Even the strong ones can feel weak and also need rest and shelter

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

The Strong Ones

In life, some people are naturally born the strong type, and some are trained to be strong. I do not mean those with strong huge muscular body stature, what I mean here are people with solid mental and emotional ability to cope and pull through alone when challenges hit them left and right. Whether in friendship or relationship with people, there bound to be one party who is the stronger one and the other party can confidently count on him/her, sort of a tower to lean on when problem arises.

Some people are born the strong superhero type.

I, for one, are being categorized as strong one by my friends and family. I am not sure how it happens, but people naturally think "I will be alright" or "I can handle it" when there is obstacle coming my way. Maybe....just maybe I am a person who does not talk much about my challenge or complain about a negative situation and it gives people the perception that "I am always alright". The pros are people will be less lightly worry about you, hence you will not be interrogated daily. But the cons are real too, that I may fall into self-pity and life can be lonely when you beat through the storm by yourself, also people tend rely on you too much for support.

Sometimes, I can feel lonely when I walk through the wilderness, yet I am still alright.

What I learn as the strong-type person

  1. It is okay to be not okay sometimes
  2. You don't have to help everyone that comes your way
  3. It is alright to say "No" when you are incapable to help
  4. Cry when you need to.
  5. Always have a time for yourself.
  6. Lower down your expectation on yourself and also on others. Remember not all can be strong all the time. So, don't judge.
  7. That you can't please everyone.
  8. Set your boundaries clearly. "Yes" means "Yes". "No" means "No".
  9. Learn to rest, relax and if need to, do not be shy to call for help. People are actually willing to help the strong one too.
  10. God is your main source of strength and He is the main shelter and strong tower.

How I look to God when I feel weak

There are few promises in the Bible that I will never fail to medidate on and it always give me much assurance and strength for daily life.

Psalm 91:1-4 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

And there are three songs by Hillsong that I will use to worship as I give my heart to Him, give Him all my burden in exchange for joy, freedom and strength. 😍

Made Me Glad

You Are Faithful

You Are My Strength

The other day, I saw one strong vehicle taking its rest and shelter, without hesitation I took a photo of it as it symbolises me (vehicle photography for @photocontests).


Are you also the strong type? What do you do when you feel weak? Hope my sharing here benefit you a little. 😊

Happy Valentine's Day to all. Remember to love yourself too. 💟

With love, @iamjadeline


Appreciator Footer.png

Animated Banner and Valentine's Video Created By @zord189


Thank you for sharing @iamjadeline!! Something that I can totally relate to as for most of the things you mentioned above. It's also quite assuring to know that I'm not alone in this. Sometimes we just need that love and support from one another and at the same time knowing that ultimately God's got our back! Jiayou jiayou! Always cheering for you!

Hi @scottjeromeyao yes you are not alone in this. You too jia you and God always has your back! 😁

thank you for sharing @iamjadeline

You are welcome @jhoni.

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We are pretty much the same personality and have the same thinking @iamjadeline. Totally can relate what you've written above. Haha.

Besides all the points above, i guess "sleep" is one of things that i'll do when i feel weak. Sometimes feel weak cause overthink or overstress. So needed to let my brain rest, then wake up and let the new grace every morning fill my another day with faith & hope. :)

We are quite similar in many areas. woot woot. Oh yes sleep is soooooo important 😊

thanks for sharing :) I’m definitely not the strong type so will take to heart a few of the points that you’ve made. I do see you as strong! 💪🏼 keep on keeping on. you’re an inspiration :)

Maybe you are the strong one but you are not aware. Anyway, you are as strong as yourself I believe. 🙂

aww. thanks! :)

Thanks for sharing :)
From time to time, I will feel weak and helpless, and then it is when I lowered my expectation of myself that I start to feel better.
And I tell myself, things which are happening to me, be it good or bad happens for a reason, and that reason, depending on what meaning I give it, and what action I take, determines my ultimate destiny.
Sometimes bad stuffs happen to me, and in that moment I may feel down. But after sometime, I realized it is a blessing in disguise as I am offered something even better.

I also remember 2 powerful quotes from Tony Robbins:

  1. Life do not happen to you, it happens for you
  2. People overestimate what they can do in a year, but they underestimate what they can do in 10 years.

What you shared is inspiring :)

Yes, often when we place too high an expectation on ourselves that we make ourselves feel helpless. I definitely love the the quotes you shared here. So how are things over at Australia? 🙂

Things here are great :D thanks for asking.
Although it's summer here, the weather alternates between hot and cool within a few days. And the people are friendly, you can or they will strike a conversation with you when you are over the counter buying something.

Malaysia is slowly catching the culture of 'striking a conversation'. Although I think there is still a need for someone to break the silent-ice in the lift, especially crowded lift. Lol

you are definitely right in the first 9 lessons that you have learnt. Saying no and standing your ground is necessary and are what mature, strong adults should do. Taking care of yourself and being your first priority is essential. without that, you cannot even help others that well.

I love it when you say "without that, you cannot even helps others that well". Thank you @poetrybyjeremy for dropping by to read. 😁

What I learn as the strong-type person

These are good things to have learnt. I am often told I am strong but I often feel like crying, , thanks for sharing with us all.

Yeah ironically people see us as strong, but we really often feel like crying, and they can't tell because we are strong to them. And I believe we are. 💪💪✌🙂. Take care @insideoutlet and thank you for dropping by.

really nice post.Personally,I believe I am the strong type but that doesn't mean that I don't have moments that I am not okay,as you mentioned.The best thing about being strong is that you have the ability to make others strong too and motivate them to become better.Thanks for sharing @iamjadeline

Yes. I think it is somewhat a gift for us. It is a blessing to be a blessing to others. 😊

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