The World of Autism – The Series Continues: Types of Autism & Treatments

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

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As stated in the previous article on Autism, autism is a “spectrum disorder” which means that individuals with autism may have a wide range of symptoms going from mild, moderate to severe. From 1994 – 2013 there were actually five categories including Asperger syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Autistic Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Syndrome, and Rett Syndrome. But because these diagnoses were confusing and difficult to understand, in the 2013 Diagnostic Manual, 5th version, there was only one diagnosis called “autism spectrum disorder.”

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So the “autism spectrum” contains a set of developmental delays and disorders which impact social and communication skills and to a lesser degree, motor and language skills. This diagnosis is a very broad one that can include individuals with high IQ’s and mental retardation. There are three different types of Autism Spectrum Disorders:

  1. Autistic Disorder
  2. Asperger Syndrome
  3. Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified

“The most interesting people you’ll find are
ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box.
They’ll make what they need,
they’ll make their own boxes.”
-Dr. Temple Grandin

Autistic Disorder

This autistic disorder is the most common type of autism. Children in this category usually exhibit abnormal and/or impaired development before the age of three. They also show difficulty in social interaction, communication and repetitive behaviors. These children don’t want to be cuddled or touched and tend to prefer to be alone. They usually don’t know how to interact with other children.

Autistic Disorder children tend to not babble by one years of age and don’t talk with single words by 16 months. When this happens, there is a high risk that these children will have some sort of autism. A main characteristic is their restricted, repetitive behavior which is the obsessive tendency toward objects or collection of facts. It also includes repetitive movements like rocking and flapping their hands. Usually this “stimming” action is accompanied by the child’s feelings of being overwhelmed by sensory stimuli.

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Asperger Syndrome

This is considered one of the most highly functioning autism types because there is no delay in learning language or cognitive development as children. The problem areas, for this type of autism, is in the areas of communication and social integration. A familiar description used is “Not quite fitting in.” Many individuals with Asperger’s feel isolated from their fellow students and peers, sometimes even all the way into adulthood. Many people have described their behaviors like posture, eye gaze and facial expressions in social environments as “off” or unnatural.

Those with Asperger’s love routine, are very sensitive to environmental stimuli, often have a rote-like memory who love facts and an inability to read social cues. They lack empathy to other’s feelings, which has recently been found that this is due to a malfunction in their complicated empathy system in the brain. One thing that separates Asperger’s from the other varieties of autism is they will actually seek out social interaction even though they have difficulty with reading body language & have difficulty with effective communications.

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Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified

This category literally defines all those children who don’t fit into the other categories of autism. It is regarded as the milder forms of autism and is called atypical autism. The children in this category are high functioning but they also have a history of childhood developmental delays. They may show a wide range of autistic symptoms but in a very mild form.

"Parents and teachers can lay the groundwork
for a child’s later success in life
by exposing the child to many new experiences.
But children and adults of all ages
can continue to grow and evolve
in their behavior and thinking."
-Dr. Temple Grandin

Do symptoms of autism change over time?

According to an article by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders (, for many children, symptoms improve with age and behavioral treatment. During adolescence, some children with ASD may become depressed or develop some behavioral problems so their treatment may need some modifications as they transition into adulthood. They went on to say that some may need continued services and support, but as they get older and depending on the severity of the disorder, many may be able to work successfully and live independently or within a supportive environment.

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How is autism treated?

Unfortunately, there is no present cure for ASD however there are therapeutic programs and interventions that are designed to modify certain symptoms which can improve the child’s life. Most professionals agree that it is best for the child to have early intervention and that the ideal treatment approach should be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual. They also recommend that all interventions need to be coordinated for the best possible outcomes.

“When a family focuses on ability instead of disability,
all things are possible…Love and acceptance is key.
We need to interact with those with autism
by taking an interest in their interests.”
-Amanda Rae Ross

Also according to an article by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders (, early behavioral/educational interventions have been very successful in many children with ASD. These interventions involve therapists that use highly structured and intensive skill-oriented training sessions to help children develop social and language skills. Some involve applied behavioral analysis which encourages positive behaviors and discourages negative ones. Family counseling for the parents and siblings also are extremely important to help them cope with the challenges they face.

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Medications can’t cure ASD but some drugs are prescribed by the physician to specifically deal with symptoms like anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders. For very severe behavioral problems, sometime antipsychotic medications are used. And some children with seizure disorders, an anticonvulsant drug is prescribed. There are other medications for attention deficit disorders.

Like with any given situation, it is important that parents along with their physician weigh all options before using medications. It is wise for parents to do their due diligence and research all the medications being considered and to weigh all the pros and cons of its administration before agreeing to anything.

“Autism is about having a pure heart
and being very sensitive…
It is about finding a way to survive
in an overwhelming, confusing world…
It is about developing differently,
in a different pace
and with different leaps.”
-Trisha Van Berkel

The field of autism is a broad diagnosis of many different types of symptoms and behaviors so naturally there are so many therapeutic interventions to use. In my next autism article, I will go into more depth regarding some of the therapeutic activities used with ASD children. I hope you will continue to join this journey into the World of Autism.

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You're doing great @cabbagepatch! Again i'll share it to my latest issue. Thanks! Do you know the main causes of autism?

Hi @steemitdigest thank-you so much for helping to spread the word about autism. It is a very difficult subject because it can manifest into so many challenging outcomes. But we have to always do our very best for the children.

So far they aren't really such what causes autism but it is alarming how it is now 1 out of 68 births that result in autism in the US. They did find a gene that is linked to autism but it is vary rare so it does not explain the significant rise in cases in the US. But recently they did note that it may be possible where due to environmental causes, if the mother is exposed to any virus or toxins in the 1st trimester or in early part of the 2nd trimester that her immune system may be linked to autism. I do deeply believe that there is definitely an environmental link because it would explain why the cases are rising in the US.

Thank-you so much for helping to share this information. My goal is to write about what needs to be taught to others. Appreciate what you do. Thank-you!!! :D

Wow 1 out of 68!! ??? That's a serious problem. Speaking of genes, you can research about the facts about the hidden agendas of some countries regarding vaccines and mass-vaccinations. Maybe a cause.

I've read that vaccinations can cause autism and many other health issues. It can depend on the babies immune system when the vaccine is given as to what affect it has, which is also true of other drugs given.

Also all the chemicals in foods, Chemtrails, products etc are all creating illness and causing a rise in all illnesses. There are chemicals in some brands of baby milk, which is so shocking!

I really enjoyed the article and feel it's great that you're spreading awareness on this issue. I don't feel that drugs is the answer, in fact I believe it causes more damage to the immune system and organs. Love is a powerful healer as you mentioned and I will read your next post on therapeutic interventions!

May the Truth be revealed and shared widely!

Yes, it use to be around 1 out of 150 I think in the early 2,000 s so the rise in autism cases is very alarming. I think it has to do with the environment that pregnant women are expose to in the 1st and part of the early 2nd trimester. New research show it has something to do with the mother's immunity system that gets activated when she gets exposed to something. I can believe that the way we treat nature is throwing the balance off a lot so we will be paying a big price unless we all wake up.

As for the vaccines maybe in a future article I will research that. Thanks. I like discovering new things and teaching it through Steemit. Have a great day!!!

By the way, please let me know when you do so I can resteem you post. Have a great day!

You are free anytime. I'll also feature your recent article in series regarding this topic, on my next issue.
Here it is Steemit Digest Issue #6

This post has received a 0.63 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Wow cabbagepatch, this was such an interesting post. When we were young there was not anything like this that existed. But with all your hard work for this post I can only compliment you, as I know some people who have ASD and will truly tell them to go and read this, actualy I think the partner in a marraige should also read this clearly explained way you did it. It might even help some of them to become better partners. Thank you for your extreemly hard work here. Have a wonderful day.

Thank-you so much @bigbear. I really am very touched by your wonderful comments. You are right in that I am trying to educate everyone about things that we all need to know about. Often times the news is always focused on the bad things happening but I think they should also bring up more on what needs to be exposed to the general public. Bullying and all these medical issues that young children are facing should be known by everyone so that is why I am doing what I am doing. I am so touched by the fact that your realized what I am attempting to do. Thank-you Bigbear for starting my day with such brightness and appreciation. You are so special!!! :D

autism is serious, very complicated. Thanks

Thank-you so much for your comments and checking out my post. Autism is a very serious condition but I have to believe that all children need our help and love to reach the highest possible level they can get to. I want to spread the word on autism. Again, thank-you so much for your support!

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