JULY - SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge 3 - by @simplymike

The Golden D Homestead Li'L Garden Tour

This is a garden journal challenge by @simplymike, and while it's the third one they have had, it is the first I have entered and made a post about.


I know usually I'll show tons of images of my herb garden and different herbs, which I only have the oregano mixed in on this post, but I wanted to share some other events and gardening updates that have been happening here. We've had some horrendous heat and humidity here for the last two or so weeks, and I have been watching carefully to make sure no herbs, flowers and vegetables dehydrate or suffer. I am outside as soon as Mr Golden D leaves for work (5:30AM) as the sun starts to rise over the horizon; as I want to make sure the plants get all the water they can before the heat hits and the water evaporates.

So let's get started...

Last month I had wanted to start a new way of gardening; and so the Bottomless Bucket Ground Garden was born. In this post I showed an image of the zucchini bottomless buckets and today I share with you the growth from one of the zucchini plants. YES! I have zucchini!



Day-lily for a splash of color in the herb garden and my feverfew for medicinal uses: dehydrated flowers and leaves for tea and fresh flowers and leaves for tinctures.


The Kentucky Wonder beans will be getting a first picking this week as I have enough to sautee with some onions and garlic now. The Hungarian Peppers are coming along quite nice; I guess they are lovin' the heat and humidity we've had here recently.


One of my numerous sunflower varieties I planted in the front herb garden; and my AWESOME Mexican Sour Gherkin Cucumber. I can't wait for these to be harvested! This is my first time growing this variety and since I've had bad luck in the past with my cucumber growing abilities; to see this little guy has me excited.

Want to enter this challenge? Here's what you have to do...

Image courtesy of @simplymike. Here is the link to the post


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Awww, these look lovely and that first one deserves the spotlight for her flowers 💚

You're doing a great job dear, The flowers look awesome


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Feverfew is excellent for migraines! I am buying it now, but I have seeds for the new land by the lake. These flowers are really quite beautiful

yeah yeah yeah we all know that your new place is going to be paradise on steroids @smithlabs!

Well, I do intend to grow my own medicine. I will reserve Paradise for Heaven, LOL! :)

I have been calling it PIP...Pig In Prue! So it is not much right now, but we will see.

smithlabs..what is a Prue? ya gotta dumb things down for us rednecks out here. lol

Prue Oklahoma is the closest town. With town being a relative name, LOL! The old joke, about looking for a town, and driving through it...I DID that looking for Prue. Flat smooth missed it, had to turn around and drive back! :)

Thriving metropolis of 400 people, with no local store or gas station!

oh man, you at least gotta have a gas station to be a town!

Nope, the closest gas is 2.5 miles away, on the main highway. It is also a convenience store, with a hunter check station, welcome to red neck country my friend!

Prue has a Post Office 30x40 metal building, and a school; all other structures are private homes.... :)

I am 5 miles further out into the country from there!

hey at least it has a post office.

howdy today @goldendawne! Kentucky Wonder Beans are my favorite! who comes up with these great names?! lol God bless you!

Oh they're mine too! I love these the best for some reason.

@goldendawne your are using new techniques for frowning flower like lily it's unique :)

The oregano flowers are so pretty, thanks for sharing your garden :)

You have no idea how happy you made me by joining this time. I always love your garden updates .

The zucchini in your picture is about as big as mine. Because I sowed them too late, and had to replant it, I was afraid it there would be no zucchinis this year. But today I noticed the first little fellow, about the size of yours - which means there is still hope, lol.

Just to be sure, those are cucamelons you have growing there, right? I discovered these gorgeous and delicious mini watermelon-looking cucumbers last year and simply had to have them again this year. Every day, I check my plants, but the fruits are still small... but they are there, it is just a matter of patience :0)
How I love those... <3

Did you know you can dig out the roots at the end of the season, overwinter them in a dark, frost-free place and replant them in spring?

Just to be sure, those are cucamelons you have growing there, right?

Nope.. the package I used these from I bought at Annie's Heirloom seeds (I think) and it's labeled as Mexican Sour Gherkins. I thought the same thing, that they were cucamelons also so I had to double check my package. They look the same, so I am wondering if they are the same just depends on where you live geographically.

No, I didn't know that about the roots- it's def something to consider!!

@goldendawne, just looked it up. it appears to be the same plant.

Yesterday I checked my plants and noticed the first ones were almost ready to eat. Yummy!!

Melothria scabra
Melothria scabra is a vine grown for its edible fruit. Fruit are about the size of grapes and taste like cucumbers with a tinge of sourness. Vernacular names include mouse melon, Mexican sour gherkin, cucamelon, Mexican miniature watermelon, Mexican sour cucumber and pepquinos.This plant is native to Mexico and Central America,
where it is called sandiita (little watermelon). It is believed to have been a domesticated crop before western contact began.

So this @wikitextbot posts the text of the article which is linked to?
Cool! I just wonder why there is no source reference of its own...

I love contests! Will have to put something together. Your oregano looks great. I have a small plant but no where near blooming. I snip fresh leaves off for spaghetti sauce.

I had planted new oregano last year and this year it has quadrupled in size and the space it takes up in the herb garden. I may have to separate some and make the area smaller. It also grew super fast too, so I have an abundance of oregano; luckily we like it a lot!

I had the opposite problem. My little plant of oregano was getting choked out by other plants. Hubs had to replace a tire on the riding lawn mover and I put the old tire into the ground and packed soil in and around it - put the oregano inside. It seems to be happy to have it’s own space.

INGENIOUS idea!!! Great usage of the old tire. I should consider doing that in the back of our property near the creek bed... tires would be perfect there!

Lovely pictures. The morning garden is so energizing don't you think? When I walk out to my garden in the mornings I take a deep breath and let it fill me with peace and relaxation.

Until the rooster crows, the hen pecks my toe, the pony gets out, the duck chases the cat or my Arabian yells at me to get his breakfast....

But it's awesome while it lasts.

Love the lifestyle!

Loved your post!

Until the rooster crows, the hen pecks my toe, the pony gets out, the duck chases the cat or my Arabian yells at me to get his breakfast...

YES!! As my husband says.. life is peaceful until someone else wakes up- lol

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