrying about who might know what about me a long time ago, if you watch my vlogs and videos on YouTube you will have followed my drive from home to work and vice versa many times. In fact while I was reading through different posts using this tag, I had to smile at @carrieallen who said in her challenge rather then nominate anyone she wanted to know what people are afraid of that hide behind fake account names . To be honest I can understand the desire to be anonymous - another mysterious account on the internet hiding behind a fake persona and shrouded in mystery. Personally I gave up worrying what people think a long time ago, a few people before have tried to steal my identity - they begged me to take it back again a few days later - it's a tough job being me not for the faint hearted!

And finally we have to list what other account name we would choose for Steemit, it would still be this one - I have had to use variations on occasion because some sneak snagged mine before I could - so you might find the odd XXXc0ff33aXXX going around or a similar.

Today my iPhone is plain and stock, Jailbreaks are few and far between and rarely work well when they do come out. Beside which there is little need to try - pretty much every tweak made for the iPhone that was useful is now incorporated into stock iOS - and of course I don't have any time to be meddling with the firmware nowadays when all my time is spent commenting and upvoting on Steemit.

So I was tagged for this name challenge by @saffisara 👸🏼🤗 in her own Steemit Name Challenge and the rules of this challenge started by @felobtc are simple

📜 Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.

📜 Tell us your real name!

📜 If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!

📜 Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out

📜 Nominate 5 people for this challenge

Nominations I would like to make for this one are @crazybgadventure , @coolguy123 , @techmojo , @blazing, @dabeckster

Slightly unrelated but I did wake up to a surprise this morning, apparently today is my one year on Steemit Anniversary . It might not sound so long, but of the 250 Steemit accounts created on this day 1 year ago - only 16 members are still actively posting on here. Now Steemit being so massive and complicated, it's highly unlikely you would ever come across anyone who might have joined the same day as you - let alone actively follow them. So it was an even bigger surprise to find a notification from @battleaxe stating that we both created our accounts on this day, I might have only been following her for around 3 months - it's hard to track down good content creators on here and even harder to keep track of them when you do find them. I really love her content though, it's a wonderful mix of poetry, fun little competitions where you can win SBD rewards and philosophical musings on life in general. It was however this first ever Steemit Female Zonal Football team post by @kofpato that made me realise that the posts @battleaxe makes where she gives all the rewards to @youarehope charity are just a tiny part of her commitment to supporting people through Steemit and giving away without a second thought her earnings on here to help communities. You have to read that post fully to appreciate my point though, because this lady made such a difference in supporting this event they put her account name on the back of one of the football shirts - along with many other respected accounts on Steemit.

I do feel a little ashamed that in the same time on Steemit I have done so little to support charity in the same way, in fact it took until I discovered that post to realise just how much support for communities around the world that are in dire need Steemit provides - it's so easy to come here and just think you create a post and hopefully earn some cryptocurrency rewards for the effort. I'm trying to do more now, by following the posts by @youarehope and the people that use the tag, regularly checking out @fishyculture Thankful Thursday where again post rewards are donated to @youarehope and we also get to see who has given donations to support the charity. Little steps, but any little we can do or give will make a big difference to someone.


If you enjoyed my post don’t forget to leave an Upvote, feel free to comment on what you liked or where I can do better even. Follow @c0ff33a for regular and varied posts, photography, my weekly VLOG, posts on coffee roasting and brewing - just follow and see.

For the simplest way to upvote and promote your work, log into SmartSteem it’s the smartest way to get your work noticed.
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All photos are my own, taken with my iPhone. All my steemit posted pictures can be freely used by other Steemit users in their own blog posts - all I ask is that you follow me and credit @c0ff33a linking to my post you took it from. You can also follow me on Twitter

For Steemit to grow we need to post rich content - interesting and unique posts that encourage others to join in and share their experiences. If you feel your own posts are not doing well look at what your favourite content creators are doing - if you like their work they are doing something you could do as well - think of way to do similar things with your own unique twist.

The picture to the right kindly sketched by the wonderful , be sure to check her incredible art out

As Steemit grows making your content stand out gives it a greater chance to be seen and enjoyed, I try to work on making one post every few days - but making it as big and content rich as I can. I don't know if this is the right way, but I enjoy the most big content rich posts - and a wise man on Steemit once said to me - make your content like the content you enjoy.

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First, Congratulations on completing one year on Steemit, you are one of the hard working guys I have known on Steemit with not just your Coffee brewing, but with managing your family and being proactive on Steemit as well.

Nice to know you Robert Cooper, although I have got accustomed to your Steemit name @c0ff33a.

And I have to appreciate your explanation of how you derived the name.

Thanks for nominating me, I will accept it and will come up with my blog.

Have a good day my friend :)

Thank you very much my friend, it's been a very interesting year!

Thank you very much, I always appreciate you calling in and leaving a comment.

It is neat to learn about the reason behind the chosen usernames. I don't mind my 1st name getting out there but I don't give out my last name. However, I am not against someone else doing it. I believe in a "to each their own" world. :D

Thank you very much, I know exactly what you mean sometimes privacy is preferable...I just gave up on it a long time ago!

I think I wasn’t surprise at all, cos you’ve always talk so much about coffee and your history with it. I wasn’t expecting a different story, a great guy you’re . Happy to be following you

Thank you very much, I appreciate you always taking the time to visit my posts and share your thoughts in a comment.

I'm glad you jumped on board the challenge, I was always curious, I just figured you were some sort of coffee lover.

In many ways I am some sort of coffee lover, after all it is my bread and butter!

Yes, my friend, despite the use of the alias, it is part of our daily life. The real name is our identity, but by using the alias, it does not necessarily come from a vacuum, but from our lives. Your name on the steemit @c0ff33a is in your life, coffee is your priority. As for the iPhone 4 is the beginning of a new era and you own it is a proof of your personality wonderful. I basked in brilliance

Thank you very much, it's been an interesting journey for me.

I knew you had a great story behind your username @c0ff33a but I didn't tag you because of what you said when we talked about this challenge on Discord.

It's a crazy thing but sometimes there are some wonderful stories or lessons behind the simplest things of life, such as a name.

I'm really happy that you've joined this challenge, so... nice meeting you Robert!!

Thank you very much, I enjoyed your challenge and it has been very interesting reading about how different people came about their own user names.

I thought your username had to do something with your profession and gaming. It looked like a short easy to remember PSP name that i'd use.

Thank you, that is exactly right a little bit of me in a name.

Thank you very much for teaching @jhoni in your post, I am already familiar with this game, you become the best teacher for me, hope you always success and happy, thanks for sharing, @koff33a.

Thank you very much, I'm not sure I am the best teacher but it's a fun journey we can go on together.

Okay it makes sense now @c0ff33a. Iam sure you will never have a problem getting that username anywhere you go. And you are branding it as your own..which is IMPT.

Thank you, yes it's definitely a unique name kind of like my own tag :-)

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