Why is GENUINE COMMENTING on steemit so IMPORTANT?? (and @abh12345's Curation League)


How many of us started on steemit with grandiose plans of writing superb blogs and then sitting back, waiting, and watching the money roll in?


I know I did, and since then, I've met many 'newbies' who expect the same thing and then become discouraged and disappointed when it doesn't happen. So, here's a little story I tell them...


Imagine moving to a new town where you don't know a soul. You're so excited to be there, so you decide to throw a party. You meticulously plan everything, you buy and prepare food and drinks for everyone, and you even decorate. It takes a lot of time and effort, but that's ok, because when the night of the party arrives, everything is perfect. Your house looks great, the food and drinks look awesome, and you even look like a million bucks. It's all ready. So you open your front door and you wait, and wait, and wait...

...and not a single soul shows up. Absolutely no one.

What did you do wrong? Everything was perfect? You'd prepared and had everything looking great? Except you missed one small detail... You didn't take the time to get to know anyone before you planned your magnificent party.


I realised early on, in my steemit journey, that I needed to 'get out there' and meet people, genuinely comment on their work, develop real relationships, and work my way into becoming a member of this community. ONLY then, would people be interested in coming to my party.

That takes me to @abh12345's "Curation Leagues"; if you haven't heard of it, please have a look at the details. You'll be glad you did!!

If you're interested in developing your curation skills, whether you want to earn more money from your comments, or you simply want to meet more people and develop more relationships, Asher's Curation League is for you. He tracks everything, tally's up how much you've commented, what your earnings look like and stats to see how you compare to others in the league. The only thing that you have to do, is drop your name in the comment section of his post and let him know you're interested. He does all the rest...well except your commenting; that's your job;)

The league has been growing over the past few weeks and the competition and encouragement really is contagious. I know that it has pushed me to comment more and in the process I've met new people and developed new relationships. Remember the key is genuine commenting though; if everyone interacts authentically, purposefully and selflessly, just imagine what this steemit community of ours could look like.

Together we can all make it happen!


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Thanks to @abh12345 Curation league I came across you, and for sure its a great way to meet fellow steemians committed to grow on steemit and help others too. The key is engagement and if your posts are good, one will be making a killing in good time.
Keep up the spirit and SteemOn!

Thank you so much @cmbugua! Right back atcha :) It's very nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to growing together here!

See @abh12345? It's working already!!

Posting and commenting cannot life without the other!
Posting gives others an idea how and what tou write about, but like in your example, if you don’t have any followers it will be hard to get noticed.
If you only comment but don’t have any postings orhers are not encouraged to follow you. It will increase your rep and steem power. But that’s it.
So one cannot life without the other.
People also forget to read the other comments. Replyingon these can give you even more exposure! And potentially increase the chance on a new follower.
But both have to be genuine!

So true!! And you're totally right about reading through the comments! I should have included that little tip:) I always do that and more times than not, I learn more things with the conversations going on there; and I meet new people as well!

Thank you so much for pointing that out:)

Thank you for sharing, I am sure indicating my interest. Expect me @abh12345

Way to go!! Get your name on that list @floxycool! And that's a really cool name, by the way ;) Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it!

And I just noticed you're an @asapers!! Nice to meet you:)

I quote this from a steemian:

"Comments are the oil that makes the whole thing work."

Please forgive if a word or two are missing from the quote. I have found this to be true so many levels. A good post, no matter the greatness of the content would never reach it's full potential until the comments to it reflect the readers perception of it. I will also add that a good steemian no matter his/her caliber be a truly great steemian if the comments do not reflect the engagement of the readers to his/her content

You're absolutely correct! It really is a two-way street, and each person has to show mutual respect or it's not really a healthy relationship at all!

I guess with good commenting, steemit becomes a well-oiled machine ;)

Thank you for stopping by and commenting; I really appreciate it!

That's a great analogy.

Very few would prepare a party without getting to know the people they want to see and without inviting them. It's the same about setting up a blog or writing on Steemit.

Traffic isn't some faceless thing. It's people, it's friends.

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked my analogy. It's really very simple when you think about it in those terms right?

Traffic isn't some faceless thing. It's people, it's friends.

Well said indeed! You obviously 'get' it.

Thank you for stopping by and commenting:)

Thank you @lynncoyle1!

A really cool analogy and so true.

You can of course pay your guest to come round too - oops :D

I'm glad you found the league and that you are happy to spread the word!

Shhh! Keep that as our secret ;)

I'm glad you liked it, and I'm so happy to have found you and your league...in that order :)

aww :)

What can I say, it's been a pleasure too.

I must concede here, as I rarely do elsewhere, but I do support the person at times along with the content - don't tell though..... content, yes content!

haha of course, always content! wink wink

And Asher, I meant to thank you for all the upvotes on the comments here. I was feeling badly because my VP is at an all time low (my fault, I went overboard spreading the love ;) and I wasn't able to upvote here today. @davemccoy, who of course I trust, told me not to worry and that my comments meant more. Even so, I really appreciate what you did here!

see what you started? ;)

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about here @davemccoy ...and neither does @abh12345 :) Right Asher?! haha

I gotta quit doing that, too many things at one time makes my head hurt ... d'ohhh

hahaha... you are going to have a good week... I can feel it ;)

Oh I'm sure you will too!
...but thank you
and let the games, begin!!


I agree.

Whether giving or receiving comments, it's always gratifying when thought is genuinely put into it

And it can reap relationship rewards in the future.



That's it exactly! It's so obvious when you see those "Great post" kind of comments; they're basically meaningless. I'd rather someone leave no comment at all then something with no heart. And like any good relationship, it develops over time... with some work ;)

Thank you so much @jaichai! I see you're also an @asapers...so nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by:)

What a great post! I met you through your comment, so that’s why I like comments the most :) Building community! Thanks for this @lynncoyle1! :)

Hey @drkent!! Thanks for stopping by here :)

I'm so glad you liked my post. I do a lot of work here through @newbieresteemday and other groups helping new and not-so-new folks on steemit, so I thought "commenting" would be a good topic to tackle :)

And yes, the upside of commenting is that we have an opportunity to meet really cool people ;)


Love the party where no one comes analogy!

Thank you so much; I thought it would be something everyone could understand :)

Thank you for stopping by @carjhb!

So very true @lynncoyle1! Theres a certain gratification I get from commenting on others posts, telling them what I think and them appreciating the comment. Developing that friendship is key to a long lasting Steemit journey. Great post!

Thank you very much @smylie2005! Same with me; it feels good when someone else acknowledges and appreciates your thoughts! I often put in the same amount of time on a comment as I do on a post of my own. I think it's so important...it's like that 15 second window for someone to be intrigued by your thoughts or not. A bit like a first impression I guess!

Thank you for making your way here ;) Cheers!

(and I just realised that you belong to @asapers...me too! I think I saw you in their newsletter, right? Congratulations! ...and oh no, I see I have your "Easy Breezy" tab opened and I forgot to comment on it! Geez...too much going on...you are first on my list for tomorrow ;)

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