🔄The New Framework 🏰 of #thealliance 👀

From The Desk of @enginewitty -
I imagine there is some, if not a lot, of confusion floating around on certain branches of the family tree. Where is Gamma? Where is Beta? What happened to the Syndicates? Where are the Syndicate leaders? Where did all these people come from? We'll get to that, just keep reading. We're not going anywhere, we love our family, things have just been reorganized and revamped to better acclimate to the growth we all want and to efficiently accommodate everyone.
But Why?
I think 'evolution' is probably the best term. Things grow, things change, and we must adapt to those changes. There was a 'board meeting' held this week with the higher ranking officers and the main thing that kept coming up was the notion of a unified family. Sounded like an interesting plot, so, all of the servers (except the main hub) have had a major overhaul. Instead of jumping back and forth between servers all the time to engage with your allies, we'll all now be on one server. We'll give people a little time to migrate, don't worry. Every member coming into the 'castle' is proven to be of high quality and will be subject to the same 'House Rules' as everyone else. The officers have been placed in specific servers based on their strengths and are still here to help the best they can.

Admissions Office - Formerly GAMMA
The office used to be the Gamma server. It will be headed up by several officers. Former Gamma leader & long time veteran @edthecanadian, new 'take no prisoners' officer @battleaxe and the 'Latino Tandem', @sol25 & @leyargoz. The 'Latino Tandem' is the only pair that will be on all four servers, along with some new Spanish speaking officers - veterans @oscarps & @txatxy and former Beta members @mrstrange & @crisangel. We want to make sure no one feels left out and is comfortable, regardless of their native tongue. The sole purpose of the office is for applications. This is **THE ONLY** way anyone can become a member of #thealliance now. This is the front door. This is the 'Sorting Hat'. This is the only point of entry. The officers there will review new applicants and decide whether or not they are alliance material. Some (unfortunately) will have to be turned away. Some will have potential and need to become 'students' if they so choose. Others will be sent directly to 'the playground'.

The Classroom - Formerly BETA
There are some Steempeeps out there that have potential to be great quality content contributors to the platform but just aren't quite 'there' yet. Some people will remember when 'the core' was still a thing and we were just starting out, we had instilled a training program. We had a few graduates like @armshippie and @coolbuddy before the syndicates were opened. This practice was starting to carry over into the syndicates, and as such, it only seems natural to take people under our wings once again and teach them how to post better content. Along with the Spanish team, this server will be run by another officer and some handpicked 'teachers'. @topkpop (former Alpha Syndicate leader) has the most experience and a critical eye for quality. She will be assisted by long time member @avesa and former syndicate members @katrina-ariel and @ameliabartlett. I'm sure they'll do a fine job tweeking our students before sending them to 'the playground'.

The Playground - Formerly ALPHA
When people are sent here, it means they have the quality we desire. Why? Remember, not only are we a family quality content creators, but **CURATORS** as well. This is where we find out if our new adopted 'kids' are going to be grafting themselves to the family tree or if they just intend on swinging around on our branches. This server is now in the capable hands of some of the most engaging members and officers we have in #thealliance. The thoughtful @tattoodjay (former Gamma Syndicate leader) will be joined by the sweet social butterfly @saffisara (former Alpha Syndicate leader). On top of the Spanish team, we're also bringing in former syndicate member @c0ff33a, who I'm sure everyone has been seeing EVERYWHERE, to help watch the 'kids' during recess. They will be attentive to the support and engagement the 'kids' are out there offering. The point is to mold them and meld them into our family atmosphere so they are easily welcomed by the rest of our 'society'.

Who Is Who???
It doesn't matter what syndicate you came from, though I'm sure it may hold a little piece of you as we move forward. History in the making everyone! What's that? How do you know who your allies are? @thealliance follows **ONLY** family members and the support accounts. Simply visit that account and see who we're following, and you will know who your allies are.
New 'Voting Pool'
That being said, the only communal voting account will be from @thealliance until @themothership fires her engines up. All members from the syndicates should be in the @steemvoter now. I am ( @enginewitty ) also pulling the vast majority (maybe all) of my auto votes from people as I just don't quite have enough Steem Power to effectively support everyone. So, I will be mostly manually curating from now on. **BUT** the votes will be worth more when I do get around to you 😎

Megathrusters Are Go! All Form Voltron!
Anybody? Bwahahahahah! But that is the goal here, unity. We are all pulling together to form one true family instead of four 'separate but equal' ones. I know it'll take a few days for everyone to become accustomed to the changes and I'm patient. Once this machine is up and running, I'm sure it'll function quite smoothly. If anyone has any questions or comments, please ask away. Steem on Fam!

Fantastic update. It is great to see things set out the way it is and to see all members together in one place. Thanks for all your hardwork @enginewitty.
And thank you for hanging in there through all of the confusion :P
Checking in jefe!
Love that interview 🕵
Avoiding the smoke n mirrors funk by
keeping your flow like a Shaolin Monk
Thank you for this amazing update and now I'm sure it's all clear from the comfusen.. Lol
As always you made this change into something great and it all make sense.
I belive in our family 😊 ❤️
Thank you for being YOU!! Best boss!
Best family 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Family Hug!
Aww...thank you sweets 🤗😇
Always 🤗
Good moves, good calls, good team work making it happen. You all are doing a fine job.
Thanks bro, i know there is no perfect method, especially amidst the madness lol!
I've been deep in the thick of large community management, and yer doing a f'n bangup job.
Muchos Gracias Hermano!
I'm not everywhere yet...but I am working on it. I like the new format it will a make it easier to interact with the whole family and enjoy everyones content.

I think this is great. Now we can all get to know each other properly.
Also - @battleaxe is a great person to have on board :)
Mew and Mork seal of approval <3
Mew and Axey swimming in the "ecoystem"
Eating the funky green seaweed, chilling in the ebbs, taking it eaaaasssy. 💓💓
Agreed 😎
OK now it all makes sense... I was a little confused for a moment yesterday when I rocked up to the "office door". Let's find my feet here and see where I end up. Cheers
Right on sounds good 👍
It is definitely great to see everyone together- one big, happy family <3 And yeah, thank you for all the efforts you have been putting in @enginewitty.
Thank you too hun 🤗