Teachers' First Question: Why Do They Lie?

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


When a trainee goes through the teaching coaching, he or she is equipped with an arsenal of strategies that are supposed to make learning assimilated by the students. Put simply, pedagogy is imparted in order to give the trainee the tools to manage any educational environment.

There is also a continuous interest in portraying scenarios - all of them addressed with a particular premise (All students are willing to learn). But when the trainee finally goes out to face the real world, to put into practice what he has learned, there's a shock. The teacher finds a whole different reality.

Now his world wobbles. He doesn't know what to do. He goes through the different methods he was previously taught by the coaches, but almost everything he applies doesn't get satisfactory results. And he's just left with two options. Either he adapts and follows the course of the current or he tosses away his training and start embracing different approaches.

We cannot blame him. He wasn't taught to face the new reality. This is a major problem a great percentage of teachers face in the certain regions. And the cause of this has its origin during the teaching learning program. Coaches paint a different world where the reciprocity between the teacher and the students is taken for granted.

But students today are not like they used to. As the world moves forward, the conduct and behavior change. Every time when a "new thing" is introduced into the lives of people, it alters their conception about the view of world.

For example, when the first smart phone was presented, it literally revolutionized and subsequently changed our viewpoint. Nothing was the same again. And when an event like this happens, it is imperative to do some adjustment in order to keep it up with constant advancement.

So why do they lie to the trainee?

There's a fear about telling the truth. The feeling of recognizing the obsolete teaching techniques overweight common sense. And most of the time it's not entirely the coaches' fault. Such feeling was passed inadvertently by their mentors.

Also, the desire to maintain the idea that all the students are eager to accept learning is implanted from the beginning. But as I've implied, teachers are at the mercy of any world change. And if he's not opened to shelter new approaches, he's going to be left behind.

What must teachers do?

Students nowadays have individual necessities. It's a new era. There was a time when a singular strategy or method was enough, and works for all the students. But now they requires another type of attention.

Students are so into technology, using gadgets all day, interacting with others through social media and other platforms. And it's so difficult that they see value when a teacher uses old pedagogy.

So, no matter what the trainees are taught. They should use only those strategies that they think it would work. To do that they must first adopt a critical thinking, and throw away any rigid methodology. Then, they have to identify the singular necessities each student has.

Observation is the key. The more teachers observe, the faster they grasp every student needs. Also, it is important to be very careful with the selection of the books and other resources. There's a bunch of them that have not been upgraded for decades.

In conclusion, teachers should take everything that they are told in the training not as rule of thumb, but rather as reference to check on it and use only IF the students can get benefits from it.


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The rewards of teachers they say is in heaven. They are irreplacable treasures of the society. It will be very bad for the society if those that are expected to train are already filled with lies. Thank you for the enlightment.

Are you a teacher?

Yes, I'm a graduated teacher. And it's a custom when you go through the coaching program, the reality painted is totally different. And immediately after you step into a classroom, auditorium or wherever you're supposed to teach, you realize that most of the things learned won't work. Naturally, this is less of a problem in higher education like University level because the degree of commitment is higher. But in primary and high school is an issue.

I've seen this tendency and very few teachers dare to step forward and say "Hey, this is not the wonderland we were told about." There's gotta moment of self realization when the educators in charge change the curriculum and the approaches. Otherwise, It's like knowing there's a crater at the end of the road, and you go into it anyway.

Observation is the key. The more teachers observe, the faster they grasp every student needs. Also, it is important to be very careful with the selection of the books and other resources. There's a bunch of them that have not been upgraded for decades.

That is where, i am...obseevation

They should be honest with one another it will benefit them both.

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