Mini Steemit Meetup in San Diego

in #steemitmeetup6 years ago (edited)

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Mini Steemit Meetup

Who said that Steemit Meetups need to be huge to be successful? Nobody!!! Because we all know that small is beautiful. Well, what I am saying is that sometimes, one doesn't need a big group to have a very successful Steemit meetup.

Yesterday was such a day. @dreemsteem and I had a wonderful Steemit meetup. Just the two of us. Here we are.

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What, you don't see her? Let me give you a close-up!! Here she is.


Oh, you want to see her face? Not going to happen. My dear @dreemsteem is anonymous here on Steemit and I feel very honored that I got to meet her in person.

Mission Bay and Some of Our Conversation


We met at Mission Bay because it is central, close to the Freeways, lots of parking and it has enough landmarks that it was easy to find each other. @dreemsteem does not live in San Diego, but she was here for a visit.

We knew each other through our posts and both of us are members of #thealliance. We got closer when both of us participated in a fitness challenge by @coachjj which was a lot of fun and we are hoping that our coach will not drop us like hot potatoes but start the next phase of the challenge.

We were good girls and met for a walk instead of coffee and cake!! 👍


The Eastside of the Bay where we met has many miles of a walking path and green spaces, while the west side has more sandy beaches. We immediately started walking and talking - well, after a good hug.

What We Do on Steemit

Both of us are running initiatives designed to help people be successful on Steemit. When we started on the platform, we didn't have much help and we are concerned about the poor retention rate on Steem. Each of us decided to do something about it.

@dreemsteem started the Welcome Wagon @welcomewagon initiative to help newbies to find their way here on Steemit. I have been running the 5-minute Freewrite prompt for over 230 days now which has led to starting the Freewrite House @freewritehouse. Before I tell you why this is important, let me show you a bit more of our walk.


We took a photo break for the unloading of the jet ski. This is a public space - no fees at all.


He got it off the truck and now, it is time to park it and move the truck. We didn't stay long enough to see how he was handling that, but we saw this guy a bit further down.


We assumed that the jet sky can be parked close to the shore and will wait for the owner to return.

But back to our conversation.

First off, we both agreed that in-person meetups are lots of fun and really are a deepening of the online relationships. In the hour and a half, we spend together, we came up with some good ideas how we can work together in the future to help newbies along.

We also talked about ways how we can create win-win situations with what we are doing. It takes a lot of time and work doing the newbie activities we are engaged in and there usually is not much of a payout. @dreemsteem gives pretty much all her earnings away.

Having done much giving throughout my life, I have come to a point where I am convinced that if we want to have longevity in any undertaking, it has to have a balance of rewards and giving. Otherwise, burnout is sure to come.

One idea we talked in depth about is utilizing SBI as giveaways. It is a never-ending gift to both, the recipient and the giver.

Regular Meetups in San Diego

Since we already had a few meetups in San Diego and I am planning on organizing more, I kept my eye on the surroundings to see if Mission Bay would be a good spot for our next local meetup.


The large green areas with playgrounds for both kids and adults are enticing. Basketball anyone?


These trees are not so good. As you can see, no shade to be had under them.


But lucky for us, there are quite a few of these kinds of trees around that do promise a reprieve from too much sun.

San Diego peeps. What do you think? Should we have our next San Diego Meetup at Mission Bay? Let me know in the comments.

I have a feeling that at least @dreemsteem and I will have another one in July when she is back in town. Maybe she is up for meeting more of the San Diego Steemians.

Read @dreemsteem's account of our Steemit meetup here

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Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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My recent posts

ULog 4 - Meeting Dreamsteem

ULog 3 - Why I Like a Wild Garden

ULog 2

Ugly Snake

Healthy Food Choices

Bone Broth made from Chicken

Bad Karaoke - The Things we do for Friends.

A Family BBQ

My Little Free Library

Weekend Freewrite

A Gift to Myself

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.

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#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

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Click on the graphics to vote for Enginewitty as a witness

Join us at the Freewrite House for fun and games!!! Weekly drawing for SBI memberships and so much more!!


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Hi! This is intelligent bot. I just upvoted your post based on my criteria for quality. Keep on writing nice posts on Steemit and follow me @jlkreiss to get premium world news updates round the clock! 🦄🦄🦄

Sure @mariannewest, your duo-meetup seemed to be an interesting one plus you picked a cool spot too. You also did a great job in concealing her identity through out your post. Hahahah. Congratulations to you and @dreamsteem on your meetup success.

Hahahhahaa wasn't that a fun picture???? Lololol
We had a wonderful time !!!

I can clearly see that and yeah it was a fun one but will be much more fun when i see your face hahahaha...
You are making me very curious @dreamsteem.

Hahahhahaha just a regular person :)

But dreemsteem has 4 e's

Lol... A's are bad 😉

Hahahhahaha @dreemsteem.
4 e's??
What's it with you and e's mysterious @dreemsteem?

Super mysterious! 😉

thank you. It sure was a lot of fun!!

Hehhehee this was a wonderful write up!!!!! Very nice summary of all the things that we talked about - and our hearts were so connected in our visions!!!

Can't wait til July ♥️

Same here!! So looking forward to connecting again :)

I want to go in July! Haha

You said you wanted to come to San Diego. Make it happen!!!

Man, wouldn't that be great! I don't know about July...but I'm definitely in at some point!

Good. When your plan is made, we organize a meetup!!

Yes! I love it!

Mission Bay - great place for a meeting!

So fun to see the two of you come together! ❤ It looks like it was a gorgeous day!!

It was a beautiful day!! And a great place to have meetings :)

I just attended my first SoCal Meetup in Los Angeles and had a great time. I will be in San Diego next month for comic con. I would love to fit in meeting fellow steemians.

What are the dates you are going to be here? I know of a few other Steemians who are coming for that. We so could have a Steemit Meetup!

San Diego comic con dates are July 19-23. I would to meet with fellow geek steemians:)

Sounds good! Can you join this meetup and I will write a post (s) when the time is set and announce it in SoCal Steemit discord

Done! Thanks, love how my steemit world grows meeting sweet people along the way.

Great!! It really is amazing how we all seem to get along so well when we meet.

YES, @dreemsteem rocks!! Sounds like a lovely meet-up. I was in San Diego once in 1994 when I was pregnant and unfortunately had my only bout of morning sickness there in our lovely hotel room, haha. I loved San Diego anyway, what a cool city!

Dreemie, I hope to meet you in person too one day, but for now I'm just glad to know your voice and your beautiful arm, hehe.

You two are are special ladies, doing such wonderful work and giving your heart and soul to make newbies feel at home. I'm full of admiration :)

Thank you so much!!! If you ever come and visit San Diego again, we have to meet!! I will take a picture of your arm too LOL

hehehehehe - it WAS lovely! and i hope to meet you also Drazzy!!!! i really do! so many people on Steemit that I've fallen in love with <3 I just want to see them and hug them and chat away! (like Miss @mariannewest and I had the privilege of doing!) hehehehehe

This post was chosen to be featured in this weeks SoCal Spotlight!! Thank you so much for being part of the #socalsteemit community.


Thank you so much!!!

Looks like a lovely time the two of you had! Great to see the internet helping people make connections in person as well :)

It really was fun!! Maybe you all come down for the next meetup :)

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