Can We Take For Granted Everything We Are Told In School?

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


As I've already explained in the post: Learning How To Think For Ourselves, there must be an imperative necessity to freely form our own conceptions. Of course, our convictions are shaped by how our mind perceives the world around us. But still, the premises we should get from school must cover broad concepts.

As a teacher, I must confess that this challenges us. Because we're usually ordered to follow patterns that have been previously structured. So can we detour and teach what we consider useful? This question has also led to another one, where do we stand for considering that we're supposed to have the responsibility to enlighten?

Even though in class we should have total management control without interference, there are still limitations we face. There's no much room for innovation. And what is taught sometimes is out of date. However, some teachers still fight and try to open the minds of their students, but usually such attempt falls short due to rigid structures.

Looking through the eyes of a student, because we once were one, I remember the feeling of indifference; not only from the teachers but also from me and the rest of my classmates. But once I first put a foot inside of a classroom as a teacher, I could see there are still minds eager to surpass their expectations as well as to discover the knowledge for themselves.

And sometimes the preconceived paradigms slow down progress. Moreover, they promote stagnation, and don't let students reach their maximum potential. This is a problem because the majority of students still go to school in the hopes of developing their social skills, and maybe learn something basic in the process.

So, let's deepen a little bit about school and its ways.

The easy acceptance

Most students go to class and accept what they are told. Even those rebels who confront teachers only do it NOT because of the subject been discussed in class. It's just because students repel the teacher's authority.

This defiance to the teacher authority can be analyzed better from psychological angle. But regarding the learning aspect teachers usually don't challenge students because they are not challenged by students. So the supposed dynamic interaction that it should exist between the professor and the learner is completely absent.

The source of information

I must confess that, as a student, I learnt more doing my own research. Of course, this behavior was sometimes induced by some excellent teachers I had. But it is a reality now that we learn more in other terrains that don't have an educational purpose.

So, where lies the work of a teacher? I think it is more in the guidance than in any other capacity. Naturally, we are communicators and transmit our knowledge and experience. But does it really matter where the student gets the information from? I think not. I believe teachers most encourage students to find true knowledge even far away from school.

Schools are becoming more compliance to rules

IF students' mind have to enjoy freedom in order to expand their views, how can teachers expect to proactively form them? This is a tendency that is discussed; and most of time the people in charged agreed that a change is required, but at the end of the day we continue doing the same things. Why? Because it is easier to stick with rules. That gives us, humans, a sense of control.

Many of the great minds that have ever existed did it poorly in school. Their geniuses were never challenged. So their impressive, unrestricted minds got bored. And ironically, they were labeled as low learners or something worse. But what the specialists couldn't see was that these students' mind rejected the teaching process simply because they were ahead of their time. The lessons didn't have practical use for them, and they saw teachers as nursemaids instead of free thinking individuals.

So teachers have to consider options. There cannot be only a set of norms and ways of teaching. Being a professor has made me realize about the huge responsibility that lies on our shoulders. We're supposed to strive for innovation and freedom of the mind. It's in our hands to encourage initiative, strength to carry on and self-discipline hoping that one day students can become the leaders of their own lives.

It has also showed me that education cannot be shackled to norms and structures. Everyday something new comes up. We hear everywhere that life is a constant learning process, so why cages us and follows old and obsolete rules?

This is another entry in the teaching series from a teacher's angle. Check below to see my other posts in this category.


Previous Posts From This Series

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I used to be a high school math teacher, so a lot of this resonated with me. After only 1 month on the job I quickly began to realize how much of teaching and the education system is about paperwork and following these old systems and rules that are in place. I had so many aspirations and dreams of things I would teach my kids, but I never had a chance because of how the education system is run. It was all about test scores, and passing the State test at the end of the year. It was all too much for me, I couldn't keep it up.

I'm thankful for teachers like you who are challenging the system and finding ways to be innovative and encourage students to take their own initiative to learn and take charge of their own lives. Keep up the good work!

Hi @rainbowrachel. As you said, there's so much focus on the paperwork and other things that the true purpose of education is overlooked. I understand the insistence to get youngsters motivated for school because it's going to help them develop their social skills, but is it worth the knowledge they will receive there? No wonder why some parents prefer in-home tutoring, and even student themselves choose self-studying.

There are, of course, institutions around the world that strive for innovation and support free thinking. They guide and encourage properly. But sadly, it's a minority.

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