My next steemit goals!

I am a person who always tries to set achievable targets. Probably because I am an analyst and have lots of interest in statistics! By stetting targets you can measure your progress and it will be easier to see what works and what doesn't.
Also I do find it nice to work towards a goal! Without a goal, I do have the feeling that I am running in circles with no purpose at all.

While I did have the idea already longer in my head, the last post of @costanza triggered me to set some goals! Also more time will be freed up, now the registration for the SBC World cup contest has been closed!



The problem with setting goals or targets is that is extremely hard to set them on a correct level.
One could compare it with high jumping. If you raise the bar the high, you will never be able to jump over it, when the lower the bar too low, you will be able to just step over it!
So there is a fine line, between setting an achievable goal or an unrealistic!

The most important target I do have here is to have fun. When the fun part stops, I will never reach the targets below. I am just not an money hungry wolf!

Steem Power

The money is not my main goal, believe it or not. I do like the money but I do see it as merely as nice side effect! My main goal is to be able to support other and to able to do this, I do need the power!
Without Steem Power I will not be able to support others! I could support with tips and advice and I will, but when you do want to make an impact here, you will need to power. That's one of the lessons I learned from @tarazkp!

So my next goal is to become a minnow based on my own SP. At the moment I do have around 300 Steem Power and I will give myself 20 weeks to grow to 500!
That would mean that my account has to grow with 10 steem per week. Last month was incredible with an increase of 127 steem power. But this was out of this world and I probably will never be capable of achieving a month like this. But I will try :)

This will be done with own posts and comments! But all will have to be genuine! Max 2 posts a day and yes I sometimes will still spam you with some pictures from my daily life!


This is more difficult because each level is double as hard to reach as the previous one. While I don't think that reputation should matter a lot, it does for most people so it does for me.
I do can understand that people aren't interested in a rep sub 30, but above that there really shouldn't be any difference. People do confuse power with reputation. To make things clear, I will reach rep 55 next week but I am still a poor bastard on the blockchain!
So let's assume that I would like to reach level 60. Probably I am rising the bar to high here! But we will see!



After the world cup, I will have more free time to help develop this great community a little bit more. I think I can consider myself as one of the founders, or at least an early adopter!
My goal is the get more power to the bot and to make it a real interactive community! To achieve this I will donate each week some of my earned SBD to the SBC Bot, this way I do support a lot of great Steemians and it does feel a little bit as our baby.
Which I do consider more important, is that I do want to see that the member of our community start to interact with each other. And on discord and for sure on the Steem Blockchain. In the past week I did see some progress in the interaction, which did gave me a great feeling.
People really do underestimate how much work, time and effort the following people are putting into this, without any financial reward! These are @acelad, @stimp1024, @costanza and @beat-the-bookies. Lost of the work we are doing are unnoticed to most of our members but we are working hard to make it a great community. I also do want to thank all of our member who are interactive, not only with us, but with all members of the community! THANK YOU! We do have more than 100 member on the discord channel and I only can advice all of you to follow each other. You can't imagine what kind of difference a genuine comment can make!


A community I did join in the past weeks. Joining is a wrong word. I was accepted as member. So thanks for it. As long as the World cup is running I will not be able to give the attention to this community, which it deserves, but I promise more interaction and engagement after the World Cup!
So @jaynie thanks for accepting me! It is a great community to belong to!


Well I have to thank @josephsavage for creating this. It is more than just a basic income program. They are really trying to create a great community, this will happen step by step but just like with the SBC and #steemitbloggers you can count on me! Let's rock!
I am not the only one believing in this program, @cicbar is for sure. Thanks for your ongoing support mate! But also one of the most firm believers of steem @taskmaster4450 does!

@abh12345 Engagement league


Well to be honest, I wouldn't have gotten this far without Asher engagement league. Not by winning prices but I did point out to me that interaction and engagement is the key to success (besides buying lots of Steem.
If you are not already involved in his league, don't hesitate to do! Everybody who want to make the best out of his/her Steem experience should be part of this! There are so many wonderful people participating.
Even when I was an even smaller red fish, I decided the sponsor the Lucky Number 25 with a SBI share. My engagement was initially for ten weeks. But I will continue doing this, as long as I can. I hope I can extend this to at least the end of the year. At the beginning of each week, after paying the sponsered share, my first priority is to get enough liquid Steem so that I could sponsor the next week!
Asher you can count on me! And maybe I can push this sponsoring a little bit further. I will do my utmost best to do this!
For the ones who still have a witness spot available! Check out @steemcommunity, ran by @abh12345 and @paulag. Check them out and see if they deserve your witness vote, for sure they have mine!

Wing man!

wing man.jpg

I am now a little bit more than 5 months active on the Steem blockchain and I still remember my first weeks. I was so ignorant and didn't know how things worked around here. By being interactive I did get to know lots of people here. Some which I even can call friends and do know their first name!
So it is time, to give something back and prevent others from doing the same mistakes.
That's why I will support one newcomer on the Steemit blockchain until he/she reaches 50 own SP.
This support goes from connecting them to people with common interests, writing posts with a better quality and by giving them upvotes!
The first lucky bastard is @davolitius!
When he does reach 50 own SP, I will ask the community for a new member who they think needs and deserves !

And you?

Did you have set any goals regarding your Steemit journey!
Or do you think that my goals are to ambitious or just not!
I like to here it!

Keep the faith,

Sports Bettors On Steemit Unite and Join the SBC !



Those sound like excellent goals - not easy, but definitely achievable. Welcome to the #steemitbloggers community, by the way - once @jaynie welcomed me into the fold, I found my Steemit profile growing by leaps and bounds (or now, since the market is down, slowly but surely - LOL). Best of luck to you reaching your goals!

Thanks @traciyork
I am honered to be accepted to the steemitbloggers community. Looks already like a great community, I just need to make more time free for it!
I am not looking at the value of my account but to the steem power! Regardless of the value of steem this grows steadily. When the value of steem increases the upvotes also have more value, when the price drops, the value of the upvotes drops too but of course it is cheaper to power up the SBDs.

Very true, Peter - and you're welcome! 😊

I'll help you out :)

We will help each other @sames!

I really need to set some Steemit goals. I keep meaning to but finding time to post is limited let alone time to set goals. I think it could help me a lot if I did. Thanks for putting it back into my mind and good luck on hitting all yours.

It will help @insideoulet. As long as they goals are achievable and you are competitive!
Let me know when you have yours set. It would be great to see them!

@fullcoverbetting I will, still on the to do list, I thought that we may have some more time while in Thailand, but babies take up all of it, even when they sleep they stress you out with the are they breathing are they not etc... lol.

Glad we are past that phase. The boys are 6 and 9.
Try then to post a photo once a day of the scenery or so. Add a few line to it and work from there!
Enjoy your time in 🇹🇭!

Great advice. 😁 we look forward to getting him home so we can get into a better routine.

Your goals are not too ambitious at all. As you say Keep the faith. Regarding pictures from your daily life I don't consider spam at all. Spam are the ones that some people download and share as if there were theirs. I tried to post with steepshot which is dedicated for this kind of posts, but it doesn't work in 90% of the cases. Since we don't have a proper app for that kind of photo shares I see no problem in posting them with the browser or esteem, which works pretty good on android.

Thanks for the kind words @acesontop
I put the pictures in there to make the blog more genuine. Giving something away from my daily life!

Hey @fullcoverbetting, you're the best. thank you for the trust you give me. I will never forget this push in the back! A big thank you to you, ene dikke Merci!
Keep on rocking dude!

I'm the same when it comes down to setting goals.
When I started on Steemit the main objective was to test it out and understand the platform. (fully understanding steemit is still in progress)
Once saw the potential on how this platform could help me to stay sharp during the betting season and provide an small extra source of income in the process I set a goal to reach 5k SP and over time make around 200€ monthly from my blog.

The 5k was reached by slowly cost average buying some steem and powering it up. (I think I bought 4.5k steem between 0.8$ aand 1.2$) With the rise in SBD I used some of my earnings to reinvest in other coins (EOS mainly) without powering down.

Kick starting and growing the sport betting community was also one of the goals I set which exceeded all my expectations so far.

Right now my goals are pretty conflicting, I would like to make everything far more time efficient. Mainly making posts takes way too much time without really showing a return that justifies it. On the other side I would really like to start promoting steemit to the online betting community, be more active in posting comments and start my own scalable group upvote project. Too much to do with too little time.

Good luck reaching the 500SP, I expect you will reach that easily.

Kick starting and growing the sport betting community was also one of the goals I set which exceeded all my expectations so far.

It indeed is! More than 100 discord users. 50 whitelisted members. It is just great that see a plan come together. And we are only 2 months old!

I really look forward to your own scalable group. You know that if I can assist you with something, you have to let me know! And yes, it will be done without expecting any rewards. Just to be clear!

We all need some luck here on the platform. Just by bumping into the right people. Without the SBC and for instance @cicbar, I probably wouln't have half the power I do have now!

Considering your goals: pick the one first, which gives you the most energy. And go from there! There is nothing wrong woth adjusting goals over time!

Cheers and thank you for being here,

Ok namesake, I see your goals and think they are achievable. Since we all depend on the crypto market and how steem and sbd stand lets keep our fingers crossed that all goes well. When crypto rises, those goals are very easy but when it falls, not so much. Good luck! 💚

Thanks @zen-art my experience is that it is easier when the cryptomarket drops. Related with that there is a huge drop in activity here, which makes it easier to get noticed!

That time would be now :)

It indeed it. This week full throttle! Lets kick some ass 😁

Bro, I got all cylinders firing tonight. Chugged a whole pot of coffee before work tonight. I can feel my toe hairs communicating. I. Love. Coffee.

Consistency and intensity... i'm sure you'll achieve your goals, Peter.

I hope I can. I will try and see how far I will get!

Really 127 Steem last month? What did I miss?

If you reach your goal you can buy 5 sbi shares per week. So 1 sbi will be an eggie (eitje 😀)

Had 2 big upvotes and converted 20 sbd from the savings.

My only real goal is to learn more and extract more out the platform. I said i'd give it a year and see what comes of it. Sure id like to also hit a rep of 60 and 500 SP in the process but i'm just taking it as it comes and documenting my steps for the next peeps who are making their way through the ecosystem.

Wish you all the best with you goals and if i can steal some tips from you, you best believe im going to do it

Just like I am watching you. To see what works and what doesn't! Together we will conquer! :)

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