#SteemitCampfire Series: Weekend 7 is Tonight! Just a Reminder and Runs All Weekend Again! Starts in a Few Hours! Consider Resteeming to remind/invite others!


Weekends are slow, meant for Fun, Relaxing with Family & Friends, and this is what we are here. Leave the Flags & Problems at the Office. Meet up for Anything Goes, Friendly, Encouraging Weekend Fun, Talks and Friendship here every Friday Nite through Sunday Nite.

Blogging on Weekends can be slow. Around the Campfire here we will be respectful to each other, have some fun, play some games, eat some food, have some drinks (Hydration is super important!) - and treat this EVERY weekend series like a nice weekend getaway from the race.

Goals: Encourage each other. Kindness. Community Building. Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction. Friendship. Relationship Building. Food. Fun. Music. Campfire Shenanigans.

Visit my Page Fridays through Sunday and poke around, chat with people, have fun!!

Links Below to the FIRST Weekend's Successful Gathering, and also the most recent one in the series or just type in #SteemitCampfire - and you can find all the posts relating to it.

Please do not drop links to blog posts at the fire diverting people away from the purpose here - gathering people in one place, this is not a post promotion place just because it is a high engagement post.


The last while of everyone dropping links on the #SteemitCampFire - is getting a bit much. I do not mind the odd one, but this kinda can deflect the purpose here - gathering people in one place and not too much diversion elsewhere.

Hope you are not upset but it has been worsening. We all do it from time to time, but a high engagement post is more prone to this. Please keep this in mind.

  • 1 Post on my Page Every Friday Nite runs for the weekend - Share the link on others pages where you feel you can and invite people.

  • 1 page to visit. | 1 simple Hashtag to find/use/share. | 1 Platform. | 1 Family.
    HashTag / Tag: #SteemitCampFire

Link to the First Week / Run in this new Every-Weekend -- All-Weekend long series! -



Link to a recent #SteemitCampfire post:


Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

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LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a

Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

See you later !

I was thinking of you last nite. Now that I know you are about 7 hrs ahead of me I will have a better idea when you are online and not miss you as much hopefully.

If you go to bed around midnite or so, I will likely see you more during my daylight hours or until you deal with the kids bedtimes at nights maybe.

Have a good 7 pm onwards where you are sister


I am usual around as much i can hehehe ! And dont wory i try to Catch up when i am here:)

Just walked in the door, just posted the official SCF post now for the weekend - you will be in bed, (or you should be LOL!)

I will see you soonish my friend.

Good morning i will visit to say hello:)

Hi there sweetie! I finally realized what day it was and remembered to skip my way over here :) How have you been? I have had the craziest, busiest couple of weeks!

When you get a chance, check out my latest post and it will fill you in on part of that craziness...plus I'm pleased with how it came out :)

What is on the agenda for this weekend for my friend Barry?

Just walked in the door, just about to post the official SCF post now for the weekend and will check out your post, I was thinking of you lots this week, I saw 2 plates from NY State in my city and made me think of you more than usual.

I'm glad to be thought of by you! I am so physched about this place right now for so many reasons!

We are gathered over at the main post now, but you are busy managing your million dollar NYS post I bet


I am always glad to hear from you, you are such a sweetie.

saunters back to SCF to wait for @dreemit / later to hold her hair back again

Thanks for the update!

Greetings to everyone at the campfire :)
What subjects are discussed or stories shared?
Or is art, music and jokes on the menu?

Pretty much anything goes, just as per the updated rules, not a lot of link dropping please

Okay, thanks.

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