Part Four: Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming a Parent. Ghosts and Hormones Are Real

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

part four things i wished i knew about parenting-2.jpg

Hormones, and ghosts, maternal instincts, spirits, energies. Cleanses, spirituality... something.

Children exist at different wavelengths than us. Their little bodies, are little centers of energy that just go. I really don't know how to explain it, but there's something that happens when you spend LOTS of time with a few kids, that gets you moving at their wavelength and changes your perception of things wildly.

There are all kinds of scientific explanations for the "somethings" that happen when you become a parent: hormones, growing pains, loss of sleep, mommy brain. Etc.

However, I wish I would have just sat back and enjoyed the new visions instead of trying to find an explanation for them.

Life is sometimes easier when things make sense, but sometimes, its ok to go along with your kid and believe that the fairies helped the clean their room.

I noticed magical somethings soon after my daughters birth, but it took an auntie chastising me to start taking authority of these somethings.

Its ok to act just because something doesn't feel right

This happens to non-parents too, but the warnings somehow heightened for me when I became a mom.

My oldest was a little hamburger of a baby when she was born, she was born early to an impending surgery, and at least 4 weeks of NICU. We knew it would be like that since 20 weeks gestation, so there were no surprises.

Once of the first times, I was watching her get care, a nurse was taking her temp with a machine that was bigger than the child, and the machine was in the tiny crib. I didn't like it there, it made me uncomfortable, but I didn't say anything. Who was I to question the nurse?

And then she bopped my newborn on the head with the big machine.

My auntie turned around and (metaphorically) bopped me on the head. "What's the point of having mother's instict, if you don't use it?"

It's more than instinct, it has backing

Whenever instinct comes to me, I take note. Later on in the day, I give myself time to analyze and usually find that there was something going on that could explain my instinct.

With the nurse, close inspection found, dirty shoes, acrylic nails, and hanging tags. Al big NO NO's for nurses.

But sometimes, there isn't time to micro inspect your situation, sometimes, your gut hurts and you just act.

Imaginary friends are real

Many of us have heard about someone having an imaginary friend. Less of us talk about how with more kids come more fast moving energies. Shadows, sounds, lights, fits of giggles that come from nowhere, thoughts and words that you didn't teach them, and other "weird" things that kids do.

I like to just admit that everything is not explainable, and maybe my daughter was laughing with a little girl at the park. Even though I didn't see anyone. Including parents. And maybe I should keep my house free of dirty laundry cause the other kid swears that monsters live in laundry piles.

Of course, I could try to explain it to children's imagination. And maybe that light that came in through the house was just a car driving by.

But really. I feel angst when I have dirty laundry. I am not a clean freak. And life is better when all our clothes are clean. Explainable. Sure. I go with, there are monsters in the laundry pile, and I slay them with my trusty washing machine filled with magical water. I even add magic potion to turn those monsters into good smelling folded clothes.

More illogical things will occur and you just kind of have to roll with it

Maybe some people will be able to explain hormones, but I know becacuse and a shrug are sometimes real life answers from doctors.

I understand that as people get older, their perceptions change, but I wish I would have been more open to magic occurring, faster.

Sure, you can explain plants growing as science, but its silly not to see the magic in it.

You will become a person you didn't know before

You won't completely change of course, but a person who has always been there will emerge, because there is a whole new perception of you that is being born. The opinions of your elementary school companions and even your parents won't matter. You children's perceptions matter now.

And they don't care about your grades, your income, or your faults. They will look at you with and see beauty, never having had anything else to compare your beauty to.

You will be a delicious cook, even if its just you being the best maker of toast, or the best heater of canned soup. Something about how you do it will spell perfection for your child. If it isn't your food, then they will see you as a wonderful artist, or hair designer, or beauty queen, or something they see a certain perception of you.

Im glad I know that something exists now.

It makes it easier to just shrug and keep going about your day when your child starts giggling by themselves at the park.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today.

Hope you're week is going beautifully. I appreciate comments, even the ones that just say: "Hello."

Part One: Instant Love is Real But Doesn't Always Happen

Part Two: Children Do Not Fulfill You

Part Three: Its OK to Change Your Mind


Hey I love this @metzli especially that you managed to articulate some of my thoughts perfectly while mine got sucked in my mind and within me. I love the part you wrote about instincts because I tried writing one on it recently but Hahaha it was half-cooked though I still posted it. And yes, all the imaginary thoughts and friends and beings have been something close to my heart when I was growing up and intend for them to flow with my son. He has been telling me about angels and their house recently. Thanks again for a great post from you, @metzli. Always a good writer, you are 💕

Maternal Instincts I think also have to do with how we are in the same environment, eating the same foods, breathing the same air, sleeping in the same space. We have all of these connections with the people we live with.

Thanks for stopping by :)

I like the way you explained the imaginary stuff around children, i think children leas us to another level of reality, a pure one a primordial , fantastic one, where is no place for worries of the adulthood and where everything it's possible, their mind is different from ours, and i think it's special, your post was so cute.

Thanks for stopping by. I agree, children are magical.

Yep, when I was younger I was almost sure monsters live in clothes piles, the imaginary friends don't even let me start , I was a quiet child so I had tonnes of them and they were all named 'Smiles' with a tag as in Smiles 1, Smiles 2, and so on. Up on Till now all my diaries are still named Smiles.
Also mother is the greatest of course, her instincts are divine because the were mostly guiding her right, and honestly mine to me is the best cook, best hair maker, best seamstress, best home maker, best gift giver...
Lol I'm saying this from the perspective of a child because I'm not married and I don't have kids but I'm tucking this info into my brain for when that time comes☺. Nice post @metzli

Thanks for stopping by.

"Its like it has eyes that follow me" was what my little one said about the laudry pile.

Your mom sounds lovely ❤️

My week is going beautifully! Thanks for asking.
Some nurses are criminals. Yeah, follow your instincts not 100%- balance it with your rationality.

I agree that children are spiritually sensitive beings. I am aware that especially for us women, our six sense and instincts will heighten as we journey into motherhood. There's just something about being aware of the somethings that are beyond explanation and vision. When my firstborn was able to start communicating, we asked her where Jesus is and she'd point and tell us where He is. Somehow Jesus has His favorite hang out spots in the house coz almost everytime we ask her, she'd point to the same place and waves hi. 😂 Now that we're staying in a new unit, (moved in a year ago) He has also found a favorite hang out place here, haha.

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