Calling all educators! Steemiteducation- Great educational content - Day 37

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

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Welcome to today's edition of our Steemiteducation blog!

We started this @steemiteducation account to help promote ALL educational content.  If you are an educator and you feel that your post could benefit a student or a teacher, please feel free to add the link in the comments of this post.  We search high and low for all education posts BUT we need your help! Great teachers are NOT only educators they are also great motivators.  If you have a friend that is a teacher, urge them to open up a steemit account and let us help them make a success!  All they have to do is to write educational content and use the steemiteducation tag to make it visible for us to see.  We will resteem and support these posts the best we can. 

We recently opened a chat room on Steemit chat and if you want to contribute and help to make a difference, please join us there.  You can also drop your links in the education-trail tab on the Discord channel.  Just follow this link. The goal of these rooms is to promote posts that will assist educators in helping their students. These rooms are intended to be STUDENT CENTERED. If you aren’t sure if a link belongs here, please ask yourself this question: “Will this post directly help a student or educator?” If the answer is “NO” or “I don’t know” PLEASE DO NOT LINK IT THERE and it will be removed. We are specifically looking for activity ideas, lessons, authentic assessment ideas, methods, thoughtful worksheets (not busy work), and other resources that will DIRECTLY help students and educators.   

Please consider supporting the other quality posts in this channel even if it is not the subject you teach.  THE MAIN GOAL OF THIS ACCOUNT IS TO PROMOTE EDUCATION! Below is a list of our 5 top educational authors of the day. We believe that these authors did a great job, and deserve some more exposure!     

Post number 1- @bigbear

Post number 2- @biuiam

Post number 3 - @hansenator

Post number 4 - @chrisaiki

Post number 5 -  @thinkkniht

We appreciate all the support that we can get! Please do not forget to upvote and resteem this post to help us get more exposure. Also, don't forget to support the above educational posts!

If you want your content featured, please post your links.  It makes it easier for everyone. PLEASE USE THE STEEMITEDUCATION TAG FOR ALL EDUCATIONAL CONTENT OR EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES. 

Check out our new video and get your friends to join @steemiteducation!!!


Don't forget to enter for our new

Follow this ---link--- for the competition details!

If you want to make a difference please follow us :


I discovered this account from a resteem on a post of mine. First, thank you I am honored. Second, I will be using the steemiteducation from now on and check the posts featured on your channel. Thank you for your hard work :)

Hello @steemiteducation today i post about languange. I try to explain where the language come from based on theory. Hope this article can use for us. Here it is

lesson 1 of steemit education

it only takes one person to kill your account!

Great summery, this is very helpful for homeschoolers. :)
Will homeschool tag be part of future posts?

It does not matter if you are homeschooling just post under steemiteducation. :)

Dear @steemiteducation,
today I share my educational article about the influence of vocabulary in writing

I upvoted and resteemed this post to support educational contents.

I am so excited to see where this goes :) I appreciate all that you are doing!! SUNSHINE247

This sounds a brilliant site for me. Having said that would you expect the articles written to be around what is learnt in schools and colleges etc, which I touch on or is there room for articles that "teach" and promote ways to recycle which is my main subject?

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