My First Day of Teaching A College Class Knowing I Had Extreme Social Anxiety

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

I was given the opportunity of a lifetime. While pursuing my Masters degree in Sociology I was offered free tuition plus a monthly stipend in return for either being a teaching assistant to a professor or for teaching one class a semester for every year I was in graduate school. Over the course of the two years it took me to get my degree I got to experience both being a teaching assistant and a college instructor.

While both experiences were rewarding, this story is about my first day as a college instructor.


I should start off by saying before actually teaching I never had aspirations to be a teacher. My entire life I had social anxiety and pubic speaking was something I avoided at all costs. Being offered a free Masters degree, a $30,000 education was like I said...the opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't pass it up because of my anxiety.

When I decided to become a graduate college instructor I was terrified. The day I told my graduate coordinator I accepted the job offer she gave me my heart was racing and feelings of dread washed over me. It was May, the end of the spring semester, and I had all summer to prepare for teaching.

Social anxiety is something I battled since childhood. As a very young child I actually went 13 years where I barely talked to anyone outside my immediate family because I had such extreme anxiety. I grew up having panic attacks when forced into social situations. By the time I was 23 years old and in graduate school I had my anxiety under control but I was still very shy.

Deciding to teach brought back my panic attacks.

All summer I fought an internal battle as I practiced my lectures in front of a mirror and studied my course book. Every time I worked on my powerpoints, exams, assignments, etc. the anxiety would spike up and my fears would take hold of my mind.

I was given a choice what time periods I wanted to teach during. Knowing my anxiety would be bad I chose to teach one day a week on Mondays. The class was a three hour long evening class. I figured that first time teaching I'd do all my teaching in one day and be done with it so I wouldn't have to suffer daily humiliation if I was a horrible teacher. I knew if I was horrible the three day a week, hour long class would be torture for me and my students.


The day I taught my first class I wore my best outfit.

I wore black dress pants with a short sleeved button up shirt and a black vest. I hung out in my office with my husband (then boyfriend) and he did his best to keep me distracted and calm. My heart was racing all day and I was so scared. I had my syllabus handouts ready and planned on spending the first day just going over the syllabus and what to expect from the course.


I can't describe the anxiety I felt as I walked up the stairs and down the hall to teach for the first time.

I had never been so terrified. My heart pounded harder than it had ever beat in my life. I was sweating and my hands were shaking. As I stepped up to the podium I took a few minutes to calm myself and take in my surroundings. I was early so waiting for my 30 students to arrived helped me compose myself.

I don't remember much about what I said or did. I just remember being done with an hours worth of material in 15 minutes. I was so nervous I spoke really fast and went through the syllabus way too fast. I let my students go after 15 minutes. Looking back now I laugh at that experience. At the time I remember wanting to go home, curl up, and cry because those first 15 minutes were the hardest thing I've ever done.

I did a horrible job. But I survived.

And the next day of class I went in and did another horrible job. Natural teacher I was not. I somehow survived my first semester of teaching knowing I wasn't great at the job but learning something new every day to do a better job the next semester. Over the weeks of that first semester my social anxiety faded and I calmed down enough to lecture for the entire 3 hours and my students seemed to enjoy me.


The funny thing about public speaking on a regular basis is that it helps cure social anxiety.

I never imagined on that first day of teaching that a year later I'd be 22 hours away spending the next 3 years of my life teaching large auditorium classes with 100 to 150 students in them. I never imagined I'd grow to be a great teacher and love the job.

It's crazy where life takes you sometimes. You have aspirations and dreams but taking a crazy chance doing something new often brings on new dreams.

Photo Of My Auditorium Classroom


I'll be getting my PhD in Sociology this December and seeking a return to the world of teaching.

Never would have predicted that back when I was a 23 year old having a panic attack in the hallway before teaching that first time.

Photo credit: pixabay.

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I can rember shaking like a leaf before my classes and for the first few minutes of them. That's gone, now, 15 years later. I ocassionally get panic attacks, but only those who know what panic attacks are even notice.

I'm pretty good at controlling my panic attacks now. I can have one but still push on and do my job. They are rare now. I humiliated myself on that first day and realized I could never be any worse so I'm not worried about tanking anymore lol.

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Thank you so much! Upvoted and I appreciate you for the recognition. That is really nice of you.

Great post @marxrab, facing fear is really difficult and it sure sounds like you met the challenge and then some!!!

I think I did. It was a huge challenge to face but I succeeded. It was a slow climb though. :)

Congratulations on "working through it" and getting to where you are today! Thanks for sharing a success story.

I have struggled with a fear of public speaking for most of my life... I'm an introvert, but not really shy or socially anxious; I just get really overwhelmed by crowds. I've led dozens of workshops; I've spoken before 1200 people at a trade conference... and I'm even quite good at it... and yet? If I have to address more than about 6-8 people I feel supremely overstimulated. I've learned to just "live with it."

I would say I'm an extreme introvert or...I use to be. It's strange how teaching a big 100 person class doesn't phase me but a small group would be more nerve wracking. I feel like in the big rooms I just zone out and go into my own little world. Smaller groups I guess I'm more aware of individuals and how they are looking at me while I talk. Thanks for reading my story. I'm glad you liked it.

Congrats on being persistent enough to outlast the fear. I'm betting your classes are enjoyable and informative!

Thanks! I hope they are enjoyable. I'm a geek so I love school and think my material is great. lol. I'm a persistent one alright. I kept going for that free education and it paid off.

Wow its great to hear how you grew and matured as a teacher.Very awesome :)

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed my story.

Standing in front of class of new faces can always be nerve wrecking experience. You stand there thinking, what am I suppose to say? How I am suppose to impart knowledge on the my minds of my students? Will they like me? Plus a hundred other thoughts. The weird thing is though, after a while you actually begin to relax and get comfortable, all while finding a rhythm. Of course, this rarely happens in one class, heck a semester. but you learn each time and get better. Good luck to you in the future @marxrab

Thank you very much. And thank you again for the great comment. Every new crowd there is some fear as to what's going to happen and how people will react. It was interesting that after a while it was just a normal part of my day. I'd go in, lecture, and move on with no fear. Kind of like working any job. You get into a routine.

I loved this, because as a teacher I can relate, all those eyes staring at you and you are sure they are thinking Who the hell is this?? But we all survived and then is just becomes part of you. Resteeming

Thank you so much! I appreciate the nice comment and resteem. It's a unique experience being a teacher and talking to all those faces in the crowd. There's a lot of pressure to make a difference and fear you will screw up and make no difference at all.

Very true but once teaching is in your blood you forget about your own wellbeing and everything you do is for yuor students. We are suckers for punishment LOL

Yes, very true and yes we are. I've spent many days worrying about making a difference.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! I was never that anxious, but I do remember having to stand in front of the class and do a 5 minute speech - always seemed to last for 5 hours!

I took a speech class years before I was a teacher. I hated those 5 minute speeches. They were so stressful even though they were so short.

.. I still have nightmares today ;)

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